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Healthy Ways To Increase Height in Kids - An Complete Guide

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4 min read


An increase in height is one of the significant indicators of children's growth. However, growth and development vary with every child.

Written by

Dr. Kriti Singh

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham

Published At December 6, 2022
Reviewed AtApril 30, 2024


As the child grows, height, weight, and shape change with time. It is a clear indicator of the growth of the child. Proper nutrition and a balanced diet are essential for the child's sound development. Every child grows differently, and their growth takes place at their own pace annually. Height is one of the essential aspects of child growth. Parents and healthcare providers measure the child's size to assess the child's development. The child grows six to seven centimeters approximately every year. Hormonal balance, diet and nutrition, and genetic factors play an essential role in the child's height.

What Are the Factors Which Affect the Height of the Child?

Following are the various factors that affect the growing child's height.

  • Diet and Nutrition: Balanced diet and proper nutrition play a vital role in the growth and development of the child. Poor diet and lack of food may affect the child's growth, resulting in reduced weight and height. Parents should ensure that the child has proper nutrition with the appropriate amount of protein, calcium, and vitamins.

  • Proper Sleep: Proper and adequate sleep is essential for the growth and development of children. The body of the child tends to release growth hormones while sleeping. Therefore, parents should ensure that their child gets sound sleep for growth and development. If the child is not getting proper sleep, it produces inference with growth and causes health-related problems in the child.

  • Exercise: Physical exercise plays a significant role in the growth of children. It helps grow bones and muscles, increasing the child's height. Exercise helps the child's physical development and strengthens the child's bones. Outdoor sports are essential for the overall growth of the child.

  • Good Posture: Good posture plays a significant role in children's height. Parents should take care of the child's posture if the child is sitting and walking with a hunched back. If the child is hunched back, the spine will grow crooked.

  • Supplements: Parents should give their children proper supplements besides a balanced diet and nutrition. The child needs appropriate amounts of protein, vitamins, and calcium as the growing body needs more food.

  • Genetics: Genetics plays a significant role in the determination of the height of the child. Various genes are responsible for the size of the child. The child acquires this gene from their parents. The genes affect the growth plates and also control the formation of growth hormones in children. In addition, various genetic disorders such as Down syndrome and Marfan syndrome involve the child's height.

  • Gender: Gender also affects the height pattern. The boys tend to be taller than the girl child. Usually, the growth spurts of the girls subside after their menstrual cycle.

  • Hormones: Hormones play a significant role in determining the growth and development of the child. The hormones give instructions to the growth plates for the formation of the bone. Following are the various hormones that affect the growth of the child: Growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland, and it controls growth and development. Various health conditions can affect the growth hormone level in the body of children. For example, the child's height is affected due to an imbalance in the growth hormone level. A child with a deficiency of growth hormones grows at a slower rate as compared to other children. Congenital growth hormone deficiency is a condition in which the growth hormone level is irregular.

What Are Diet Which Helps in Increasing Height of the Child?

Following are the various foods that help increase the children's height.

  • Beans: Beans are enriched with a perfect amount of protein. It helps regulate insulin-like growth factor hormone, which increases the child's height. Beans are also enriched with vitamins and iron. Iron helps in the tissue growth of the child.

  • Almonds: Almonds have very high vitamin and mineral content, which helps increase the child's height. A very high vitamin E is present in almonds, which acts as an antioxidant and fat-soluble vitamin. In addition, almonds help improve a child's bones by inhibiting the formation of osteoclasts.

  • Vegetables: Green and leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and cauliflower have a very high source of nutrition. Vegetables contain vitamins, iron, magnesium, and potassium. The child gets vitamin K in a diet from vegetables. It helps in increasing the bone density of the child. Vitamin K enhances growth in children.

  • Chicken: It has a rich source of proteins. It also has a high amount of vitamin B12, which helps the child grow taller. In addition, taurine is a type of amino acid found in chicken that helps regulate bone formation affecting the child's growth.

  • Yogurt: Yogurt is found to be a very high source of probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria that are good for the gut and improve the child's growth. Yogurt also contains other nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

  • Egg: The egg is also known as the powerhouse of all the sources of nutrition. It contains a very high amount of protein. A single large egg contains approximately six grams of protein. The egg also contains vitamins, calcium, and minerals. Vitamin D helps in increasing the absorption of calcium in the body. It helps in increasing the height of the child by maintaining skeletal health.

  • Salmon: Salmon contains omega-three fatty acids, which are very crucial for the growth and development of children. In addition, salmon also contains protein, vitamins, and selenium.


Parents and kids both have their feelings at their growing age. The parents get worried too much if their child is growing too fast or too slow. The parents need to be patient and careful about the growth and development of the child. Parents should always tell their children that it's okay to look a certain way. The genetic influence on the height of the child cannot be changed. However, eating health, habits, and physical activities influence the growth and development of the child.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Measures Can Be Taken to Increase Height in Kids?

During the growing phase of life, children should be given a balanced diet for their overall growth. The foods that increase the height of the child are beans, almonds, vegetables, chicken, yogurt, eggs, and salmon. The factors that have to be considered for proper growth are proper sleep, exercise, a balanced diet, and supplements.


What Activities Can Be Done to Improve the Height of the Kids?

Exercise helps children grow taller. Physical activities strengthen bone development. The parent's genes play an important role in the height of the child. A balanced diet that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fat, and vitamins ensures optimal growth. Stretching exercises help elongate the spins and improve posture. Making the kid stand on their toes with their back against the wall. Make the kid sit on the floor with their legs apart and touch their toes with their arms.


What Are the Fruits That Help in the Growth of the Kids?

The fruits that make kids taller are berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. These fruits are rich in vitamin C, which helps in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. Banana is an important fruit that increases the height of the child. Banana is rich in nutrients like manganese, calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, and prebiotics.


How Do Kids Grow Naturally?

Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting proper sleep help the body get its natural potential for growth. Genes play an important role in growth. The genes determine how tall a person should be, irrespective of the diet. Practicing yoga and good posture can help the child get taller naturally. Protein-rich foods such as beans, eggs, lentils, fish, and chicken help increase the height of the kid.


What Are the Vegetables That Help in the Growth of the Kids?

Green and leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and cauliflower are high sources of nutrition. Vegetables contain potassium, magnesium, vitamins, and iron. The child gets vitamin K in a diet from vegetables. It helps in increasing the bone density of the child. Vitamin K enhances growth in children.
The following foods help the kids grow taller-
- Almonds.
- Green leafy vegetables.
- Eggs.
- Beans.
- Chicken.
- Salmon (fish).
- Sweet potatoes.
- Banana.


Does Taking Pediasure Increase the Height of the Kid?

Pediasure is one of the nutritional supplements for kids. It bridges the gap between food intake and nutritional requirements. It is recommended for children who have a poor appetite and insufficient food. Pediasure helps in gaining height and weight. It is basically a health drink that provides balanced nutrition designed with 37 nutrients to improve height and weight, immune function, and brain growth.


How Can One Change or Influence Their Kid’s Height?

One can increase their kid’s height by the following methods-
The diet should include- Proteins.Dairy.Vegetables.Fresh fruits.
- Calcium or vitamin D supplements.
- Regular exercises.
- Practicing good posture.
- Avoiding pollution.
- Practicing yoga.
- Proper sleeping habits.


Do Vitamins Help in Increasing the Height of the Kid?

Vitamins A, D, B1, and C help the child grow taller. Vitamin B1 regularizes the digestion process that helps growth. Rice, pork, and soya beans are rich sources of vitamin B1. Vitamin D makes the bone long and strong. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, milk, and potatoes are rich sources of vitamin D. Milk, green vegetables, yogurt, and salmon are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants that promote growth.


How Can One Speed Up Their Child’s Growth?

Simple stretching exercises have a huge impact on height. Simple exercises facilitate the process of height. It helps elongate the spine and improve posture. Hanging from bars helps to elongate the spine. Apart from hanging, the kids can be advised to do chin-ups and pull-ups.


What Are the Foods That Help Increase Height?

Vegetables containing potassium, magnesium, vitamins, and iron. The child gets vitamin K in a diet from vegetables. It helps in increasing the bone density of the child. Vitamin K enhances growth in children.
The following foods help the kids grow taller-
- Almonds.
- Green leafy vegetables.
- Eggs.
- Beans.
- Chicken.
- Salmon (fish).
- Sweet potatoes.
- Banana.


What Are the Factors That Stop the Growth?

Delayed puberty can cause delayed growth in kids. The main factor that greatly influences growth is genes. Nutrition, medical conditions, and hormones play a big role in regulating the growth of a child. Growth hormones released from the pituitary gland impact height. Children with congenital growth hormones grow slower than other children.


Does the Mother or Father Transit Genes for Height to a Child?

Genetics plays an important role in how height can be predicted. Genes are one of the predictors of a person’s height. The genes for height can either come from the mother or father. Parents can influence their children's height to some extent, but any gene can influence the height of the kid.


What Are the Factors That Stop the Growth of the Child?

The growth problems can be due to many factors like hormonal disorders, genetics, systemic conditions, and poor appetite. Growth hormone deficiency causes syndromes like Cushing’s syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Down’s syndrome. Children with these conditions have growth problems due to the defective release of hormones from the pituitary gland.
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Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham
Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham



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