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Omnisexuality - An Overview

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Omnisexuality refers to the sexual orientation in which an individual feels emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction towards people of any gender identity.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Raveendran S R

Published At August 30, 2022
Reviewed AtMay 22, 2024


Sexual orientation is an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attractions toward persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, to both sexes or more than one gender, or no one. Sexual orientation is fluid- meaning it can change over time- and many variables are involved when determining how someone identifies themselves sexually. Omnisexuality is a sexual orientation to feel sexual attraction to people of all genders. Omnisexuality includes the concept of the gender of their sexual partners or sexual activities. The term “Omni” is a Latin word that means ‘everything’ that is sexually oriented toward any gender.

What Is Omnisexuality?

Omnisexuality is an identity that falls under the spectrum of sexuality of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community. The identity is considered to be different but similar to pansexuality. Omnisexuality is defined as a sexual orientation in which people feel sexual attraction to others without gender restriction. While it is true that omnisexuality is a form of bisexuality, which suggests that a person is attracted to both men and women, omnisexuality also differs in that it describes an attraction to people across all genders, including cisgender, transgender, and nonbinary individuals. Omnisexuality lies on a spectrum, and it can be fluid.

Are Omnisexual and Pansexual the Same?

Omnisexual and pansexual refers to people who are sexually attracted to people of all gender identities. Though it is often conflated with pansexuality, the two orientations are not the same. There is a difference in the meaning of the two, and they are often used interchangeably. People who are pansexual are also attracted to people of all genders, but they believe that gender is not a factor. This attraction can be romantic or sexual - it does not matter whether the person you are attracted to identifies as a man, woman, or something else entirely.

Omnisexuality shares many characteristics with pansexuality: both include attraction not just between men and women but also between transgender individuals (people who identify with more than one gender identity), nonbinary individuals (people who do not identify as either male or female), and polyamorous relationships (meaning they have multiple partners at once). But, people who are omnisexual have gender preferences.

What Are the Myths and Misconceptions of Omnisexuality?

There are many misconceptions about omnisexuality, which is often confused with bisexuality. Omnisexuality is the attraction to all genders, not just two. This does not mean that an omnisexual person is attracted to everyone they meet, but rather that they are open to the possibility of being attracted to any gender.

One of the myths concerning the omnisexual is their sexual orientation identity. Unfortunately, there is a lack of information about this orientation, making it difficult for people who identify as omnisexual to find information and support. Unlike some other sexual orientations, omnisexuality people may still identify with traditional labels like gay, straight or bi, depending on how they experience their sexuality. Many do not use labels at all. Omnisexual also do not necessarily feel different kinds of attraction toward different genders; they are attracted to everyone regardless of their looks and gender.

What Is an Omnisexual Flag?

The omnisexual flag consists of five colors: light pink, pink, light blue, blue, and purple. The gender spectrum is expressed by light pink and light blue. Pink represents attraction to women. Blue represents attraction to men. Purple represents attraction to all genders.

What if You Are Omnisexual?

If you think you might be omnisexual, it is essential to do some research and explore your sexuality. Talk about your feelings with your trusted partners and read up on different sexual orientations. If you are omnisexual, your attraction is not limited to two genders, it is possible for you to be attracted to someone who identifies with another gender than your own.

However, if you feel like, your feelings are not being accepted by those around you and have questions about your sexual identity or orientation, then there are also support groups and forums among other omnisexual people. If you are not sure where to start, consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can help you navigate your feelings regarding your sexuality.

How Omnisexual Make Relationships?

Omnisexual people have more options in choosing their sexual partners. If your partner is not aware of the label, it is your duty to make them understand to have an orientation with someone who values their feelings. Omnisexuality is a valid identity in its own right. Explaining your understanding and experiences of omnisexuality with your partner makes relationships better.


If you are unsure of your sexuality, you are not alone. Many people do not know where they fall on the sexuality spectrum. Some do not realize they are bisexual until they get older. If you question your sexuality, your first step should be to talk to a trusted partner or family member about it. The increase in the size of the internet and social media has allowed people of all orientations to connect and form communities. At present, there is a growing acceptance of omnisexuality as a valid and legitimate sexual orientation.

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Dr. Raveendran S R
Dr. Raveendran S R



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