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Fertility Treatments: New Innovative Techniques

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Newer techniques have emerged to increase the rate of success in fertility treatments and eliminate all possible risks.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Published At September 1, 2023
Reviewed AtMay 6, 2024


Natural pregnancy cannot occur in some people due to several reasons and on medical examination the doctors suggest assisted methods for pregnancy. Through the development of medical science and technologies, more methods have come into clinical practice, to increase the chance of successful pregnancy. The fertility treatments are not limited to a few techniques, new innovative techniques emerge to fulfill the dream of becoming parents.

What Are the Lastest Techniques in Fertility Treatment?

Infertility Treatment With Letrozole:

Letrozole is a drug used in the treatment of breast cancer, and also to prevent the recurrence of tumors. The medicine is commonly prescribed for women in menopause who had hormone-dependent breast cancer. This drug inhibits estrogen production which affects the functioning of the pituitary and hypothalamus during ovulation.

Letrozole helps women with polycystic ovary syndrome to conceive and to have a successful pregnancy.

Treatment With Gonadotropins:

In women with irregular menstrual cycles and who do not have regular ovulation, gonadotropins help in the timely maturation and release of eggs. Gonadotropins work with the pituitary gland and regulate hormone levels and ovulation.

Women undergoing fertility treatment will be treated with Letrozole and gonadotropins.

Treatment With Clomid:

The drug also works by regulating the pituitary gland to produce hormones and regulate ovulation, in otherwise who do not develop a mature egg. After receiving the drug the ovaries start to respond to the follicle-stimulating hormone and increase the chance of conception.

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI):

Infertility related to low sperm count or motility can be treated with intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection. In this procedure, the egg is fertilized with a single sperm outside the body. A single sperm is injected into the egg using a needle. A good quality sperm is selected for the procedure and fertilization is done. This can improve the chances of a successful conception.

Stem Cell Treatment:

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to develop into any kind of cell in the human body. It also helps in the repairing of damaged tissue and the regeneration of new cells. Stem cell therapy is a promising treatment option for different diseases.

Infertility treatment to repair the damaged tissues in the ovaries and to produce quality ovum. The quality of the egg determines the outcome of fertility treatment. Stem cell therapy in fertility treatment is also an emerging field that will result in successful treatment.

Laser-Assisted Hatching:

Assisted hatching is a technique used in in vitro fertilization. It involves making a small hole in the outer embryonic layer to help it hatch and get implanted in the uterus. This action takes place before introducing the sperm making easier penetration to the egg and fertilization.

This technique has shown increased success of in vitro fertilization in patients with poor embryo quality and increased maternal age.

This laser-assisted hatching procedure can help women who have had numerous unsuccessful in vitro fertilization cycles enhance their chances of getting pregnant. Couples who undergo peri-implantation genetic testing also go for assisted hatching techniques.

Tubal Fertilization:

In a normal pregnancy, fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube where the egg and sperm meet. In the traditional in vitro fertilization process, fertilization occurs outside the body and the embryo is transferred into the uterus after three to five days. In some cases, fertilization can be allowed to occur inside the body called tubal fertilization. The egg and sperm cells extracted from a couple of donors are transferred immediately to the fallopian tubes after mixing.


It is said to be a technique to preserve the fertility of a person if he or she has compromised reproductive health. The procedure involves freezing biological tissues like egg sperm or embryos. In invitro fertilization, the patients freeze the egg of sperm to use shortly or later. And also helps to increase the success rate by assessing the quality of the egg and sperm before transfer. It is called frozen embryo transfer(IVF-FET).

Cryopreservation is also a new trend in the field of fertility treatment and it will be boosted in coming years.

Embryo Scope or Time-Lapse Imaging:

It is an imaging technique where doctors monitor the development of embryos and select the most viable one for embryo transfer. This can improve the success of fertility treatment and reduce the chances of multiple pregnancies.

Peri Implantation Genetic Screening:

Another innovation in the field of in vitro fertilization is where the embryos are screened for genetic abnormalities before transferring to the uterus. It can be helpful in patients with genetic disorders, to have their kids free from genetic diseases. This screening technique increases the chance of successful pregnancy and reduces miscarriage.

What Is the Role of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Fertility Treatments?

The new era is booked up by artificial intelligence popularly called AI. The emergence of AI in the field of infertility treatment has opened up new ways. Artificial intelligence helps in analyzing large amounts of data and patterns that the human cannot assess. This can be used as a valuable tool for predicting pregnancy outcomes and selecting the most appropriate treatment for each patient and it includes:

Artificial Intelligence in Vitro Fertilization:

AI integrated with time-lapse imaging (TLI) technology, monitors the stages of treatment from fertilization to the blastocyst stage. It helps in the ongoing forecasts using TLI technology. Artificial intelligence increases the success rate of in vitro fertilization by selecting the best embryo for transfer and reducing miscarriages. The application of AI in vitro fertilization is in its initial stages and hopes to help as a great tool for improving the treatment outcome.

Robotic Technology and Nanotechnology:

The advancements in robotics and nanotechnology have automated intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). And also helps in the real-time analysis of oocyte penetration and the selection of healthy sperm or embryos.


The continued studies and innovative treatment modalities helped a lot in fertility treatment to increase the success rate and eliminate all the possible risks. The complexity of methods has reduced making them more accessible to the population. The treatment options vary for each individual and depend on their clinical problems. Many treatment techniques need more research and study to get the full benefit from the procedures.

Dr. Sameer Kumar
Dr. Sameer Kumar

Obstetrics and Gynecology


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