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IDIOT (Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment) Syndrome

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IDIOT (Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment) Syndrome

3 min read


IDIOT syndrome is when people blindly trust all the medical information available online and stop their treatment abruptly without consulting their doctor.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sneha Kannan

Published At June 5, 2019
Reviewed AtApril 26, 2024

What Is IDIOT Syndrome?

The term IDIOT (Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment) syndrome, is medically called cyberchondria, where a person blindly trusts the information provided on the Internet and stops treatment. The internet offers much good information and helps increase awareness, but at what cost? Even doctors search for stuff one does not know on the internet, but we know where to find answers.

What Could Be the Signs of IDIOT Syndrome?

The signs and symptoms of IDIOT syndrome include:

  • Despite having minor symptoms, people think of serious illnesses.

  • Spending hours on online search.

  • Not believing in in-person doctor visits.

  • Concluding worst conclusions.

  • Anxiety while searching for symptoms.

When Should One Search on the Internet and When Should Not?

The internet is replacing the traditional concept of a family doctor. Many people, including my friends and patients, search the web and then consult. This is not helpful, as the family doctor knows personally and socially and can help to manage decisions considering all aspects of the illness, desired treatment, and logistics or finances. The latter aspect is something we doctors usually need to take into consideration. It is easy for us to advise treatment for a disease, but whether the patient can take that treatment distinguishes a good doctor from an average one.

After realizing the hard way, two patients did not receive treatment from me, one because of parking issues, and the other felt that the waiting time was too much. How often we forget things that are not important medically is very important to the patients in deciding their treatment. The internet is that extramarital affair in the sacred doctor-patient relationship, which provides information that we doctors are sometimes unable to. This arises because patients lose faith in doctors and seek Internet help. Now, the trend is that patients first read up on the web and then seek consultation, and they will cross-verify the information.

Why Can Browsing the Internet Cost Life?

I would like to describe an instance where the internet has created obstacles. This patient had cancer in the jaw, which spread to the neck. The cancer was operated on, and the disease was removed. However, to minimize the chances of recurrence, it required radiation therapy. When I explained the same to the patient and his well-educated family, they were skeptical because of the risks of cancer caused by radiation. Despite describing the probability and how the benefits outweigh this minute risk, they still doubted and denied treatment. Later, they returned with recurrence, and I could not do much for them. In retrospect, I ask myself whether I could have done anything differently.

Also, during the beginning of the pandemic, a lot of information on COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 19) was circulating on the internet and social media. With the condition being a new challenge to global healthcare experts and officials in combating and controlling it, the fake information confused the panicked population. It made them carry out irrelevant things in the name of COVID-19 home remedy, adding fuel to the fire.

The internet is flooded with both good and bad content. It is in the people's hands to choose which to look at, stick to, and follow.


Is It Necessary to Search the Internet for Medical Condition and Its Treatment?

Do not think not to use the internet; instead, one should use it. Like all other practices, malpractice exists in healthcare as well. However, one must ask the doctor about the website to read up and become more aware. Also, remember one general principle: all patients are different, so the information provided can guide, but the management can vary from patient to patient. It is crucial to rebuild that faith in the doctors as doctors are not God and can never be, but they are professionals with the expertise to manage patients' sufferings.

Like every other service, this comes at a cost as well. When we go out for a movie in a multiplex, the cost is more than when we watch the movie in an ordinary theater. Still, one opts to watch the movie in the theater for the better quality of service and does not complain that cold drinks are offered at double the price. Similarly, there is a cost for the services provided, which varies depending on the place. However, to lower this, there are various charitable schemes available that one should avail. Also, one should get insured for their health, and it is sad that while motor insurance is made mandatory in parts of the world, health insurance is ignored. My basic intention behind this article is to bridge the gap between doctors and patients. Use the doctor as the first resort and not the last.

Is Health Information on the Internet Fake?

Necessarily not all the information related to health and wellness on the internet is legit or fake. And this is the same with information on every other topic on the internet. Some sites publish fake health content to gain popularity, advertisements, and ratings. People should keep an eye on such sites that threaten their readers and increase the hype. Such sites should be ignored. Several legitimate websites provide crisp and genuine basic medical information and guide readers to seek professional medical help. There are many such examples wherein readers have come out of their ignorant attitude towards the health condition due to such medical content on the internet. This has greatly contributed to preventing health complications.


Idiot syndrome can have both advantageous and difficult consequences. On the one hand, having exceptional talent can make one feel recognized and accomplished. However, challenges in everyday living and social relationships may result from intellectual limitations in other areas. Every coin has two sides. Which side the person looks on ultimately matters. In the case of IDIOT syndrome, more and more public awareness on what, where, and how to look for a condition and its solution on the internet is needed.

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Dr. Bhatia Jatin Vinod
Dr. Bhatia Jatin Vinod

Radiation Oncology


idiot syndrome
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