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HomeHealth articlesinflammatory arthritisWhat Are the Early Signs of Arthritis?

Do Not Ignore Arthritis Symptoms!!

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Do Not Ignore Arthritis Symptoms!!

1 min read


This article stresses upon the fact that, when signs of arthritis appear, one should approach a doctor as early as possible for appropriate treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sneha Kannan

Published At August 22, 2015
Reviewed AtSeptember 9, 2022

Inflammatory arthritis is a common problem in females between the age group 20-50 years. It is characterized by swelling of the joints, early morning stiffness and pain which is constant and little relieved by work and use of painkillers.

It is an autoimmune condition, i.e, body's immune system starts attacking your own body rather than defending you. It can be triggered by infections, environmental agents or at times some food particles. But what triggers it, is still not known.

Lot of patients wonder if there is a genetic predisposition to it. The risk is as low as 1-2 %. It is not essential to be present in your family members. You might be the first one to have it.

When to Approach a Doctor?

There are three cardinal signs for arthritis. do not hesitate to approach your doctor, when any of these three signs appear.

1. Early morning stiffness of the joints lasting more than 30 minutes.

2. Pain over the joints which is increased on rest.

3. Swelling of the joints.

Which Are the Commonly Affected Joints?

Wrist, finger joints, elbows, ankle and foot joints. But, it can also involve the knees and shoulder initially as well. Although all the joints can be affected at the same time.

Approach your doctor as early as possible. There is a lot of data available on treating the disease at an early stage which gives good results. Once the disease picks up its pace, it gets difficult to control and the need for multiple medications goes up. The joint damage which happens is mostly with patients who ignore the disease and the medications.

Do not ignore arthritis symptoms!!! Hit it hard and get back to your normal life.

Consult a rheumatologist online if you encounter any of the above symptoms --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/rheumatologist

Frequently Asked Questions


What Is the Consequence of Ignoring Arthritis?

Ignoring arthritis or its progression can lead to worsening pain and eventually affect everyday activities like walking, bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, driving, and even sleeping.


At What Stage Arthritis Becomes Worrisome?

If one observes redness, swelling, or warmth over a joint lasting for three days or more or these symptoms occurring more than thrice a month, it is important to consult a doctor.


What Is the Life Span of an Individual With Arthritis?

The outlook of rheumatoid arthritis with proper treatment is quite normal with patients surviving way past the age of 80 or 90.


What Is the Progression Pace of Arthritis?

The rate of progression of arthritis varies among individuals. For some, it may take just a few months to reach advanced stages while others may take years to reach stage four.


Does Arthritis Result in Paralysis?

Arthritis is uncommonly associated with instability of the cervical spine mainly due to abnormal subluxation between vertebrae, even compromising the spinal cord space. In such cases, arthritis may lead to paralysis.


Name the Diagnostic Blood Test of Arthritis.

Anti-CCP test (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide) is a blood investigation required to detect anti-CCP antibodies that are characteristic of arthritis.


Which Type of Arthritis Is the Most Painful?

There are more than 100 variants of arthritis and related disorders, out of which severe osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can be extremely painful.


How to Arrest Arthritis Progression?

There are certain steps that may be taken to arrest the progression of arthritis:
- Maintaining a healthy weight.
- Controlling sugar levels.
- Being physically active.
- Protecting the joints.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


How to Remove Arthritis With Surgery?

Advances arthritis can be treated with various surgical procedures like:
  - Arthroscopy.
- Joint resurfacing.
- Osteotomy.
- Synovectomy.
- Arthrodesis.
- Total joint arthroplasty (TJA).
- Minimally invasive.
- Joint revision.


Which Is the Best Medicine for Arthritis?

Pharmacotherapy against arthritis includes usage of Acetaminophen, OTC NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Aspirin, topical NSAIDs like Lidocaine, Menthol, and Camphor, and prescription NSAIDs like Celecoxib, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Naproxen, and Piroxicam.


How Is Tiredness Related to Arthritis?

Arthritic inflammation can lead to general physical weakness, drowsiness, and exhaustion.


Is Heat or Cold Good for Arthritis?

Both heat pads and cold therapy can be used to manage arthritic pain. One can alternatively experiment with both means before affixing the best suitable methods. Ideally, 5 to 10 minutes of ice packs can alleviate acute pains within the first 48 hours followed by a heat pack if the pain lasts beyond 48 hours.


Why Do Arthritis Flare-Ups Occur?

Arthritic flare-ups may occur as a result of overactivity, joint trauma, or exertion. Other triggers can include bone spurs, stress, repetitive motions, cold weather, a change in barometric pressure, an infection, or weight gain.


How Does Stress Affect Arthritis?

The duration of stress is directly proportional to the severity of the arthritic inflammation. Stress is also a triggering factor for arthritic flare-ups. Consecutively, untreated arthritis with constant pain, fatigue, and poor sleep can aggravate stress which further exacerbates arthritis.


Differentiate Between Arthritis and Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the type of joint inflammation caused due to mechanical wear and tear of the joints, whereas rheumatic arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s own immune system attacks the joints.
Dr. Naval Mendiratta
Dr. Naval Mendiratta



joint stiffnessinflammatory arthritis
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