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Imaging Findings of Congenital Abnormalities in the Spine

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Congenital abnormalities and disparities in the spine reflect specific findings upon imaging. Read to know more about it.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Patil Mahaveer Jingonda

Published At April 5, 2024
Reviewed AtApril 5, 2024


Imaging modalities are the guiding tools in unfolding and bringing out various ailments or malformations. These imaging techniques wipe out the challenges that are otherwise confronted in comprehending and pointing down certain malformations. They could also bring forth unique attributes that aid and pilot the doctor in discerning related maladies or malformations, thus buttressing the diagnosis. Many inborn conditions are also brought into the picture by these imaging modalities. Congenital abnormality is an umbrella term that enfolds and accommodates a range of malformations or defacements that one may procure from birth itself. In simple terms, congenital abnormalities are quoted as those malformations with which one is born.

What Are the Congenital Abnormalities in the Spine?

Congenital abnormalities can emerge anywhere in the body. The area at which the anomaly pops up is governed and incited by the error that was invoked while in the womb. Though all the disparities that evolve from birth are cataloged as congenital abnormalities, they are often labeled with the location at which the error is reflected.

Congenital abnormalities in the spine is another collective medical terminology pointing to abnormalities in one’s spine and spinal structures. Spinal dysraphism is the scientific denomination that quotes congenital abnormalities that pop up in the spine. Such structural derangements in the spine that emerge from birth could bring off strange deformities hampering one’s aptness and propensity for exhibiting movements, retaining perfect body postures, and many more. Anything that an expectant mother ingests could bring out direct implications for the baby’s health within the womb. Proneness to chemicals, maternal disease, and maternal medications ought to bring forth inborn spinal issues.

The below quoted are customarily documented congenital abnormalities or abnormalities reflected in the spine:

  • Kyphosis: In kyphosis, the upper spinal segments express an overstated forward bending or arching of the spine. This overstated forward arching brings forth humpback disfigurement. It instigates postural abnormalities as well as functional derangements.

  • Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a peculiar inborn spinal issue where the sideward and lateral turning is inflicted on the spine, bringing forth an aberrant posture. The reports confessed that scoliosis is the routinely confronted spinal congenital disparities.

  • Lordosis: In lordosis, there will be an overstated inward arching of the spine. Lower spinal segments are more inclined to lordosis development. However, upper spinal segments do rarely bring forth lordosis.

  • Spina Bifida: Spina bifida, an inborn spinal anomaly, is pulled off when the baby’s spine fails to secure its full growth and development while in the womb stage. This could bring forth an incomplete spine, with exceptionally and unusually wider spaces interposing the vertebrae (individual bones that make up the spine). In advanced cases, the spinal cord (delicate tube-shaped nerve agglomerates) alongside the spinal nerves may come through and out pouches on the baby’s back like a protuberance.

What Are the Imaging Modalities Employed for Diagnosing Congenital Abnormalities in the Spine?

Congenital abnormalities that emerge in the spine are often pinned down with the assistance of imaging modalities. Imaging modalities that are employed for underscoring congenital spinal deformities entail the following:

  • X-Rays: Abnormal angle and arching of the spine are delineated in X-rays, where electromagnetic energy is deployed to prompt imaging. X-rays lay out a clear picturization of the spinal anatomy.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Another strategic imaging modality that could bring out inborn spinal disparities is magnetic resonance imaging. The spine’s structural derangements could be precisely unfolded by magnetic resonance imaging.

  • Computed Tomography Scans: Computed tomography scans yield and put up three-dimensional spinal imaging. The degree of arching and aberrant rotations in the spine could be evidently pictured through computed tomography scans.

  • Ultrasound Scans: These are the customarily adopted modality for imaging kids' spines. As it institutes soundwaves for bringing forth images, it precludes and obviates the gravity of radiation harm that an X-ray could invoke.

What Are the Imaging Findings of Congenital Abnormalities in the Spine?

1. Imaging Findings of Kyphosis:

  • X-ray imagery reveals the kyphotic angle (the angle with which the upper spinal segment brings forth exaggerated arching). The radiologist could pin down the precise kyphotic angle from the X-ray imagery. An upscale in the kyphotic angle hints at and inscribes the diagnosis of kyphosis. In case the kyphotic angle gauged from the X-ray surpasses 50 degrees, it then underscores the compulsion for therapeutic intervention.

  • Congenital kyphosis may crush and compact the spinal nerves (nerves that stem and traverse from the spinal cord to distinct areas to convey neuronal signals). Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography scanning may unfold pinched spinal nerves, if any. Mitigated intervertebral spacing clues nerve compression.

2. Imaging Findings of Spina Bifida:

  • Ultrasound scanning of the baby in the womb can signal spina bifida. The bony spinal elements that make up the spine are widely spaced in spina bifida, which is strikingly outlined in imaging modalities like ultrasounds.

3. Imaging Findings of Scoliosis:

  • X-rays bring out the magnitude with which the spine bows sideward. The precise degree of spine defect could be gauged from the X-ray imagery. In addition to the magnitude, the side to which the spine is abnormally bowed could also be discerned from X-ray. Likewise, the explicit point at which the congenital anomaly is projected could be located. All these attributes master the treatment protocol to be instituted.

  • Advanced scoliosis might instigate vertebral rotation. Such vertebral rotation could be evidently mapped with X-ray imaging of the spine segments.

  • Computed tomography scanning and magnetic resonance imaging could also be instituted to ascertain the magnitude of the spinal sideward arching in scoliosis.

4. Imaging Findings of Lordosis:

  • Lordosis unfolds overstated inward arching of the spine in X-ray imaging. The abnormal bowing is drawn out at the lower back (lumbar) or back neck (cervical) region. The degree to which the spine is inwardly bowed could be mapped from an X-ray, which pilots and dictates the treatment modalities that could bring out the elite outcome.

  • Lordosis may also bring forth spinal nerve compression. When the aberrant and overstated spinal bowing projected by lordosis squeezes the interposed spinal nerves, it gravitates spinal nerve compression. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging modalities signal spinal nerve compression by mapping the intervertebral space.


Imaging findings often disclose a clear picturization of the congenital abnormalities. By enabling visualization, imaging modalities buttresses and upscale the treatment course. Furthermore, it also comprehends the anomalies, letting out the degree of aberrations, the exact location at which the anomaly pops up, and the intended course of progression. Certain congenital anomalies involving the spine may live on to a minor degree without calling forth obvious manifestations. In such cases, imaging modalities aid doctors in methodically mapping the degree of the defect. The treatment strategies ought to be embraced in accordance with the degree of spinal bowing or arching.

Dr. Patil Mahaveer Jingonda
Dr. Patil Mahaveer Jingonda

Orthopedician and Traumatology


spinal dysraphism
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