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HomeHealth articlesfactors causing hormonal imbalancesWhat Are the Causes of Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormonal Imbalance: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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A prevalent illness that impacts people's health and well-being and also can cause a wide range of symptoms and complications is hormonal imbalance.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Arpit Varshney

Published At May 21, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 21, 2024


Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by the thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries, testicles, and pituitary glands, among other bodily glands. These hormones are essential for controlling various physiological processes, keeping the body balanced internally, and promoting optimal health. Hormones control metabolism, which is how the body breaks down food into energy. Important functions of hormones like cortisol, insulin, and thyroid hormones play a part in this process. Growth and cell division are stimulated by growth hormones, such as human growth hormone (HGH).

They are necessary for healthy tissue and organ maintenance throughout life, as well as for the growth and development of children. Mood hormones have a big influence on how one feels about oneself emotionally. For instance, serotonin often referred to as the "feel-good" hormone—contributes to mood regulation, while cortisol the main stress hormone can also impact mood when circumstances are severe. Reproduction hormones are necessary for reproduction because they control sperm production in men, women's menstrual cycles, and many elements of pregnancy. In particular, hormones like testosterone and estrogen are crucial for reproductive health.

What Are the Causes of Hormonal Imbalance?

  • Endocrine Gland Dysfunction: The production and regulation of hormones are greatly influenced by the endocrine glands, which include the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal glands, and ovaries/testes. Any of these glands' dysfunction can result in an imbalance in hormones. For instance, low thyroid hormone levels caused by hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can cause symptoms including sadness, weight gain, and exhaustion.

  • Stress: Prolonged stress can reduce the body's hormonal equilibrium, especially regarding cortisol and adrenaline. Prolonged or extreme stress can cause an imbalance in these hormones, which can impact different body systems and perhaps exacerbate diseases, including adrenal fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

  • Diet and Lifestyle: Hormonal imbalance can also be caused by poor diet, insufficient exercise, and insufficient sleep. Hormone balance requires regular exercise and enough sleep, but a diet heavy in processed foods, sweets, and bad fats can reduce hormone levels.

  • Medical Disorders: Hormonal imbalance can result from many medical disorders. For instance, women of reproductive age frequently suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition marked by unbalanced sex hormones. Hormone levels, especially those of insulin, which controls blood sugar, can be impacted by diabetes.

  • Medication: Several drugs have the potential to cause hormonal imbalance by interfering with hormone levels. Hormonal contraceptives have the potential to modify the equilibrium of sex hormones, whereas corticosteroids can impact adrenal gland function and cortisol levels.

What Are the Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance?

Period irregularities can result from hormonal imbalances that disturb the typical menstrual cycle. Periods that happen more or less frequently than usual or are heavier or lighter than normal can be signs of this. Unpredictable bleeding patterns or missed periods are some possible outcomes. These can be upsetting changes that could point to underlying hormonal problems, including thyroid diseases or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Hormonal changes can majorly impact weight gain or loss because metabolism is the body's mechanism of turning food into energy. Changes in hormone levels may cause unexpected weight increases or decreases. Hormonal imbalances can also impact the distribution of body fat; some people have an increase in belly fat, which is linked to a higher risk of metabolic disorders.

  • Mood Swings: Hormones are essential for controlling emotions and mood. Hormone imbalances can cause irritation, melancholy, anxiety, and mood swings. These mood swings can seriously negatively influence a person's quality of life and might be difficult to control. You must visit a doctor if these symptoms worsen or interfere with day-to-day functioning.

  • Exhaustion: Even after receiving enough sleep, a hormonal imbalance can lead to feelings of exhaustion. Other symptoms like muscle weakness, trouble concentrating, or an overall feeling of malaise may accompany this exhaustion. Hormonal imbalance-related fatigue can be crippling, and a medical examination may be necessary to identify the underlying cause.

  • Skin Problems: An imbalance in hormones can cause problems with the skin, including dry, oily, or acne-prone skin. Sebum is a natural form of oil produced by the skin; changes in hormone levels can affect this natural oil production. Changes in skin texture or acne breakouts may follow from this. These skin alterations may lower one's self-esteem and be annoying.

  • Hair Loss: Hormonal imbalances can disrupt the hair follicles' regular growth cycle, resulting in thinned or lost hair. Changes in hormone levels, especially those of estrogen and testosterone, can impact the hair development cycle, causing obvious changes in the thickness and texture of hair. Hormonal imbalance-related hair loss can be upsetting, so it is crucial to consult a doctor to identify the underlying cause and best action.

What Are the Treatments of Hormonal Imbalance?

  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can achieve hormone balance. Part of this includes eating a balanced diet full of vegetables, healthy grains, and lean proteins. Frequent exercise can also lessen stress, help balance hormone levels, and enhance general health. It is helpful to manage stress by practicing mindfulness, yoga, or meditation. Additionally, hormone regulation depends on obtaining adequate sleep.

  • Medication: To regulate hormone levels, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be advised in some situations. This entails replacing unbalanced or insufficient hormones with synthetic ones by swallowing them. By replacing estrogen, HRT is frequently used to treat menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and dry vaginas. Treatment for low testosterone levels in males may involve testosterone replacement therapy.

  • Natural Remedies: Natural remedies can help some people experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance. Another complementary therapy that some find useful for hormone imbalance is acupuncture. Dietary modifications, including cutting back on sugar and processed foods and boosting intake of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, may also support hormone balance.


Hormonal imbalances can greatly impact general health. To effectively manage this ailment, one must comprehensively comprehend its causes, symptoms, and available treatments. People can work towards regaining hormonal balance and increasing their quality of life by altering their lifestyle, consulting a doctor, and investigating natural therapies.

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Dr. Arpit Varshney
Dr. Arpit Varshney

General Medicine


factors causing hormonal imbalances
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