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Iron Regulation in Inflammatory Disorders

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Inflammatory diseases could inflict disruptions and derangements in the blood’s iron proportions. Read to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Published At May 24, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 24, 2024


A key element with variegated functionalities in the human body is iron. However, the reactivity potentialities imparted on the iron make it critically essential to have a regulation system. It is through the regulatory elements that the iron proportions and its magnitude are being modulated and governed. Certain disease conditions or other medical comorbidities instigate aberrations in iron regulation and thereby invoke iron dyshomeostasis. Iron dyshomeostasis is the medical denomination for imbalanced and unhealthy iron proportions, and it could bring forth alarming health implications.

What Are Inflammatory Disorders?

Against certain ailments or injuries, the human body puts up certain immune reactions to ward off the infectious agent called inflammation, which is considered to be a normal physiological activity. Soreness, redness, puffiness, and raised temperature are the various attributes of inflammation that could be perceived externally. However, at times, these immune-guided reactions are misdirected and might be encountered exaggeratedly, inflicting harm to their own cells. Though the immune cells are designed to defend against any pathogenic entities, they could also inflict harm to self-cells, giving rise to inflammatory disorders. Inflammatory disorders are a subcategory of ailments that embrace numerous other disease conditions that propagate by inflicting inflammation. Below quoted are some notable inflammatory disorders:

  • Psoriasis (hyperactive immune cells prompt exaggerated skin cell proliferation).

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (immune cells get misdirected to target the joint cells and inflict mutilation of the joint structure).

  • Asthma (immune cells strike the airway channel, prompting its constriction and collapse).

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (immune cells inflicting harm to gut microbiome and intestinal cells).

  • Myositis (harm to muscle cells evoked by misdirected immune cells).

  • Lupus (misdirected immune cells stroking vital organ cells and harming them).

  • Vasculitis (immune cells targeting the cells that frame the blood well wall).

Do Inflammatory Disorders Instigate Disruptions in Iron Regulation?

Inflammatory disorders could bring forth disruptions and upsets in the iron regulations. Certain hormonal and protein entities concerned with iron regulation are modulated by inflammatory disorders. By instituting revisions and fluctuations in these iron regulators, appreciable alterations get projected in the iron proportions. Hepcidin, an iron-regulating enzyme liberated by liver cells, encounters an upliftment in its liberation. Certain chemical mediators concerned with inflammation, like pro-inflammatory mediators, trigger the shoot-up in hepcidin, which in turn fosters fluctuation in iron homeostasis. Therefore, inflammatory conditions or ailments appreciate and upscale the hepcidin liberation as part of the body’s acute phase response to the ailment. Overstated hepcidin discharge thus deranges and unsettles the iron-level homeostasis.

How Does Hepcidin Function in Iron Homeostasis?

Hepcidin, which is being recognized and perceived to be one of the key players in iron homeostasis, balances and tunes the iron availability in the circulation. It disables the intestinal uptake of iron into circulation, thus downscaling the incoming iron. Similarly, hepcidin also exerts its ascendancy over iron reservoirs. The hepcidin downregulates iron availability by shutting off the liberation of iron from its reservoir cells like macrophages (a subset of white blood cells), within which significant proportions of iron are being gathered and aggregated. Likewise, hepcidin also impedes the uptake of iron from the intestinal cells.

The iron that is absorbed and up-taken from the dietary inputs resides within the intestinal cells. From the gut cells, the iron has to be then guided into the circulation. This conveyance and shipment of the iron is piloted by a specific carrier protein, otherwise called iron transport protein, that is designated for aiding the transportation called ferroportin. The hepcidin molecules engage with the ferroportin, thus impeding and hampering the shipment of iron out of the intestinal cells.

In both these ways, hepcidin palliates and undermines the body's iron proportions, suspending and unsettling systemic iron homeostasis. This abnormality of iron homeostasis engenders iron unavailability and deprivation for vial bodily activities like red cell genesis. Furthermore, inflammatory disorders foster aberration in iron-level homeostasis through notable upsetting in iron trafficking. However, in a healthy state, once the body's iron proportions taper down, the body signals to delimit and shut off the hepcidin liberation, which enables the ingress and incoming of iron into circulation from intestinal input. Once the hepcidin influences wear off, the iron reservoir cells also shell out the stored iron, thus augmenting iron-level homeostasis.

What Health Crises Emerge Due to Disrupted Iron Regulation in Inflammatory Disorders?

Abnormalities of iron homeostasis could instigate and call forth health crises. One such health crisis that emerges from unsettled iron-level homeostasis is anemia of chronic disease. Overstated hepcidin discharge is the prime culprit and driving force that translates into anemia of chronic disease. The heightened hepcidin liberation downturns the blood’s iron proportion, owing to its mastery over intestinal iron uptake and iron liberation from reservoirs. This prompts the drop-down of iron availability, critically hampering the red cell genesis process.

Furthermore, hemoglobin also causes affliction through iron scarcity in circulation. Thus, inflammatory disease indirectly paves the way for anemia, where red cell count and hemoglobin proportions deplete and downturn drastically. The anemia that is inflicted by inflammatory conditions is designated as anemia of chronic disease, where the body still holds within the notable proportion of iron, but their blood proportions remain marginal and inferior as the iron shipment from reservoir cells is being impeded by hepcidin. The reserved iron is confined and closed off within the reservoir cells despite the iron level deprivation exhibited in the bloodstream. Anemia of chronic disease is otherwise quoted as anemia of inflammation. It is inflicted when the inflammatory condition lingers and endures for over three months. Exhausted feelings, shortness of breath, faintness, iron metabolism, and iron trafficking across the body are critical, and any disruptions could have health implications, necessitating medical guidance and assistance.


Inflammatory disorders could bring out alterations and aberrations in the iron trafficking, which in turn unsettle the iron level homeostasis in the blood. This disruption in iron homeostasis is invoked by the inflammation-triggered overactivity of hepcidin. Thus, depleted and knocked-down iron proportions eventually give rise to chronic disease anemia. In such cases, the body manifests anemia, even with notable iron proportions in the reservoir cells. Prompt strategies ought to be instituted to deal with the underlying inflammatory disease that has brought out anemia of chronic disease. The disease condition often guides the interventional strategies nominated. Accordingly, the medical team advocates for treatment modalities to counter and balance out the depletion in the blood iron proportion.

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Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)


importance of iron for human health
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