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Edging - A Detailed Review

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Edging is a sexual technique to control the orgasm before reaching the sexual climax. Both males and females do the edging. Read the article to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Raveendran S R

Published At June 13, 2023
Reviewed AtMay 16, 2024


Edging is a sexual practice that allows people to control orgasms. It is also known as surfing, peaking, and teasing. People do sexual practices to form better orgasms. The condition is helpful in people with premature ejaculation because it may increase the time of sexual activities. Due to this, people may build confidence and opportunities for experimentation. People may do edging with a partner or alone. In 1956, James H. Semans first introduced the sexual practice as a stop-start method. This helps people to achieve better orgasms. In 1993, Alex Comfort referred to it as the new joy of sex. The name edging is because people stop themselves at the point of orgasm and wait for thirty seconds, or the couple touches each other and allows them to cool down. The break from stimulation only delays the climax. This is known as the stop-start method. People may repeat edging several times to enhance sexual orgasms. Communication about edging before sex between partners is essential. Both males and females do the edging. The article discusses edging, ways to do edging, benefits, and side effects.

What Are the Stages of Sexual Arousal?

Four stages of sexual arousal may help the person stop and start stimulation.

  • Excitement: A person's skin starts to flush, heartbeat increases, muscle tense, and blood flow increases to the clitoris, vagina, and penis. The vagina gets wet.

  • Plateau: The person feels excitement gets more intense. This is the stage where a person may stop the stimulation.

  • Orgasm: This is the stage in which there is an increase in the ejaculation of semen from the penis and lubrication in the vagina. A person needs to avoid this stage in edging.

  • Resolution: After orgasm, the muscles and tissues return to their non-aroused state. It is a stage where a person can get aroused again. The condition can last for minutes or days.

What Are the Ways to Try Edging Alone?

A person can try edging alone with masturbation or a vibrator. If a person is attempting to edge, then there is a need to stay at a stage between plateau and orgasms. There are some steps of the start-stop method of sexual practice that includes:

  • Make Environment Ideal: A person needs to create an intense and warm atmosphere. Firstly lock the door, switch off the lights, light the candles, and put on some relaxed music to feel relaxed, safe, and comfortable. A person may use a lubricant that can be water, silicone-based, or glycerine-free.

  • Get In Physical Mood: A person may start the physical arousal process by touching the penis with fingers until it gets hard and the vagina until it gets wet.

  • Start Masturbating: A person may stroke the penis or stimulate the clitoris until it cum.

  • Stop Stimulation: When a person feels that there is a point of orgasm, pull away the hand to prevent orgasm. If there is a need for breath, take a few minutes of deep breaths by inhaling and exhaling slowly.

  • Start Sexual Activity Again: A person needs to think of the activity that excites them. Start the sexual activity by touching again and masturbation and fingering faster.

  • Repeat: Repeat all the steps two to three times to reach the climax.

What Are the Ways for Edging With a Partner?

Some steps that can help the couple in edging include.

  • Get Aroused: The couple may sexually arouse each other through oral sex, licking nipples, stimulating G-spot, and activities that increase excitement.

  • Vocal Or Sound Cues: Sound cues are the check for the orgasm to come. It is essential because this is the point the couple has to stop.

  • Stop Stimulation: When the partner says they will come, stop the stimulation and return the body to normal.

  • Start Stimulation: Start the stimulation process two to three times up to stage three. After that, allow the orgasm.

What Are the Ways of Edging With Sex Toys?

Sex toys may increase the edging experience. The ways of edging with sex toys include:

  • Choose A Sex Toy: A person must choose a sex toy for the penis and clitoris before sexual arousal. Male vibrators and female vibrators are available. Use oil or water-based lubricant on the sex toy, penis, and clitoris.

  • Start Stimulation: A person can start a sexual activity with a sex toy.

  • Stop Stimulation: A person has to stop the stimulation before the orgasm and take a deep breath. Then, repeat the sexual practice three times to enjoy and delay the climax.

How Can Edging Help With Premature Ejaculation?

Some ways may help people with premature ejaculation. A person with premature ejaculation touches only the sensitive area of the penis and moves the finger around that area in a circular form. Keep moving the finger until the penis gets hard. Then, drag the finger away from the penis just before the orgasm. Take a deep breath and then start the process again. Repeat the process many times. The process is known as ballooning.

What Are the Benefits of Edging?

Edging provides multiple benefits in improving sex. The benefits are as follows:

  • First, sexual activity helps people in achieving orgasm efficiently.

  • Second, it reduces the feeling of embarrassment by creating confidence and awareness.

  • Third, it is beneficial for people with premature ejaculation.

  • Fourth, it increases the duration of sexual activity.

  • Finally, it provides people with sexual interest.

What Are the Side Effects of Edging?

Edging is not harmful and does not cause any ejaculation issues. However, it can lead to pain and discomfort in the testes due to increased blood flow to the penis and testis. The condition is known as blue balls or epididymal hypertension. In addition, edging may increase the risk of infection.


Edging is a sexual practice that engages people in stimulation and stops the stimulation before orgasm. The sexual method is only to delay the climax. People can do edging alone or with a partner. It provides multiple benefits, including premature ejaculation problems, achieving orgasm efficiently, and increasing sexual interest. It is not harmful but can cause pain and discomfort in the testes and scrotum. It may increase the risk of infection. Using barrier methods like condoms during sexual intercourse may decrease the disease risk.

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Dr. Raveendran S R
Dr. Raveendran S R



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