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Allergy and Mental Health: The Link

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5 min read


Research shows that individuals with allergies show a higher incidence of mental health conditions than others. Read further to know more.

Written by

Dr. Ssneha. B

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Published At February 8, 2024
Reviewed AtFebruary 19, 2024


Allergies are common, but they can get in the way of a person’s ability to carry out their day-to-day activities, and the symptoms can make them refrain from engaging in social interactions. It is estimated by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America that more than 50 million people suffer from symptoms of allergy every year. Individuals dealing with allergies are susceptible to experiencing mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. An allergic reaction can develop in response to food or environmental factors. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, allergies are considered to be the sixth leading cause of chronic (long-term) illness in the United States.

There are several possible explanations to explain the link between allergies and mental health, some of which are as follows:

  • Allergies are a kind of inflammation. It is believed that the inflammatory substances called cytokines that direct allergies may have an impact on the brain and mental health.

  • Also, medications used to treat allergies, like first-generation antihistamines, are known to produce sedation in many individuals.

  • The feeling of not being well itself could act as a psychological stressor. The common symptoms of allergies, like nasal congestion, cough, and post-nasal drip, could hinder one’s sleep. It is well known that poor or insufficient sleep can result in mental health conditions.

  • Those living with allergies may have to deal with more bad days than good ones. Feeling sick for a day or two would not hamper one’s mood. One has to keep going with one's routine work even if one experiences the symptoms of allergies. Based on the severity of the symptoms, one’s performance at work or school may be affected.

  • Though a few individuals do not attribute allergies to be the cause of their depression, there can be a long-standing link between one’s physical health and mood.

  • Further, stressful events or illnesses could add fuel to the fire. For instance, being diagnosed with cancer or any other chronic disease could make one feel depressed.

Allergies are not serious health conditions but feeling sick for a long time can affect one emotionally regardless of the severity of the illness.

What Is the Correlation Between Allergies and Various Mental Health Conditions?

The correlation between allergies and various mental health conditions is as follows:

  • Anxiety: Allergies, in general, were found to be linked with anxiety, with a stronger correlation for atopic dermatitis (itchy inflammation of the skin) than for hay fever (an allergic response that causes itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and other symptoms) or asthma (inflammation of an individual’s airways making it narrow resulting in swelling and production of extra mucus causing difficulty breathing).

  • Depression: A strong correlation between allergies, self-reported depression, and major depressive disorder was found. Also asthma, hay fever, and atopic dermatitis were also found to be strongly linked with depression.

  • Bipolar Disorder: Asthma was found to be associated with bipolar disorder (a mental disorder in which one has episodes of mood swings that range from depressive lows to manic highs), and so were allergies in general.

  • Neuroticism: Allergies in general, atopic dermatitis, and hay fever were found to be associated with neuroticism (a personality trait with a tendency toward depression, self-doubt, anxiety, and other negative feelings). Hay fever seems to have a minimal impact on neuroticism.

  • Schizophrenia: The only allergy linked with schizophrenia (a mental condition in which a person is unable to differentiate between the real and the imaginary world) is hay fever. This relation seems to have a protective effect in that individuals with hay fever were less likely to be affected by schizophrenia.

What Are the Common Allergy Symptoms?

The following are some of the common allergy symptoms:

  • Coughing.

  • Headaches.

  • Itchiness in the eyes.

  • Sneezing and sniffing.

  • Facial pressure or pain due to nasal congestion.

  • Heavy breathing through the mouth.

  • Wheezing and shortness of breath.

  • Hives formed from a raised rash.

Severe symptoms can cause nose bleeding, gastrointestinal issues, ear pain, and ear infections. Though allergies are common, they can be difficult to diagnose since the symptoms mimic other medical conditions. There is no specific cure for allergies, but treatment can help reduce the symptoms. Medications for allergies called antihistamines can help provide relief from the symptoms, but side effects like drowsiness can hinder one’s sleeping patterns and daily activities.

What Can Be Done to Avoid Mental Health Being Affected Due to Allergies?

A holistic approach has to be made which involves treating both the symptoms of allergy as well as the mental health issue. Mental health can be protected in those living with allergies in the following ways:

  • A trial of a long-acting, non-sedating antihistamine like Cetirizine, Loratadine, or Fexofenadine can be helpful if the primary symptoms are itching and sneezing.

  • Nasal corticosteroid sprays can help relieve nasal congestion but have to be used regularly for two to four weeks to view the full effect.

  • One has to make a note of the things they are allergic to. If one feels itchy after wearing a particular fabric, then such fabrics have to be avoided. In case of food allergy, one must avoid consuming food that causes allergies like shellfish, peanuts, or any other food type that causes allergic symptoms.

  • After identifying the allergen, one has to work to eliminate the allergen or minimize contact with it. For example, if one is allergic to dust or dust mites, then vacuuming, cleaning with a microfiber towel, and washing bedding regularly may help. If one has a seasonal allergy to pollen, then the pollen count in one’s area can be checked so that prolonged outdoor activity on high pollen days can be avoided. One can wear a mask while working in the yard, cleaning the house, or when going outdoors.

  • Cigarette smoke should be avoided.

  • The nasal passages can be rinsed. Sipping water or hot liquids can thin the mucus in the throat.

  • The indoor air has to be cleaned from time to time using an air purifier. Air purifiers will help filter out any unwanted airborne allergens. An ideal air purifier is one that will clean pollen, dust, and pet dander suspended in the air before it could trigger any allergies.

  • If one feels stressed due to allergies, one has to remember the fact that there are many ways to overcome stress and anxiety. Some of the ways include doing yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, going for a walk, eating a healthy diet, and sleeping sufficiently.

  • Acupuncture has gained popularity in recent times as an alternative to conventional treatments for allergies. Research has found acupuncture to significantly minimize the nasal symptoms of allergies.

  • One must be aware of the possible side effects of prescription and over-the-counter allergy medications. Though these medications can provide the needed effect, they can cause drowsiness, constipation, or an upset stomach. Mostly, the side effects are temporary, but they can make one feel worse and can aggravate the symptoms of anxiety or depression. One must stop taking the drug if they notice any unpleasant side effects and consult with their physician for an alternative medication.

  • Since allergies are linked with inflammation, doctors recommend those with allergies have an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fiber, probiotics, and omega-3s. Including fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants will help boost the immune system.

  • Fragrances like perfumes and candles that may trigger allergies should be avoided.

  • Both children and adults dealing with allergies should indulge in an active lifestyle that promotes both physical and emotional well-being.

  • Apart from identifying and treating various symptoms of allergies, it is important to consult a mental health professional regarding the mental health issue that one has. Speaking with a psychiatrist or a counselor can help lower stress levels and provide ways to address mental issues. One can also involve themselves in support groups and connect with those dealing with similar conditions.


It is common for many people to have seasonal or year-long allergies. Allergies are a common inflammatory condition that can cause disturbing, unpleasant symptoms. If one is unable to control the symptoms, then allergies can result in anxiety or depression. These symptoms can make it difficult for one to carry out their daily activities. By taking the right medications and following lifestyle changes, one can minimize the occurrence of allergy symptoms. This, in turn, will have a positive impact on one’s mental health. In case one is unable to deal with mental health issues due to allergies, one should not hesitate to seek help from a medical health professional.

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Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi
Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi



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