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Safety Guidelines for Water Sports

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Most water sports are performed on beaches and rivers. The article discusses the safety guidelines for various kinds of water sports.

Medically reviewed by

Neha Suryawanshi

Published At March 27, 2023
Reviewed AtApril 13, 2024


Water sports like surfing, whitewater kayaking, swimming, and canoeing are practiced in many locations, like oceans, beaches, lakes, rivers, and tributaries. These locations provide great chances for adventure and fitness, but they also all have a higher risk of trauma and situations where some people have lost their lives. In such situations, the rescue team does provide lifeguard support. However, we can also protect ourselves by following the basic safety protocols.

What Are the Safety Guidelines for Various Kinds of Water Sports?

The highly participated water sports include swimming, boating, surfing, beach sports, kayaking, and canoeing.

Swimming And Safety Protocols: Inappropriate swimming in a pool, lake, or beach leads to an unexpected death in children, and young adults, even with good swimming techniques, because of the water temperature and hidden objects within the pool. Hence, it is necessary to take precautions when swimming. The safety guidelines for swimming are

  • Avoid going too far in the water.

  • Wear dry or wet swimsuits for warmth and floatation.

  • Follow signs and posters around the waterway.

  • Avoid swimming alone; choose the place where the lifeguard is present.

  • Avoid alcohol before swimming.

  • Swimming in the ocean differs from swimming in a pool; it might be riskier and require more strength to manage strong currents.

  • It is better to learn rescue techniques to help us and others.

  • Avoid diving or jumping in the pool, which may result in head injury.

The Boat Ride And Safety Protocols: Boating or traveling on the water is fun and equally dangerous. A wide range of guidelines is employed to assist safety protocol. The most common safety guidelines are

  • Assess the weather and the sea before leaving the coast (check for storms, cyclones, winds, or temperature drops).

  • Wear a life jacket or coast guard-approved personal flotation device during boarding.

  • Carry safety equipment like a first aid kit, a locator map, flashlights, and a fire extinguisher.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol on board.

  • Travel with an experienced companion.

  • Share your current location and a photo of your boat.

  • Inform the length of the ride.

Safety Guidelines For Boat Drivers:

  1. Don't drink and drive. Alcohol is a significant factor in boating accidents.

  2. Follow the optimal speed when operating a boat.

  3. Carry only the ship can accommodate the most passengers.

  4. Turn off the engine when someone is swimming near the ship or reboarding.

  5. Carry certified coast guards equipment like pyrotechnic red flares, orange distress flags, or lights.

  6. Share your current location and inform them of the length of the ride.

  7. Follow signs and posters, and avoid operating in restricted areas.

  8. Maintain a safe distance from other boats and other objects in the water.

  9. The spotter's responsibility is to monitor what is occurring in the water behind.

  10. Ensure everyone on board is wearing a life jacket or personal flotation device approved by the coast guard.

Safety Guidelines For Surfing:

Surfing is a water sport; a surfer rides a wave while standing, seated, or in any other posture on a board by altering the body. According to the rules, each surfer follows their direction without interfering with a competitor. The basic guidelines for surfing are,

  1. Ensure the depth and surface of beaches like sand bottoms, rocks, and reefs. The sand bottoms are ideal for diving and surfing for beginners.

  2. Advised to accompany the teacher who can aid in this.

  3. Ensure for weather conditions before getting into an activity because waves may be unpredictable.

  4. Before getting in the water, search for fixed objects or locations which can be used as the reference point. Using this, we can return to the starting point.

  5. Identifying rip currents is necessary to identify the rip currents. Typical signs of a rip are dark areas in the water and spaces between waves; the waves break on each side of the rip but not within it. Experienced surfers manage the rip current, which may be frightening for beginners. Therefore, paddling parallel to the coast to smooth waves is the best course to avoid a rip.

  6. While diving on the rock beach, falling from the stomach is called a "belly flop," this prevents forceful hitting of the ground.

  7. Secure the board to the feet with a rope's help.

  8. Avoid harassing other surfers.

  9. Use sunscreen to avoid sun scars and skin cancer.

  10. Check for the leash and the rope used to secure the board.

Safety Guidelines For Kayaking And Canoeing:

Kayaking and canoeing are equally mesmerizing and dangerous. So when the canoe tips over, don't panic; calm down and sit and slant it toward the coast until it reaches the safe land.

Additional tips are

  • Wear a life jacket.

  • Don't drink alcohol while participating in water sports.

  • Check for weather like storms, clouds, and rain.

  • Determine the temperature of the water.

  • Make sure that other people surround you.

Safety Guidelines For Children:

To ensure the safety of children, more preventive measures are taken than adults are

  1. Don't expect the kid to swim like a professional; every child differs in strength.

  2. Don't allow the underdeveloped child (physically and mentally) to participate in such events.

  3. Don't leave a kid alone in a bathtub, swimming pool, lake, or river.

  4. Keep a constant eye on the children while playing to avoid accidents.

  5. Appoint qualified instructors to teach appropriate techniques and safety measures.

  6. Avoid drawing the child without analyzing the depth of the water.

Safety Guidelines for Adults:

  • Learn from qualified instructors before entering water sports.

  • Don't drink and swim.

  • Avoid swimming alone

  • Be aware of what is under the surface before diving into it.

  • To avoid head and back injuries, jump from your feet rather than your head.

  • When there are thunderstorms or other severe weather conditions, avoid the water.

  • Stay hydrated during and after sports to avoid thirst, weakness, and headaches.


Water sports improve the participants' social lives and health characteristics, which can be continued for life. The data demonstrate that contemporary water sports events are beneficial in encouraging an active lifestyle. However, the risks associated with water sports are plenty. Therefore, even though health rescue teams will be present in the area, it is always better to protect own self by following the safety guidelines. In this way, the negative impacts can be easily managed. Purchasing adult swim vest for adult is highly recommended.

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Neha Suryawanshi
Neha Suryawanshi



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