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Sexual Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder

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Borderline personality disorder impacts sexuality in many ways. Read the article to know more.

Written by

Dr. Dheeksha. R

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vipul Chelabhai Prajapati

Published At May 21, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 28, 2024


A borderline personality disorder affects sexuality in many ways. Based on the symptoms manifested by men and women who have borderline personality disorder, they may experience compulsive sexual behavior, sex avoidance, or hypersexuality. These changes in sexual behavior impact the ability to maintain a healthy relationship.

What Is Meant by Borderline Personality Disorder?

Poor self-image, mood swings, and interpersonal relationship issues characterize borderline personality disorder. Border personality disorder symptoms include hypersensitivity, fear of rejection, and feeling of emptiness. This condition can affect the person's emotional state, relationship, and ability to control their behavior. Some mental health conditions usually coexist with borderline personality disorder; these are:

  • Depression.

  • Bipolar disorder.

  • Substance abuse.

  • Anxiety issues.

  • Eating disorder.

What Are the Symptoms Associated With Border Personality Disorder?

Some common symptoms are:

  • Fear of abandonment.

  • Unstable sense of self and relationship.

  • Self-destruction behaviors.

  • Intense anger.

  • Severe mood swings.

  • Long-term feelings of rejection.

  • Severe emotional mood swings.

  • Emotional dysregulation.

  • Paranoia, which is caused due to stress.

What Are the Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder?

Some common causes are:

  • Genetic: The person is more prone to borderline personality disorder if the person has acquired a specific gene from their parents.

  • Issues With Brain Chemicals: Those people who are affected with borderline personality disorder will have issues with brain neurotransmitters, most commonly serotonin. The brain utilizes neurotransmitters called messenger chemicals to transmit information between brain cells. Serotonin is usually caused due to violence, sadness, and resisting desire to harm.

  • Issues With Brain Development: The brains of those people affected by this condition have been examined with the help of an MRI. In most of the people affected by borderline personality disorder, three brain regions show very high or low activity. The areas affected are the orbitofrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. These brain regions play a role in controlling a person's mood, which is why people affected by this condition experience challenges in interpersonal relationships.

  • Environmental Factors: Environmental factors related to borderline personality disorders are childhood trauma and abuse such as sexual abuse.

How Does Borderline Personality Disorder Affect Sex?

A borderline personality disorder is difficult to diagnose as this condition exists along with other mood conditions, where both conditions can impact sexual functioning. If the person is affected by this condition, they need sex constantly to be fulfilled emotionally. Those people affected by this condition find it difficult to initiate sex. This issue can cause tension between partners.

Borderline personality disorder can also result in feelings of low self-worth. The feeling of insecurity or unworthiness can peak in the person during sex at the most vulnerable state. The person has the feeling that they are not able to please their partner. In this condition, the person’s libido is affected. It may be difficult for the person to match their partner’s drive.

How to Overcome Low Libido Caused Due to Borderline Personality Disorder?

The person affected by this condition should engage in things that make them and their partner feel relaxed before indulging in any sexual act. This can include engaging in foreplay, and they should try to get verbal feedback from their partner. These people find it tough to have a conversation regarding sex with their partner, but it is very necessary to have a healthy relationship. This can help to build a stronger bond and can make the person feel more confident and stronger.

How Can Borderline Personality Disorder Be Managed?

Many therapies can treat this condition, reducing or completely subsiding the symptoms, enhancing the quality of life, and improving productivity. The intensity of the treatment can differ based on the symptoms. Some can feel better from clinical treatment sessions, and people with severe symptoms usually need inpatient care at the hospital.

How to treat the condition is very important, as the person should have complete knowledge about the condition, as borderline personality disorder will coexist with other mental conditions. In most of the cases, this condition will be mistaken for other mental issues. The treatment method for one person may not be the same for another. At the same time, those people with borderline personality disorder who are not treated properly have a higher risk of contracting other physical and mental issues. There is a strong relation between this condition and suicidal or self-harm, which enhances the importance of treating this condition. Proper treatment can reduce the chance of self-destructive acts.

Some of the therapies to treat borderline personality disorders are:

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: This therapy helps the affected person to reduce the intensity of the symptoms experienced. This therapy aims at emotional management and regulation.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This therapy helps people focus on thoughts and triggers related to this condition, managing these triggers by creating greater awareness.

  • Family Therapy: Family therapy helps many individuals. Most people feel better with this therapy. Educating family members on the symptoms caused by this condition can improve the support system at home.

  • Psychoeducation: This therapy provides information regarding the symptoms of this condition. This helps people feel empowered and more controlled regarding the symptoms.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: This therapy emphasizes that difficult feelings and emotions cannot be avoided in life. Therefore, it helps people manage negative thoughts and feelings when they arise.

Why There Is a Loss of Interest in Sex in People Affected With Borderline Personality Disorder?

Most people affected by this condition, especially women, tend to avoid sex. Most of the affected women experience more sexual dissatisfaction. They experience negative feedback regarding their sexual relation. The affected person feels pressured to indulge in sexual activity.

When to Consult a Doctor?

Most people avoid consulting a doctor as they feel shame about having borderline personality disorder. The doctor or therapist can understand the symptoms and can help the person develop insights into how the symptoms can affect the sense of sexuality. Those affected with this condition must consult a therapist, counselor, or psychologist.


A borderline personality disorder is a condition that affects the emotional state of the person. This can affect the sexual life and also the relationship. This condition is very difficult to diagnose as it is present in coexistence with other mental issues. This needs to be managed, or it can lead to suicidal thoughts.

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Dr. Vipul Chelabhai Prajapati
Dr. Vipul Chelabhai Prajapati



borderline personality disordersexual behavior
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