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A Simple Approach to Cure Red Eyes

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A Simple Approach to Cure Red Eyes

5 min read


This article sheds light on the most serious and most commonly seen causes of red eyes with a list of over-the-counter medications that may help you find a cure.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. K. Shobana

Published At June 11, 2018
Reviewed AtApril 22, 2024


Red eyes, a condition that can occur in one or both eyes, is the cardinal sign of ocular inflammation. They are a prevalent problem seen in ophthalmology day in and out. This common symptom has several causes, and management protocols vary depending on the doctor. Managing red eyes is always challenging, even for the most experienced ophthalmologist, due to the sheer number of reasons and associated overlapping causative factors.

What Are the Symptoms of Red Eyes?

The most important symptoms to watch for are:

  • Irritation.

  • Burning.

  • Itching.

  • Dryness.

  • Discharge.

  • Watery eyes.

  • Sensitivity to light.

  • Blurred vision or a reduction in vision.

  • Severe pain.

  • Diffuse whitening or a white spot on the cornea, the black circular part of the eye.

What Are the Common Causes of Red Eyes, and How to Treat Them?

Given below are a few common causes of red eyes listed as per the "Sticky-Itchy-Dry" algorithm:

1. Viral Conjunctivitis:

  • This condition is more aptly called epidemic conjunctivitis, caused by strains of adenovirus. Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious and spreads from one person to another by contact with the patient's tears or nasal discharge. The common belief that it spreads by looking into a patient's eye is a myth. The infection may cause ulcers on the cornea in severe cases and lead to corneal scarring, decreasing the patient's visual acuity.

  • The main symptom is 'sticky eyelids on waking up from sleep.'

  • There are no treatments available to target the viruses, and the current guidelines prohibit using antiviral ointments to treat conjunctivitis. This is a severe handicap for the ophthalmologist, who has to haplessly wait for the patient's immunity to save them, unable to start antivirals until the cornea has ulcerated.

The treatments usually prescribed are:

  • Lubricant Eye Drops (over-the-counter) - Carboxymethylcellulose acetate 0.5 and 1 %, Carmellose 0.5 %, Hypromellose 0.5 %, Polyethylene glycol, and Propylene glycol.
  • Antibiotics - Moxifloxacin eye drops 0.5 %, and Tobramycin eye drops 0.3 %, antibiotics are also available in ointment form for longer action.

2. Allergic Conjunctivitis:

  • It is a widespread cause of red eyes, mostly in young children under ten years old. Many allergens (dust mites, pollen, temperature change, and food items) can be the causative factors.

  • The main symptom is itching.

  • The treatment principle in all cases is to suppress the body's immune reaction to the allergy. These allergic responses are usually present throughout life, being most potent during childhood, and will wane in intensity as children near adolescence but will not stop completely.

A few of the commonly prescribed treatment modalities for allergic conjunctivitis are:

  • Antihistamines and Decongestants - Olopatadine 0.1 %/0.2 %, Naphazoline, Epinastine, and Chlorpheniramine Maleate.

  • Lubricant Eye Drops - Lubricant eye drops (over-the-counter) - Carboxymethylcellulose acetate 0.5 and 1 %, Carmellose 0.5 %, Hypromellose 0.5 %, Polyethylene glycol and Propylene glycol.

  • Steroids - Loteprednol 0.5 %, Difluprednate, Dexamethasone, and Prednisolone.

  • Immune Modulators - Cyclosporine.

  • NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) - Flurbiprofen, Nepafenac, and Bromfenac.

3. Dry Eyes:

  • This is the ubiquitous red eye in IT (information technology) and accounting professionals.

  • The most common symptoms include 'dryness or a burning sensation.'

Treatment Options:

  • Lubricant Eye Drops (over the counter) - Carboxymethylcellulose acetate (0.5 and 1%), Caramellose (0.5%), Hypromellose 0.5 %, Polyethylene glycol and Propylene glycol.

  • Blinking more frequently.

4. Acute Congestive Glaucoma:

  • This is a severe buildup of pressure inside the eye that can permanently impair vision within a few hours. The disease is classified as an ophthalmic emergency and requires specialist ophthalmologist consultation.

  • This condition is seen in females, dark-skinned races, and people having a family history of glaucoma and hypertensives. The major risk factor is age; two percent of the world's population over 40 is at risk.

  • The symptoms are overwhelming pain, vomiting, headaches, blurred or foggy vision, and seeing colored rings around the light. Once such symptoms start, rushing the patient to the emergency department is very important.

  • Treatment of this disorder involves medication and lasers.

5. Acute Anterior Uveitis:

  • This is also an excruciating disorder, although not as sudden and dramatic as acute congestive glaucoma. This condition is usually seen in young and middle-aged individuals. The disorder is an auto-destruction of the body by its immune system. The reaction can be severe in young individuals, destroying the eye's internal structures and causing permanent blindness.

  • The condition presents with severe pain and redness, and some patients may have recurrent attacks of this disorder over their lifetime. These patients need an ophthalmologist's consultation.

  • The treatment involves immunosuppressants, and recurrent cases will also need blood tests.

6. Subconjunctival and Periorbital Hemorrhage:

These are blood clots around the eyeball. A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a benign condition that will disappear if left alone. The problem is that, to the untrained eye, it looks similar to periorbital hemorrhage, which is a vision-threatening disorder. Hence, even these two disorders are best sorted out by consulting a doctor. As an immediate measure, ice cubes may be applied over closed eyelids. This helps the blood clot dissolve faster.

How to Prevent Red Eyes?

Some precautionary measures can prevent the condition from worsening if one has red eyes and irritation.

  • Do not touch or rub the eyes.

  • Do not strain the eyes.

  • Refrain from spending more time in front of the computer or mobile screen.

  • Applying an ice pack to the eyes can help reduce redness and relieve symptoms like swelling and pain.

  • Rinse the eyes with cool water, which helps cleanse the eyes without harming them.

  • Enough sleep and eating a healthy diet can help keep the eyes and other organs healthy and prevent infection.

What Are the Eye Conditions Linked to Red Eye?

Rarely, a more significant underlying issue that requires medical care might exist.

  • Corneal Scratch: Any injury to the eye's surface does not cause any harm, but it must be treated to prevent it from becoming severe.
  • Uveitis: An inflammation affecting the inside tissue of the eye, especially the region responsible for the eye's color. This may affect one's vision. An eye professional will prescribe medication.

  • Glaucoma: This dangerous illness, caused by an accumulation of pressure within the eye, has the potential to harm the optic nerve and cause blindness.

What Are the Home Remedies for Red Eyes?

  • Warm compress: Applying a warm compress to a red eye could assist. Individuals can cover their eyes with a warm, damp cloth for a brief period. Dunk a fresh cloth in warm water to do this, then squeeze out all the extra moisture. After that, cover both eyes with this moist cloth and wait for it to cool.

  • Use a Cold Compress: Reducing eye redness may be achieved by applying a cold compress to closed eyes. Individuals can gently dab a towel dipped in cold water over their eyes. Cold water helps to relieve inflammation.

  • Hogweed or Punarnava: Grind a couple of fresh Punarnava leaves into a fine pulp. Spread this paste over the closed eyes. This has a cooling impact on the eyes, and it could help lessen eye irritation and redness.

  • Drumsticks: The leaves of drumsticks have anti-inflammatory qualities that may help reduce redness.

When to Get Medical Assistance?

Individuals must seek treatment if there are any of the following:

  • Sustain a red eye for longer than a day or two.

  • Experience nausea and regurgitation.

  • Have disorientation or blurry vision along with a headache

  • Possess an eye injury.

  • Experience changes in eyesight or discomfort in the eyes.

  • Light-sensitivity.

  • If they have yellowish or greenish discharge coming from the eyes.

  • If they have any foreign bodies in their eyes.


There are numerous causes of red eyes, each with characteristic symptoms. If an individual cannot see, has severe pain, or has symptoms worsening, he or she should consult a doctor.

They may examine their eyes and prescribe medication that may relieve their symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Can I Get Rid of My Red Eyes?

If you are affected by red eyes, you can use the following methods to get rid of it.
- Usage of cold compresses.
- Soaking a cloth in ice water and gently massaging it with closed eyes.
- Try warm compresses also.
- Stay away from irritants that trigger your red-eyes such as smoke, pet hair, dust, chlorine, or pollen.


What Are the Causes of Red Eyes?

The following are the various causes of red eyes:
- Allergy.
- Eye fatigue.
- Over-wearing of contact lenses.
- Common eye infections, such as conjunctivitis.
- Underlying serious eye conditions or systemic diseases, such as uveitis or glaucoma.


What Diseases Can Lead To Red Eyes?

The following are a list of severe eye conditions that can lead to the incidence of red eyes:
- Eye infections.
- Eye trauma or injury.
- Recent eye surgery.
- Uveitis.
- Acute glaucoma.
- Corneal ulcer.


When Should I Consult a Doctor for Red Eye?

Seek emergency medical care when your red eye is accompanied by other symptoms such as the sudden onset of vision changes, severe headache, eye pain, fever, or abnormal sensitivity to light, nausea, or vomiting. This is because all these symptoms could be due to severe underlying conditions that could be fatal if the treatment is delayed or left untreated.


What Can Help to Relieve Red Eyes Naturally?

The following are the list of various methods that can be used to treat red eyes naturally:
- Rinsing the affected eyes gently with cold and clean water.
- A warm compress over the eyelids to help in relieving bloodshot eyes.
- Cold compress.
- Rosewater.
- Tea bags compress.
- Aloe Vera.
- Cucumber.
- Blink more than normal.
- Avoid rubbing your eyes.


Can the Overuse of Phones Cause Red Eyes?

Yes, the overuse of phones can lead to the development of red eyes. When a person is staring at a smartphone or tablet for a longer period of time, it can cause tired, itchy, dry eyes. It can even lead to blurred vision and headaches.


Is Red Eye a Serious Condition?

The redness of the eye is also known as bloodshot eyes. This condition can indicate the presence of several different health problems ranging from dangerous to mild in severity. When some of these problems are benign, they do not require immediate medical treatment and can be treated with home remedies, but serious conditions require emergency medical attention. This is because it could be due to serious life-threatening conditions.


How Long Can Red Eye Last?

When red eyes are due to benign conditions, it generally lasts only for two weeks. Conditions such as allergic conjunctivitis are usually noted to benefit from cool compresses and the application of cool artificial tears. You should also use cool allergy eye drops. But when your red-eye does not resolve within two weeks, consult your doctor immediately to avoid unnecessary complications.


Can Stress Lead to Red Eyes?

Yes, stress can lead to red eyes. Both the physical stresses of a person’s eye and mental stress can cause this condition directly and indirectly because stress can lead to a lack of sleep, making the eyes tired and causing red eyes in the long term.


Does Sleep Deprivation Cause Red Eyes?

Yes, sleep deprivation can lead to the development of red eyes. Lack of sleep can cause dry, itchy, and bloodshot eyes. Dry eyes can be very painful and may cause irritation, but this can also suggest that a person’s eyes are not provided with the adequate quantity of lubrication needed by them in order to stay healthy. A sleep-deprived person might also note that his or her eyes are sensitive to light and blurring of vision.


Does Hypertension Cause Red Eyes?

Yes, a rise in blood pressure can cause red eyes because high blood pressure can lead to blood vessels’ damage that supplies blood to the retina, which is the light-sensitive region of the human eye. This condition Is known as hypertensive retinopathy. It is always important not to avoid chronic red eyes.


Does Consumption of Water Help Red Eyes?

Yes, drinking water can help in treating red eyes. Dehydration can cause red eyes. If so, drinking plenty of water will help in flushing out salt in the body and properly hydrating the affected person’s eyes to help reduce eye strain.


Does the Application of Eye Drop Help With Red Eyes?

Yes, the application of eye drops can help with red eyes. It is good to treat minor irritation, exhaustion, or occasional redness with eye drops as a measure of temporary eye relief only. But it is important for people to note that anti-redness drops will not treat underlying health conditions that are causing red eyes in them. So, it is always important to provide proper medical attention to red eyes.


Can Dehydration Lead to Red Eyes?

Yes, dehydration can lead to the occurrence of red eyes. When the person is dehydrated for a long time, he or she might experience a dry mouth, severe thirst, and dry skin and over time, it can even lead to higher blood pressure. Thus, red-eye is a symptom of dehydration and can lead to other conditions such as eye pain, vision distortion, dry eyes, etc.


Why Do Eyes Get Red After Sleeping?

Our eyes may reduce the production of tears while sleeping. This is the reason why our eyes get red after sleeping. The primary function of tears is lubrication. This is the major cause of dryness and redness of the eyes upon waking. These symptoms can be more pronounced in people with dry eye syndrome.


Can Tiredness Lead to Red Eyes?

Yes, usually the first and foremost indication of a "bloodshot" eye is tiredness. While extreme tiredness can make the blood vessels in the eyes increase in size. This change in the eyes’ standard structure and function can make them more exposed to many potential hazards that can lead to inflammation.


What Are the Various Home Remedies for Red Eyes?

The following are the various home remedies for red eyes:
- Regular placement of a cool compress over the eyes.
- Avoidance of eye makeup, or choosing hypoallergenic eye make up as an alternative.
- Usage of artificial tears, which are available in online shopping sites or over-the-counter or local pharmacies.
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Dr. Manjunath Natarajan
Dr. Manjunath Natarajan

Ophthalmology (Eye Care)


redness in eyesglaucoma
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