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Suicide - Causes and Precautionary Measures

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Suicide - Causes and Precautionary Measures

4 min read


Suicide may sound foolish, but it is a whisper of deep suffering. Please read this article to learn more about it.

Written by

Dr. Lochana .k

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Bang Sachi Ashokkumar

Published At March 9, 2022
Reviewed AtMay 20, 2024


An attempt to cause death to one's self is known as suicide. Suicide is attempted due to the mental pressure experienced by an individual. A shocking or traumatic event can follow it. People who commit suicide have a low tolerance for sad occasions. A healthy person who handles many hardships in life is also known to commit suicide. Therefore, it depends on how an individual perceives a stressful situation. It is possible to guide people who are impulsive with some psychotherapy treatment.

What Is the Mentality of People Who Commit Suicide?

A person commits suicide only when he feels hopeless in life. If a person is there by their side to encourage them in all their endeavors, then there are possibilities for the individual to feel really better. However, if the person is not good enough to support them mentally, the person will be pushed into loneliness. This loneliness can either be physical or mental.

Physical loneliness refers to the state where the person does not have anybody to support them. Mental loneliness can happen due to mental illness. In mental loneliness, the person will feel lonely and unsupportive though many friends and family surround them. Many reports suggest that loneliness has been the reason for suicide. However, people who stay in group therapy or volunteering organizations are known to have a healthy mentality, and they can beat loneliness and hopelessness in comparison with others.

What Are the Causes of Suicide?

The causes of suicide are:

  • Mental Breakdown - It might include situations where the person might be expecting victory in a particular business or examination, and failure to achieve that success will increase peer pressure on the individual in society. In such situations, when the person is continuously insulted by society or family members, he will be pushed to commit suicide.

  • Emotional Breakdown - A sudden loss of a loved one or a love break-up will push a person to a more negative mindset. The sudden death or separation of the loved one would not be acceptable to them, and they attempt suicide rather than cope with them.

  • Personality Disorders - Personality disorders like borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Borderline people generally tend to harm themselves. Some of them hurt themselves on their wrist with blades or any other sharp objects and end their lives. Such impulsive behaviors will make the person make bad decisions in life quickly. Patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders have manic episodes. They might even imagine things that are not real. Such maniac episodes in severe stages can result in suicide.

  • Self-Harming Behavior - This can be seen in patients with disorders similar to borderline personality disorder. It might include narcissistic people, but they might harm themselves in an attempt to seek attention. If they are under the influence of alcohol, then it might result in fatal situations like suicide or death.

  • Substance Abuse - Some people do not intend to die. If they have drunk heavily or used some narcotic products in higher quantities, they will not have a stable mindset. This will result in the death of the individual. It would be difficult to differentiate whether it was a suicide or someone-induced death.

  • Maternal and paternal side mental health issues.

  • A Family History of Suicide - If a person's family members have a history of committing suicide, then the rates at which the mentally affected individual can commit suicide are relatively higher.

  • Poor Physical Health - If a person has unbearable physical pain, he might attempt suicide if he or she cannot tolerate it.

  • Unhealthy Online Games - Certain online games like blue whale are designed to affect a person mentally. It gets the person addicted to the game. The person may also be given tasks like commiting suicide. These games are often targeted at kids.

  • Unemployment - Suicide due to unemployment is more common in men. When a man does not have a satisfactory job, he considers himself unfit for society. An extreme level of shame and guilt will make the person commit suicide.

Who Are Affected More?

Suicide- Who are affected more?

Women have increased suicidal thoughts than men. This might be associated with the alteration in their mood patterns. The cause of their mood instability is hormonal fluctuations. Depression rates in menopausal women are known to be higher. But men commit suicide at a higher rate than women and the attempt to commit suicide is four-time more in females than males. The increased suicidal thoughts were more prominent in females at the age of 25.

According to medical reports, men die from suicide nearly three or four times more than females. The suicide rate was higher in males at the age of 65. According to the world health organization (WHO) report, Europe is known to have the highest number of suicides in men. The western pacific region was known to have the maximum number of recorded cases of suicide. Other continents like Europe and America also had 13 to 13.5 percent of recorded suicide cases. From this, we can understand that society and culture influence a person directly or indirectly. This is due to the persisting taboo that is not openly discussed.

The reason for higher suicide in men was analyzed. A man is expected to be independent and have a considerable level of economic status. This perspective on their gender prevented him from seeking help during traumatic situations. Women were known to commit suicide in cases where the husband had illegal affairs or if she was infertile—the death of the partner caused depression or suicide in both males and females.

On the other hand, the family members of the person who committed suicide are also affected. Some suicide reasons might be an open secret, but some might be hidden and not known until the end. In such cases, it would be a permanent pain for their loved ones.

What Are the Precautionary Measures?

We can take a few precautionary measures to prevent the rates of suicide. They are:

  • If any one of the family members is seen sad or depressed for a very long time, the one should have the heart to talk to the affected individual. They could also get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist for improvement in their mental health.

  • The affected individual will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Then the therapy will be planned accordingly. The patient will be put into individual therapy or group therapy.

  • The first and foremost treatment plan would be to relieve the patient from depressive episodes and negative thoughts.

  • If you are generally an emotional person, then you should avoid watching thrillers and genres of movies that would involve psycho characters. If the movie scenes involve murders or suicide, then it would disturb your subconscious mind. This will also provide you with ideas to commit suicide in impulsive situations.

  • If a person is mentally ill, one can help them by providing physical and mental comfort.

  • The doctor will plan for dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy, and other useful techniques planned for the patient. Psychological counseling will help the individual to heal from emotional wounds.

  • In case of an emergency, the patient or their family member can get help from the local emergency services.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What Are the Psychological Factors Involved In Suicide?

The psychological factors of suicide include:
- Mental Illness: Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health conditions increase the risk of suicide.
- Substance Abuse: Alcohol and drug abuse can increase the risk of suicide.
- Trauma: Exposure to trauma, such as physical or sexual abuse, can increase the risk of suicide.
- Loss: The loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, or financial stability can trigger suicidal thoughts.
- Hopelessness: A feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness can increase the risk of suicide.


What Does the Society Think About Suicide?

Society's attitude toward suicide varies widely and can depend on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. In some cultures, suicide may be seen as a noble or honorable act, while in others, it may be stigmatized or considered a taboo subject. In many parts of the world, suicide is still viewed as a sign of weakness or moral failure, and those who have lost a loved one to suicide may face shame and discrimination.


What Is Psychology for Suicide?

Suicidal behavior in psychology refers to the act of intentionally ending one's own life. It is a complex and multifaceted psychological, social, and environmental phenomenon. Psychological factors that can contribute to suicidal behavior include mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, as well as a history of trauma, abuse, or loss. Other psychological factors that can increase the risk of suicide include feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, impulsive behavior, and a lack of social support.


What Are the Types of Suicidal People?

These two types are: 
- Impulsive Suicides: This type of suicide is often the result of a crisis or impulsive act and is typically associated with individuals with a history of substance abuse, impulsivity, and self-harm.
- Premeditated Suicides: This type of suicide is typically planned and thought out and is often associated with individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions, which may have a history of hopelessness or a sense of being trapped in their situation.


What Is the Moral Issue Behind the Suicide?

The moral issue of suicide is a highly debated and controversial topic that can elicit strong opinions and emotions. Different moral and philosophical perspectives can influence an individual's views on the morality of suicide, including religious beliefs, cultural norms, and personal values. For some people, suicide is considered morally wrong and may be viewed as a sin or a violation of the sanctity of life.


What Do Psychologists Do With Suicidal Patients?

Psychologists play a critical role in the prevention and treatment of suicide. When working with patients struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviors, psychologists use a variety of evidence-based approaches to help them manage their symptoms and reduce the risk of suicide.


Which Age Group Is Associated With Most Suicidal Cases?

Suicide is a serious issue that affects individuals of all ages, genders, and cultures. However, certain age groups may be at a higher risk for suicide, depending on the specific and cultural context. In general, research has shown that the highest rate of suicide occurs in middle-aged adults, typically between the ages of 45 and 64. However, suicide is also a significant problem among young people and is the second leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 15 and 24.


How Is Depression Linked to Suicidal Thoughts?

Depression is a common mental health condition often associated with an increased risk of suicide. Individuals struggling with depression may experience feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness, which can increase their risk of suicide. Studies have shown that depression is a significant risk factor for suicide and that individuals with depression are more likely to have suicidal thoughts, make suicide attempts, and die by suicide compared to individuals without depression. Individuals struggling with depression may experience hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness, which can increase their risk of suicide. Individuals struggling with depression may experience hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness, which can increase their risk of suicide.


Is It Normal if a Person Wants to Die Every Day?

It is not normal to think about dying every day, especially if these thoughts are persistent and interfere with daily activities. Persistent thoughts about death or dying can signify a severe mental health condition, such as depression or anxiety, and may indicate the risk of suicide. If you or someone you know is experiencing constant thoughts about death or dying, it is essential to seek help from a mental health professional as soon as possible.


Which Are the Social Elements of Suicide?

The social elements of suicide include social isolation, stigma and discrimination, access to lethal means, and cultural attitudes toward suicide. Addressing these social elements through education and reducing stigma, increasing access to resources and support, and promoting help-seeking behavior can help reduce the risk of suicide. Societal attitudes toward mental illness, help-seeking behavior, and attitudes toward death can also play a role in the risk of suicide. Exposure to suicidal behavior in one's environment, such as through media coverage or a personal connection, can also increase the risk of suicide.


What Are the Ethical Theories Behind Suicide?

The ethical debate on suicide is complex and multifaceted, with various perspectives offering differing views on its morality. The ethical theory of suicide refers to the philosophical and moral considerations surrounding taking one's own life. In modern times, the ethical theory of suicide often considers a person's autonomy, right to self-determination, and proper to receive adequate mental health treatment and support. The goal is to strike a balance between respecting an individual's right to make decisions about their own life and ensuring they have the help they need to prevent them from making a potentially fatal decision.


Why Is Learning About Suicide Important?

Learning about suicide is important for several reasons: Firstly, it helps to raise awareness about the issue and reduces the stigma surrounding it. This can lead to more people seeking help and support if they struggle with suicidal thoughts. Secondly, understanding the warning signs and risk factors associated with suicide can assist in the early identification of individuals at risk, leading to timely interventions and preventing suicides. Thirdly, knowledge about the causes and factors that contribute to suicide can inform the development of effective prevention strategies.


How to Deal with a Suicidal Client?

If a client expresses suicidal thoughts, it is essential to take their concerns seriously and respond in a supportive and appropriate manner. You should listen to their concerns, show empathy, validate their feelings, and provide reassurance. It is also essential to encourage them to seek professional help, such as a mental health professional or crisis hotlines, and provide resources if necessary. If the client is in immediate danger, it is essential to call emergency services.


How to Find Someone Who Is Lying About Depression?

It can be challenging to determine if someone is lying about their depression. However, certain behaviors or inconsistencies may raise red flags. For example, if a person's stories or experiences change frequently or are inconsistent, it may indicate dishonesty. Additionally, if a person seems too eager to receive attention, sympathy, or benefits from others, it may suggest that their depression symptoms are exaggerated. On the other hand, it's important to note that some individuals may not fully understand or be able to express their symptoms accurately. Therefore, it's crucial to approach the situation with empathy and not jump to conclusions.


What Is the Duration of Brain Life After Death?

The brain continues to function for a short time after death, but the exact length of time can vary depending on the individual and the circumstances of death. In general, it is believed that the brain can survive without oxygen for up to several minutes. During this time, the brain may still be capable of cellular and electrical activity. However, once the brain has been without oxygen for an extended period, the cells begin to break down, and permanent brain damage occurs. Ultimately, the time the brain can survive after death is not well understood and may vary depending on individual factors.
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Dr. Bang Sachi Ashokkumar
Dr. Bang Sachi Ashokkumar



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