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Human Development Index - Dimensions, Implications, and Limitations

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The Human Development Index is a statistical measure developed by the United Nations to assess global social and economic development.

Written by

Dr. Sameeha M S

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Arpit Varshney

Published At May 20, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 20, 2024


The Human Development Index (HDI) is an indicator of typical performance in the most important areas of human development, such as having a long and healthy life, learning new things, and enjoying a respectable level of living. The geometric mean of the normalized indices in each of the three dimensions is the HDI. The United Nations has been compiling it since 1990 to measure the development of a country.

What Is the Human Development Index?

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index developed by the United Nations to assess countries' social and economic development. Life expectancy, education, and per capita income are the three human development indicators taken into account by the HDI. The HDI measures a country's average performance in three areas of human development.

It includes the following.

  • Life expectancy at birth.

  • A measure of knowledge based on expected and mean years of schooling.

  • A decent standard of living. It is measured by using GNI (gross national income) per capita in PPP (purchasing power parity) terms.

The indicator serves as an alternative to traditional country development measurements, which only take into account a country's economic progress. It offers an accurate picture of a country's progress. HDI considers important social and economic variables as an indicator.

The HDI also emphasizes the value of people and their capacity to realize their full potential. An inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) was introduced in the 2010 Human Development Report. The inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) is the level of human development that really exists; whereas, the HDI can be seen as an index of "potential" human development.

What Are the Three Dimensions of the Human Development Index?

The Human Development Index evaluates a country's development based on three major dimensions.

  1. Long and Healthy Life - The life expectancy at birth calculates the dimension of a long and healthy life. It is a statistical measure of how long an average person is expected to live based on demographic factors like birth year and current age.

  2. Education - The second dimension of the HDI is education. The anticipated years of education and the average years of education serve as indices of education. According to the UN, The average maximum number of school years is 18, whereas the average maximum number of school years is 15.

  3. Standard of Living - The gross national income (GNI) per capita is typically used to determine the standard of living. The GNI (gross national income) represents the total domestic and international income production produced by citizens of a certain nation.

The Human Development Index helps to calculate a minimum and maximum value for each dimension. It is referred to as goalposts. HDI displays where each nation sits in regard to these goalposts and is denoted by a number between 0 and 1. A country's HDI value increases with the level of human development.

How HDI Is Calculated?

Each metric's values are first normalized to an index value between 0 and 1. To do this, the UNDP establishes "goalposts" that represent the upper and lower bounds for each metric.

The dimension value or indices for each metric is computed using the global maximum and minimum values as well as the actual value for a particular country as follows:

Dimension Index = Actual value - minimum value / maximum value - minimum value.

Hence, the dimension index is 1 for a country that achieves the highest value and 0 for a country that achieves the lowest value. The Human Development Index is calculated by adding up each of the indices that have been calculated. The geometric mean of life expectancy, GNI per capita, and education is used to construct the HDI, as shown below:

HDI = (Health index * education index * income index)1/3

What Are the Implications of the Human Developmental Index?

  • With the help of the HDI, policymakers, the media, and nonprofit organizations can shift their attention from normal economic statistics to human consequences.

  • The HDI was created to emphasize that, instead of economic growth, a country's degree of development should be determined by its population and its capacities.

  • The HDI is used to examine national policy decisions and understand how two nations with the same income per person can achieve different levels of human development outcomes.

  • The HDI is also used to bring attention to variations across nations, between provinces or states, between genders, ethnicities, and other socioeconomic categories. This kind of internal inequality has sparked a national debate in several nations.

  • The Human Developmental Index simplifies and captures only a portion of human development. It makes no mention of inequalities, human security, poverty, empowerment, or other issues.

What Are the Limitations of the Human Developmental Index?

HDI has a few limitations. It is a simplified and admittedly limited assessment of human development. The HDI does not directly reflect quality-of-life factors such as empowerment movements or feelings of overall security. Considering these facts, the United Nations Human Development Report Office (HDRO) offers additional composite indices to evaluate other aspects of life, such as gender disparity or racial inequality.

Several economists claim that the HDI is essentially redundant due to substantial correlations among the HDI components, and simpler indicators of income per capita. GNI per capita or GDP per capita correlates highly with both the HDI and the other two components in both values and rankings.

Economists believe that comparing per-capita GNI across countries would be simpler and clearer than spending time and resources collecting data for additional components that provide little information for the overall index. The inclusion of other components is problematic because it is easily possible that higher average incomes directly lead to greater investment in formal education as well as improved health and longevity.

Which Countries Have Highest HDI?

Switzerland ranked first in the most recent HDI ranking, which began in 2022, with an HDI value of 0.962. The top five countries include Norway, Iceland, Australia, and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the US was ranked 21st with an HDI of 0.921.


The Human Development Index (HDI) is a scale that measures key aspects of human development. It is measured on the basis of life expectancy, education, and income (standard of living). HDI has been compiled by the United Nations since 1990 to assess various countries' levels of social and economic development. This index is a tool for tracking changes in development levels over time and comparing the development levels of different countries.

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Dr. Arpit Varshney
Dr. Arpit Varshney

General Medicine


human development index
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