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HomeHealth articlesprostate cancerHow Is Prostatitis Different From Prostate Cancer?

Inflammation and Prostate Cancer - An Insight

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Prostate cancer arises from the uncontrolled division of cells inside the prostate tissue, leading to the formation of tumors, and prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate.

Written by

Dr. Palak Jain

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan

Published At May 22, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 22, 2024


The prostate produces part of the fluid that makes up semen. It is in front of the rectum and beneath the bladder. When the cells in the prostate gland proliferate uncontrollably, prostate cancer results. Contrarily, prostatitis is a distinct ailment affecting the prostate gland. Usually, it is not as bad. One may have pain, inflammation, or infection if they have prostatitis. Prostate cancer is malignant, whereas prostatitis is a benign illness. However, certain symptoms are similar in both illnesses. An extremely prevalent urinary tract condition is prostatitis. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in the United States.

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The development of prostate cancer occurs when cells within the prostate's tissue get malignant and multiply out of control. The majority of prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas, meaning that the disease starts in the gland's secretory cells, which are where the body makes prostatic fluid. However, other local cells can potentially become prostate cancer. Although death rates vary by ethnic group, prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer in men in the United States.

What Is Prostatitis?

A disease of the prostate gland called prostatitis is typically accompanied by inflammation. In addition to discomfort in the groin, pelvic region, or genitalia, prostatitis frequently results in painful or difficult urination. Bacterial infections occasionally cause prostatitis, but not always.

What Causes Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer?

Prostatitis frequently has an unknown cause. A urinary tract issue, catheter use, sex-related infections, bacterial infections, or bladder infections can all increase the risk of contracting it. To determine the precise cause of pain, the doctor might need to do several tests. Nonetheless, it is critical to identify any potential causes. When bacteria enter the prostate, bacterial prostatitis develops. Blood, prostate fluid, and pee all contain bacteria. This kind of virus cannot infect the sexual partner. Inflammation, nerve injury, or stress may be associated with nonbacterial prostatitis. It could also occur if the body responds negatively to a previous injury or infection.

Bacterial prostatitis can have various causes, such as:

  • Infections or stones in the bladder.

  • Urinary catheterization is necessary for surgery or a biopsy.

  • Stones in the prostate.

  • Abscesses in the prostate.

  • Bladder retention, or the inability to empty the bladder.

  • Infections of the urinary tract (UTIs).

  • One typical ailment where the prostate enlarges with age is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH.

  • Hooks and loops.

Prostate cancer also has an unclear etiology. Doctors are aware, however, that it starts with a change in the DNA of the prostate cells. These alterations instruct the cells to proliferate and divide more quickly than typical cells.

Prostate cancer is associated with certain risk factors.

They consist of:

  • Advanced Age - Prostate cancer is more common in older adults. After the age of fifty, it is particularly prevalent.

  • Ancestry - Individuals may have an increased risk of prostate cancer if they have a family member who has the disease, such as a parent, child, or sibling. If they have a significant family history of breast cancer or a family history of genes known as BRCA1 or BRCA2, which increase the risk of breast cancer, they may also be at risk of prostate cancer.

  • Race - Experts are unsure of the exact cause, but Black people are more likely than persons of other races to develop prostate cancer. Prostate cancer that is aggressive or advanced is also more common in Black people.

  • Being Overweight - Individuals who are obese may be more susceptible to prostate cancer than those who maintain a healthy weight. However, research has produced conflicting results. Prostate cancer may potentially become more severe and recur even after therapy if an individual is obese.

What Are the Symptoms Associated With Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer patients who are in the early stages typically show no symptoms at all. Symptoms of more advanced cases may include the following:

  • Problems with urine, such as a weak stream and increased frequency of urination, particularly at night.

  • Releasing blood-filled semen or pee.

  • Having trouble getting and keeping an erection.

  • Lack of control over the bladder or intestines and weakness or numbness in the lower limbs.

  • Bone discomfort brought on by the cancer's spread.

What Are the Symptoms Associated With Prostatitis?

Prostatitis can have different signs and symptoms depending on the disease.

These could consist of:

  • Dysuria, or painful or burning urination.

  • Urinary difficulties, such as dribbling or hesitant urination.

  • Nocturia, or frequent urinating, especially during the night.

  • Murky pee.

  • Urine contains blood.

  • Lower back, groin, or abdominal pain.

  • Pain in the perineum, the region between the rectum and the scrotum.

  • Discomfort or pain in the testicles or penis.

  • Painful ejaculation.

How Is Prostatitis Treated?

Treatments for prostatitis differ based on the underlying reason.

  • Urinary: Medications like Tamsulosin and Alfuzosin relax the muscles surrounding your prostate and bladder to enhance urine flow.

  • Psychosocial: Managing stress might be beneficial. For anxiety, despair, and catastrophizing, an overreaction to little stressors that are frequent in people with chronic pain, some people benefit from therapy or medication.

  • Organ: Supplements containing quercetin and bee pollen may help alleviate an irritated, enlarged prostate gland.

  • Neurologic: Prescription analgesics that alleviate neurogenic pain include Gabapentin and Amitriptyline. Fibromyalgia or pain radiating into the arms, legs, or back are possible causes of this pain.

  • Tenderness: Myofascial release, a mild massage technique that relieves tension in taut pelvic floor muscles, may be used in pelvic floor physical therapy. Muscle spasms can be lessened or eliminated with this therapy.

How Is Prostate Cancer Treated?

Various circumstances also determine prostate cancer treatment. It depends on the extent and rate of cancerous growth, general health, and potential adverse effects of treatment.

The physician may recommend:

  • Prostate surgery.

  • Radiation treatment.

  • Heating or freezing the tissue in the prostate.

  • Hormone replacement treatment.

  • Chemotherapy.

  • Immunotherapy.

  • Specific medication treatment.


The walnut-shaped prostate is a gland that produces hormones and semen. Prostate-related illnesses, including cancer and prostatitis, can impair the prostate's ability to function and produce similar symptoms. These two illnesses may share similar symptoms but are not the same. Prostatitis is the painful inflammation of the prostate, usually brought on by an infection or damage. On the other hand, malignant cells within the prostate tissue cause prostate cancer, a more severe illness. It is best to consult a doctor if someone notices difficulties urinating or ejaculating.

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Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan
Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan

Medical oncology


prostate cancerchronic prostatitis
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