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Impact of Food Deprivation on Organs

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A sustained lack of nourishment can trigger detrimental health repercussions, such as deficiencies in vital nutrients and impairment of organ functions.

Written by

Dr. Asma. N

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Published At May 23, 2024
Reviewed AtJune 13, 2024


Food and water are vital for human survival, providing the necessary energy for cellular functions. When calorie intake is insufficient to sustain daily activities, a condition known as starvation occurs. Starvation can result from limited food intake or the body's inability to absorb nutrients properly. Without food, the body undergoes complex physiological changes to maintain life. Prolonged food deprivation leads to malnutrition, which can significantly reduce life expectancy. This article explores the effects of restricted food intake on organs and the potential complications that arise.

What Happens to the Organs Without Food?

Fasting is the intentional abstaining from food for a brief period of time. It is often considered a beneficial approach for weight management as it can promote digestion and provide respite from overeating or binge-eating tendencies. However, it is crucial to note that extended periods of fasting can lead to detrimental effects on the body. Initially, the body may rely on stored glucose or sugar as its primary energy source.

However, once these reserves are exhausted, the body may enter a state of ketosis, utilizing stored fats instead of carbohydrates for energy production. This metabolic shift results in the production of ketones, which serve as an alternative fuel source.

As fat reserves are further depleted, the body may release muscle tissue for energy. Eventually, vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver may be compromised, leading to detrimental effects that can be life-threatening. Without food, the body's intricate systems face challenges, prompting adaptive responses to the dearth of nutrients.

These include:

1. Central Nervous System: Without proper nutrition, the brain can be deprived of essential energy, resulting in sleep disturbances and concentration problems. Additionally, this deprivation can impair cognitive function, cause dizziness, lead to loss of consciousness, and trigger mood changes such as irritability or mood swings. Fatigue and difficulty focusing are also common consequences.

2. Cardiovascular System: Without adequate nutrition, the heart's ability to pump blood efficiently may be compromised, leading to a decreased heart rate and blood pressure. This reduction in pulse and pressure can ultimately result in organ failure.

3. Gastrointestinal System: Inadequate food consumption can trigger bloating, lowered blood sugar levels, and stomach discomfort. This can increase gastric acid production, potentially leading to gastritis and elevating the risk of developing gastric ulcers. Over the long term, insufficient nutrient intake may cause constipation due to decreased muscle motility. Prolonged starvation can also inflame the pancreas, a condition known as pancreatitis, which is associated with symptoms such as pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and indigestion.

The liver also serves a pivotal function in metabolizing nutrients and acting as a reservoir for glycogen, which is crucial for regulating blood sugar levels. When glycogen is depleted, the liver initiates fat breakdown, inducing ketosis. Interruption of the liver's detoxification process can result in harmful substance accumulation within the body, potentially leading to nutrient deficiencies. Prolonged fasting can trigger acute liver injury, manifesting as severe complications such as jaundice, dark urine, easy bruising, and loss of appetite.

4. Endocrine System: The functionality of the endocrine system hinges on the presence of fats and cholesterol. Their absence can trigger a cascade of effects, including a decline in body temperature, parched skin, fragile hair, diminished metabolic activity, and skeletal frailty.

Additional repercussions encompass a spectrum of symptoms, including:

  1. Heightened irritability and anxiety may surface.

  2. Libido may wane.

  3. Contraction of the stomach and bowel may occur.

  4. Muscular atrophy could ensue.

  5. Alterations in the immune system may arise.

  6. Malabsorption issues may manifest.

  7. Fertility may be compromised, with pregnant individuals facing an elevated risk of miscarriage.

  8. Cold extremities may be experienced.

  9. Kidney function may become impaired.

  10. Bone repair processes may decelerate, increasing susceptibility to fractures.

  11. Anemia may develop.

  12. Women may experience cessation of menstruation.

Dehydration precipitates a myriad of transformations within the body:

  1. Energy levels dwindle, paving the way for irritability and impaired cognitive function.

  2. Excess water retention in the bloodstream exacerbates dehydration, producing concentrated, dark-yellow urine.

  3. Headaches often emerge as a consequence of dehydration.

  4. Severe dehydration can usher in critical outcomes, such as toxin accumulation and episodes of fainting.

  5. Physical manifestations include sunken eyes, parched mouth, tongue, dizziness, and faintness.

  6. Weakness pervades the body.

  7. Cognitive faculties undergo alterations.

  8. Electrolyte imbalances may arise, exacerbating the overall condition.

What Factors Might Contribute to Individuals Experiencing Food Scarcity or Deprivation?

Various elements can play a role in this, including:

  • Natural calamities such as floods, hurricanes, or earthquakes can disturb food supply chains, rendering access to food challenging.

  • Financial constraints, commonly called poverty, create challenges in affording food.

  • In times of war and conflict, infrastructure destruction can cripple food distribution systems, impeding access to essential nourishment.

  • Individuals grappling with medical conditions such as eating disorders like anorexia nervosa may intentionally avoid food.

  • Food desert regions are characterized by limited access to nutritious food options.

  • Psychological challenges such as depression can result in reduced food intake.

  • Residing in remote or rural locales can pose challenges due to inadequate transportation infrastructure.

  • In areas affected by climate-related issues, diminished agricultural activity may hinder access to food.

What Happens to Muscle Tissue During Periods of Food Deprivation?

Extended periods of food deprivation can induce detrimental effects on muscle tissue:

  • As muscle tissue serves as a repository of proteins, prolonged starvation triggers proteolysis, the breakdown of proteins. This breakdown of muscle tissue, known as proteolysis, is aimed at providing energy, ultimately culminating in muscle wasting or atrophy.

  • Consequently, individuals may experience a loss of strength and functionality as their muscle mass diminishes.


The body depends on nutrients to function properly; in their absence, it breaks down its tissues. The metabolic rate decreases without adequate food, leading to various health issues. Research indicates that the body can weaken significantly within three weeks of starvation, potentially resulting in death afterward. However, sex, age, and weight influence how long a person can survive without food.

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Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)


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