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HomeHealth articlesdental retainerWhat Are Essix Retainers?

Essix Retainers - An Insight

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Essix retainer is a removable type of retainer used after orthodontic treatment to prevent relapse. Read on to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. P. C. Pavithra Pattu

Published At December 7, 2021
Reviewed AtOctober 30, 2023


Retainers are important dental appliances used after finishing orthodontic treatment, like braces or aligners. Their main job is to keep the teeth straight and stop them from going back to how they were before. Retainers are specially made for each person to make sure they fit comfortably. They can be taken out or fixed, and the duration of retainer usage varies depending on individual needs. Wearing orthodontic retainers regularly, as advised by the orthodontist, is important for keeping the results of orthodontic treatment and having a nice smile that lasts.

What Are Essix Retainers?

Essix retainers are a removable type of retainer, which are clear and removable plastic trays or molds that fit over the teeth. These are entirely transparent trays and are less noticeable than traditional wire retainers. Essix retainer covers the entire arch of teeth, unlike conventional Hawley's retainer, and is therefore called overlay retainer.

How Long Do Essix Retainers Last?

The average lifespan of an Essix retainer is around 18 to 24 months. But if proper care is taken, they can last for a more extended period. If the Essix retainer set gets damaged, an orthodontist should be contacted for a new set of Essix retainers. For such situations, one should have one extra set of retainers. If the older set is misplaced or broken and the individual is relocated to a new place, a new orthodontist can help them get a new set of Essix retainers.

How Long Should One Wear Essix Retainers?

Duration of wear depends on the type of case. For the first six months, they should be worn full time, and afterward, it is advised to wear only at night time for a year or two.

What Are the Pros of Essix Retainers?

Essix retainers have many advantages.

  • They are removable.

  • They are easy to clean as they are easily removable. Remove, brush, and keep it in the cleaning solution for better hygiene.

  • They are of exact and secure fit of the teeth as they are molded on the teeth, and so it gives comprehensive retention and is more effective.

  • They are comfortable.

  • They are molded on teeth and provide retention and long-lasting effectiveness while keeping the teeth in place.

  • They can be easily cleaned by brushing and soaking them in the cleaning solution for easy and better hygiene, unlike the permanent retainer, which is difficult to remove.

  • Essix retainers are transparent and so are comparatively less recognizable.

  • Essix retainers are removable, so they do not interfere while eating or drinking.

  • After the meal, they should be cleaned with water and then worn to maintain hygiene. On the other hand, a permanent retainer is challenging to clean as food and other debris gets stuck or trapped in the permanent retainer.

  • There will not be any food restrictions with the Essix retainer. They are removable and can be removed when the individual has their favorite food, so no fear of debonding like a permanent bonded retainer.

  • Essix retainers are lightweight and less bulky, and therefore, less likely to irritate gums, lips, and tongue when compared to wire retainer or Hawley's retainer.

  • There is no wire component in the Essix retainer, so there will be no soft tissue irritation or soft tissue trauma, or hurting.

  • Speech impairment will be less with Essix retainers when compared to the permanent retainer, which will be with wire components and comparatively heavier than Essix.

What Are the Cons of Essix Retainers?

  • Essix retainers or plastic retainers are less sturdy, delicate, and less durable than permanent retainers or retainers with wire components.

  • The process of making an Essix retainer is to mold plastic on models of a person’s teeth. Hence, there is no other possibility to do minor correction or adjustment, whereas with retainers having wire components, one can do minor adjustments and corrections.

  • As the Essix retainer is made up of plastic, one has to take extra care to protect it from heat and breakage.

  • When an Essix retainer is exposed to heat, it may warp and may not be helpful further.

  • Breakage or crack cannot be repaired; it needs to be replaced.

  • Essix is transparent retainers; they are clear plastic. Hygiene and maintenance are essential if one has to keep its esthetic proper. When Essix is not cleaned correctly, it may take up stains of food and discolor and will not be esthetic anymore, so maintenance is equally important.

  • There might be a slight discomfort for a patient while wearing an Essix retainer because the upper and lower retainer touches each other.

  • Patient compliance is a must in the case of Essix retainer as it is removable compared to the fixed retainer.

How to Eat With Essix Retainer?

Essix retainer has to be worn full time except while having food. Use the case of retainer given, to keep both of the retainers while having food; then, after food, do not forget to brush the teeth and rinse the retainer. After that, put them back in the mouth. Similarly, brush the teeth before putting the retainer back in the mouth at night before sleeping.

Are Essix Retainers a Temporary Solution for Missing Tooth?

In recent years, Essix retainers have been used as a temporary solution for hiding a hole created by a missing tooth by painting a retainer white, like a tooth at the site of the missing tooth. But this is not a permanent solution for a lost tooth replacement.

How Should We Clean Essix Retainers?

  • Do not use toothpaste to clean Essix retainers as it may cause scratches.

  • Use lukewarm water and a soft-bristle brush for cleaning. Use a storage box for retainers provided for keeping retainers when not in use.

  • Rinse the retainer with cold water every time it is removed or put back.

  • Do not keep the retainer in hot water or sunlight as it will distort.

  • Wash the retainer with a specialized cleaning solution once every two or three months.


Routine dental hygiene protocol should not change because of wearing retainers. To maintain adequate oral hygiene, one should brush twice daily with a soft bristle brush and fluoridated toothpaste and floss once a day. Essix retainers prevent relapse after orthodontic treatment and are easier to maintain oral hygiene. Despite the type of retainer, it is essential to use the retainer as instructed by the dentist to get the desired result.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Long Do Essix Retainers Last?

The lifespan of each retainer depends on how well one takes care of their mouth and retainer. No matter the type of retainer, you will eventually need to replace it. These Essix retainers last for about three years or more when appropriately maintained.


Are Essix Retainers Good?

Essix retainer is a removable retainer that is made of clear plastic, which is clear and practically invisible. It is a better option as it is easy to maintain and as well as causes fewer eating restrictions.


Are Essix Retainers Like Invisalign?

Essix retainers and Invisalign are made from the same material and cleaned or taken care of in the same manner. But Invisalign is designed to move or straighten the teeth and not to keep the teeth where they are, whereas Essix retainers are given to prevent the teeth from shifting once the braces are taken off.


What Is an Essix Retainer Used For?

Essix retainers are used to keep the teeth from shifting after the braces have been taken off. Essix retainers can also hide the missing teeth.


How Many Hours a Day Should You Wear a Retainer?

Essix retainer is expected to be worn for at least 22 hours a day for the first three to six months, and then the orthodontist will let you know about wearing retainer only at night. But then the retainer has to be worn every night for at least 12 months straight.


Should I Keep My Essix Retainer in Water?

Essix retainers should be placed in a braces’ plastic case whenever it is not in use. Retainers can be stored in water to keep the plastic from drying out. But do not place the retainer in hot water as the retainer can shrink.


Can You Drink With an Essix Retainer?

Avoid drinking anything aside from water with the Essix retainers in place as the liquid and sugars can get stuck in between the teeth and the retainer, increasing the risk of tooth decay. Drinking hot drinks can damage the retainer as heat warps the retainer affecting the fit and potentially resulting in teeth shifting.


Do Essix Retainers Break Easily?

Essix retainers tend to degrade over time as plastic and stomach acid do not get along well and can snap or break, especially if the person is a nighttime teeth grinder.


Do Essix Retainers Break Easily?

Essix retainers tend to degrade over time as plastic and stomach acid do not get along well and can snap or break, especially if the person is a nighttime teeth grinder.


Can an Essix Retainer Move Teeth?

Essix retainers are not designed to move teeth. Rather, they are used to prevent the teeth from shifting. These Essix retainers do not allow the teeth to move unless there is space in the aligners or if the retainers are not a snug fit.


Can You Get a Retainer With Missing Teeth?

Essix retainers are clear plastic removable trays that fit over the upper and lower teeth. In case of missing teeth, tooth-colored filling restorations can be added inside the tray where the teeth are missing. These Essix retainers need some stable teeth for support, so this may not be a solution for everyone with missing teeth.


Can You Eat With an Essix Retainer?

Eating with Essix retainers is generally not advised as chewing food can damage the retainer, or the food can get stuck around the retainer.


How Tight Should the Essix Retainer Be?

Essix retainers should be a snug fit; eventually, they may loosen up. When the retainer is no longer fitting, it needs to be replaced. The retainer can become loose when soaked in water that is too hot, as heat can distort the shape of the retainer.


What Causes a Retainer to Crack?

The most common cause for retainers to crack is improper removal. They easily break if not properly taken care of, or they can also break while eating along with the retainers in place. It needs to be properly handled while cleaning.


Do You Need a Top and Bottom Retainer?

Retainers are typically given to prevent the teeth from shifting. You may require just one retainer or removable retainer for the top teeth and a permanent retainer for the bottom teeth.
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Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal
Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal



dental retaineressix retainers
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