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Stye - How to Avoid and Its Treatment Options

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Stye - How to Avoid and Its Treatment Options

4 min read


Stye, also called hordeolum in medical terminology, is an infectious disorder of the eyelid. This article explains preventive and treatment measures for stye.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Preetha. J

Published At July 19, 2018
Reviewed AtApril 4, 2024


Eye infections are common as eyes are exposed to various irritants. The eyelids protect the eyes from environmental irritants. However, some minor infections heal on their own, and certain infections need to be treated to alleviate the symptoms or else they could result in vision loss. Most of the infections are either bacterial or viral in origin. The manifestations could be redness, itching, and watery eyes. This article elaborates on stye and its management.

What Is a Stye?

A stye is a bacterial infection of the numerous tear glands in the eyelids. The tears glands of Zeiss, Moll, and Meibomian glands, are responsible for secretions contributing to the tear film. The infection causes the secretions of the glands to accumulate and makes the glands swell, thus causing a bacterial infection with a swollen appearance.

The clinical feature of a stye is a red bump found on the edge of the eyelid that is painful. The appearance is similar to a pimple and is tender to the touch. It usually appears in only one eyelid and goes away on its own in a week. If the infection persists seek medical attention.

What Are Its Types?

There are two types of stye, namely hordeolum externum in which there is usually a pus point at the lid margin, and hordeolum internum in which there is no such pus point. The basic difference is that they infect different glands in the eyelid but the mechanism of infection and the symptoms remain the same.

How Is It Caused?

It is caused by infection of eyelid tear glands by bacteria such as Staphylococci and Streptococci. The majority of cases of stye are caused due to eye rubbing. The infection finds a foothold in the eye by way of eye rubbing.

What Are the Symptoms of Stye?

The striking symptom of a stye is a painful red bump along the eyelashes. Other symptoms include:

  • Swelling of the eyelid (partial or entire eyelid).

  • Discharge from the eyes.

  • Crusting along the borders of the eyelids.

  • Teary eyes.

  • Soreness and itching.

  • Sensitivity to light.

  • The feeling of scratching in the eyes.

Are Styes Contagious?

Styes are not contagious but the bacteria in the stye can spread. Before touching the stye it is necessary to wash the hands that prevent cross-contamination. Maintain hygiene to prevent its spread to the other eye.

How Common Are Styes?

Styes are common in adults. The oily secretion is thicker in adults than in children which is more prone to accumulate and develop as an infection.

What Are the Risk Factors of the Stye?

Stye is very common but it has certain predisposing factors. They are

  • Have had a stye before.

  • History of Blepharitis (infection of the eyelids).

  • Diabetes.

  • Dry skin.

  • Skin conditions like acne, and dandruff.

  • Hormonal changes.

  • Bad cholesterol.

What Are the Treatment Options and Home Remedies?

  • An important adjunct to treatment is hot fomentation. This forces the pent-up secretions out of the glands thus ending the inflammatory processes.

  • The traditional way to give hot fomentation to the eye is to dip a clean cloth in comfortably warm water, squeeze out all the water, and apply this heat to the eyelid over the closed eyes three to five times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. Some believe in green tea warm compress that speeds up the recovery.

  • Gently wash the eyelids with mild soap to remove the crustings and discharge. The use of eyelid wipes also helps to clean the discharge.

  • If a stye does not improve after self-care, a doctor must remove it using local anesthesia.

  • A small incision is placed to drain the stye and steroid injection is given to reduce the swelling.

  • As the essential problem is an infection, it is treated with antibiotics as the first line of therapy. The commonly used antibiotics are Moxifloxacin 0.5 % or Tobramycin 0.3 % used around six times a day.

What Are the Effects of Neglecting a Stye?

  • If left untreated for about a month, the stye can develop into a "chalazion".

  • An obstruction and enlargement of an oil gland in the eyelid causes a chalazion, a slowly growing mass.

  • Usually not an infection, a chalazion begins as a very small, red, sensitive, swollen region of the eyelid. It can become into a pea-sized, painless lump in a few days and is frequently mistaken for an infection of an oil gland in the eyelid known as a stye (or hordeolum).

  • The only treatment for a chalazion is to surgically remove it.

What Are the Do’s and Do Not’s of a Stye?


  • Apply a warm compress to the affected eye several times a day to help reduce swelling and promote drainage.
  • Keep the affected eye clean by gently washing the eyelid with mild soap and water.

  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to alleviate discomfort if needed.

  • Remove contact lenses and avoid wearing eye makeup until the stye heals.

  • If the stye persists or becomes increasingly painful, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

Do Not’s:

  • Do not squeeze or try to pop the stye, as this can lead to further inflammation and potential infection.

  • Avoid wearing contact lenses or eye makeup until the stye has healed to prevent further irritation.

  • Don’t share towels, washcloths, or eye makeup with others to prevent the spread of bacteria.

  • Avoid rubbing or touching the affected eye to prevent spreading the infection to other areas.

  • Don’t use expired or contaminated eye drops or ointments, and avoid self-medicating without consulting a healthcare professional.

How to Avoid Stye?

Prevention is by following hygiene practices such as handwashing and avoiding eye-rubbing. Also, it is advisable to get infective conjunctivitis and infective processes in and around the eye treated appropriately and promptly.

Hence, good hygienic practices and timely treatment can effectively solve problems caused by styes.


A stye is a painful, red lump that forms on the eyelid, usually caused by a bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle or oil gland. It is important to apply warm compresses, keep the area clean, and avoid squeezing or touching it. If it persists or worsens, seek medical advice.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Is the Reason for Stye in the Eyes?

A stye in the eye can be due to infection or inflammation in the oil glands in the eyelid. These glands can get clogged with dead skin cells and other debris. This manifests as a swollen, painful lump. Sometimes bacteria such as staphylococcus (commonly responsible for most of these infections) can get trapped inside and cause an infection.


Can Stress Affect Stye?

According to researchers, stress can affect the immune system, making it more likely to develop infections like a stye. A stye develops when the oil-producing gland in the eyelid becomes infected with bacteria.


Can Stye Spread From One Person to Another?

A stye cannot spread from one person to another through casual contact. However, bacteria can spread from an infected person to other people by touching a common surface with infection-causing bacteria like towels, doorknobs, elevation buttons, etc.


Can Heat Affect Stye?

Warm compress is the most effective way to treat a stye. The warmth can help drain the pus by bringing it to the surface and dissolving it.


Does Sleeping Exaggerate Stye?

Less sleep can lower immunity and indirectly cause an infection. When you do not sleep well, it can specifically affect the ability of the T cells in your body to fight off infection.


What Is the Treatment for a Stye?

Antibiotic ointments or drops with associated steroid therapy can help resolve the stye quickly. The treatment involves warm compresses to the eyelid several times a day. This can help fasten the drainage of pus in the lesion. In more severe cases, the doctor may drain the internal stye.


How Does an Infected Stye Look-Like?

A stye can form in the outer or inner part of the eyelid, usually at the base of the eyelash. It is red and painful that may look like a boil or a pimple near the edge of the eyelid. They are filled with pus. It is also called a hordeolum. It may present in just one eye or both eyes also.


What Are the Complications of an Untreated Stye?

Cosmetic deformity and visual disturbance are the most common complications of stye. The complications of improper drainage are disrupting eyelash growth, lid deformity, or lid fistula. This can be more complicated and develop into generalized eyelid cellulitis if untreated. This is rare but can threaten vision and may be life-threatening in rare instances. The recurrence can also occur if prophylactic daily lid hygiene is not maintained.


What to Avoid in Case of an Infected Stye?

You should avoid wearing makeup and contact lenses if you have a stye. They can irritate your eye and delay the healing process. The makeup tools can also transfer the infection to the other eye.


How Much Time Does Stye Take To Heal?

A stye usually takes one or two weeks to heal. In most cases, it would not need any treatment and may get smaller and disappear on its own in two to five days. It can be healed at home, but if it takes longer or the swellings get larger, or you have a blurry vision, you must seek care from a healthcare provider.
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Dr. Manjunath Natarajan
Dr. Manjunath Natarajan

Ophthalmology (Eye Care)


hordeolumeyelid swellingchalazioneye infectionstye
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