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Fruits and Its Role in Promoting Gut Health

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Fiber-rich fruits are important for improving gut health. They are essential in preventing constipation and bowel irritability.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Partha Sarathi Adhya

Published At May 13, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 13, 2024


Many individuals across the world suffer from the discomfort caused by common gut issues. Disorders like constipation, difficulty in passing stool, and bowel irritation are common. Struggling with such discomfort can not only frequently feel uncomfortable, But it can also aggravate when it is left untreated. For example, the sensation of distention, gas, or bloating that arises when a proper bowel movement is not achieved can lead to various clinical symptoms, including gastrointestinal irritability and stress. Neglecting these symptoms can exacerbate constipation. While global nutrition experts often recommend lifestyle-based tips like exercise routines, yoga, or other physical activities to alleviate these symptoms, the primary method to relieve constipation lies in one's daily diet. A nutritious fiber-rich diet can further aid in the promotion of gut functions more efficiently.

Which Foods are Beneficial for Gut Health?

The most common dietary foods that are recommended by nutritionists to promote gut health and prevent constipation are high-fiber foods, prebiotics, and hydrating foods. These foods improve gut health by promoting proper bowel movements.

Fiber is commonly found in most whole grains, fresh or frozen fruits, and all vegetables. Two kinds of dietary fiber are there, these are soluble and insoluble fiber, which is obtained from these three sources. Both soluble as well as insoluble fiber are essential for stimulating healthy bowel movements and preventing hard stool formation. Soluble fiber is the type of fiber that forms a gel base and absorbs the water as well. Most of the prebiotic foods that are consumed tend to promote or feed the good bacteria in the gut, aiding in healthy digestion and promoting stool formation, which are usually the soluble fiber sources. Soluble fiber is found in nature commonly in foods like beans, legumes, wheat, barley, rice, rye, and potatoes.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, is found in wheat bran or commonly in other grains. This promotes the intestinal transit of the stools that move through the gastrointestinal tract.

Hydration plays a crucial role in the formation and smooth passage of stool, ensuring regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Regardless of the type of fiber consumed, be it soluble or insoluble, the absence of sufficient hydration can still lead to irregular bowel movements.

It is widely recommended by nutrition experts that regardless of an individual's dietary habits or fiber intake, a minimum of eight ounces of water should be consumed daily to maintain proper hydration levels. This promotes the desired laxative effect, which effectively prevents the occurrence of constipation.

What Are the Common Fruits Promoting Gut Health?

There are some common fruity foods in the daily diet that can be incorporated to promote proper bowel movements and prevent constipation. Always keep in mind to consult the registered healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized advice based on the body composition, lifestyle, and medical history for correct nutritional advice and perspective regarding the diet;

  • Prunes and Plum Fruits: These fruits include the delicious plums or the fiber-filled prune fruits, which usually offer lot of prebiotic compounds that create a laxative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Sorbitol is one of the common sugars that is found both in plums and prunes. This sugar has been researched by nutritionists extensively for its laxative effects. The mechanism through which sorbitol sugar acts as a primary osmotic laxative is by retaining water in the system, thereby softening the stools and making the easy passage of stool possible.

  • Fruit Juices: Most of the fruits in nature, especially fiber-rich fruits like pears, apples, peaches, clementines are most recommended by health experts for promoting digestion. For Individuals of all age groups, especially younger children and young adolescents, fruit juices that are prepared from these fiber-rich fruits can be easier to let them savor their taste preference as well as help them enjoy the digestive health benefits. Individuals can also experiment with fresh fiber-rich fruits in their diet such as passion fruit, guava, raspberries, blackberries, pomegranates, that can aid in exerting a laxative effect on the system. For children, passion fruit juices, guava or pomegranate juices are some of the globally popular choices of drink to boost their systemic immunity. Be wiser to however cut back on added sugars while preparing fruit juices, to avail the best benefits of the fiber. One can use an artificial sweetener or jaggery or molasses, monk fruit syrup, coconut nectar, and brown rice syrup as a healthy substitute for refined sugars.

  • Avocados: These greenish fruits from nature are a perfect boon for preventing constipation and can be easily experimented with in versatile ways in the daily diet. These fruits are filled with essential vitamins, nutrients as well as fiber. A single avocado can yield almost 0.029 pounds of dietary fiber, which means the daily content of fiber needed for the body is almost fulfilled by half the amount through the consumption of a single avocado.


An individual who is not used to a high-fiber diet or a fiber-filled fruit-oriented diet can also opt for alternatives like unsweetened vegetable juices, oat bran recipes, oat-meals, barley water, rye-based recipes or include other whole grains and cruciferous vegetables in the diet to get a healthy and balanced dose of fiber to promote proper gut movements. Consuming fiber-rich whole fresh or frozen fruits, as well as their fruit juices, can assist in promoting a laxative effect on the body, thereby addressing the common issue of constipation. Given that fruits are abundantly available in nature, they serve as an excellent option for incorporating into the diet. However, it is advisable to seek guidance from a registered healthcare professional or nutritionist before introducing any new foods into one’s daily regimen. This precaution ensures that a person should make informed decisions regarding their dietary choices.

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop
Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop



gut health
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