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Exfoliation of the Skin - Indications, Methods, Frequency, and Precautions

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Exfoliating the skin has become a part of the daily routine. Read the article below to learn more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Nidhin Varghese

Published At September 2, 2022
Reviewed AtJune 11, 2024


Skin is the largest and most complex organ in the body. It is made up of ten to 30 layers of dead skin cells. These cells naturally shed off and are replaced with new ones within 28 to 45 days. However, these cells are cleared away by exfoliation to improve the appearance of the skin.

What Is Exfoliation of Skin?

Exfoliation is the process by which dead cells formed over the superficial layers of the skin are removed, either manually or chemically, paving the way for the formation of new cells. There are two types of exfoliation: manual and chemical.

What Are the Types of Exfoliants?

Physical Exfoliants

  • These include face scrubs, masks, sponges, textured cloths, brushes, etc. These act by the mechanical removal of dead skin cells on the top layers of the skin.

  • Gentle, fine-grain scrubs are safe to use regularly on the delicate skin of the face and neck.

  • Rough, coarse-grain scrubs are targeted toward large patches of skin.

  • These rough scrubs can sometimes cause damage to the skin if it is used harshly.

Chemical Exfoliants

  • These include products containing alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acid.

  • Alpha hydroxy acid is water-soluble and is derived from fruits with high sugar content. It removes dead skin and promotes new cell growth.

  • Beta hydroxy acid is oil-soluble, and it penetrates the skin effectively. Besides removing the dead cells, they also remove oil and dirt below the skin's surface.

Exfoliation is done professionally by dermatologists and estheticians. Some procedures done by professionals are as follows.

  • Microdermabrasion: A handheld device eliminates dead cells, and a mild sunburn is felt after the procedure.

  • Chemical Peels: Chemical solutions are used to peel dead cells. It lowers the skin's pH, thereby dissolving and digesting the dead cells in the superficial and deep layers of the skin.

  • Laser Resurfacing: Intense pulsed light or CO2 lasers remove scars, discoloration, and sun—or age-related damage. They also trigger new collagen formation.

What Are the Benefits of Exfoliating the Skin?

Exfoliating the skin offers numerous benefits. The American Academy of Dermatology notes that exfoliation can brighten the complexion and enhance the effectiveness of topical skincare products by improving their absorption. Regular exfoliation can also prevent clogged pores, leading to fewer breakouts. Over time, exfoliation can boost collagen production, which is essential for vibrant, glowing skin. Collagen also improves skin elasticity, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and sagging.

Why Should Individuals Exfoliate?

The benefits of exfoliation are as follows,

  • Cleans and purifies the clogged pores.

  • It gives an instant glow to the skin by sloughing away dead cells and allowing penetration of skincare products.

  • Boosts circulation.

  • Prevents bacterial accumulation in the pores of the skin.

  • Provides an even skin tone.

  • Improves the texture of the skin.

  • It helps regulate the oil and sebum production of the skin, thus contributing to acne control.

How Should the Person Exfoliate?

  • First of all, consider the skin products already in use.

  • Identify the skin type and select the appropriate exfoliation method that suits the skin.

  • For normal skin, choose an exfoliant that is comfortable.

  • For oily skin, a strong chemical exfoliant or scrub is recommended.

  • For dry skin, a washcloth and chemical exfoliants can be used.

  • Be gentle to the skin.

  • Apply moisturizer followed by exfoliation.

  • Plan the right schedule for exfoliation.

Exfoliation of the Face

  • Pick a chemical exfoliant with acid.

  • Apply it to the face by making circular motions with the fingers.

  • Massage it for about 30 seconds to one minute.

  • Rinse off with cool water and pat the face dry.

  • Use a moisturizer after exfoliation.

  • Repeat the same twice or thrice a week.

Exfoliation of the Body

  • Use an exfoliating body wash to shower daily.

  • Use sugar or salt scrub twice a week.

  • Make short and light strokes by using a sponge or brush.

  • Then, use moisturizer after exfoliation.

How Often Should the Person Exfoliate?

Exfoliation twice or thrice a week is usually recommended. Once a week is not enough. However, the person's skin type determines how many times to exfoliate.

  • Sensitive Skin: People with sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation can exfoliate once a week.

  • Normal Skin: Once or twice a week is enough.

  • Dry Skin: Once or twice a week, remove the dead cells built up on the skin's surface.

  • Oily Skin: Oily skin produces more sebum, so twice or thrice a week is required to control and reduce blackheads and pimples.

  • Combination Skin: It is characterized by a combination of dry and oily skin. So, twice or thrice a week is essential, and the dry part of the skin must be more concentrated.

When Should the Person Exfoliate?

The time exfoliation is to be done depends on the individual.

Exfoliating in the Morning

  • Exfoliating in the morning reduces the oiliness throughout the day.

  • After applying toners and moisturizers, breaking down dead cells in the morning enhances the look.

  • Exfoliation stimulates the blood flow to the skin, making the complexion appear brighter.

Exfoliating at Night

  • Exfoliating at night helps to remove makeup, sunscreen, or other impurities due to environmental stressors.

  • It makes nighttime products work better by allowing their penetration into the skin.

  • They increase the efficiency of skin cell turnover.

  • Night-time exfoliation is better for sensitive skin.

Is Too Much Exfoliation Necessary?

No, too much exfoliation is not necessary. It can lead to

  • Formation of dry, flaky patches on the skin.

  • Redness and irritation of the skin.

  • Cracks on the skin lead to loss of hydration and inflammation.

  • Injury can occur if every form of treatment is added.

  • Breaks off the natural oils of the skin.

What Are the Precautions to Be Taken While Exfoliating?

  • Consider the skin type and choose the method and duration of exfoliating skin.

  • If the person has sensitive skin, avoid using chemical peel-off masks. The acidic content in the exfoliating solution may cause irritation and redness of the skin.

  • Do not panic if one experiences mild irritation after applying chemical exfoliants. These are normal. But if they persist, it is better to consult a dermatologist and use the product.

  • Apply sunscreen after exfoliation in the morning. After exfoliation, the skin becomes thinner and more vulnerable to the sun’s UV rays.

  • To minimize inflammation after exfoliation, it is better to use anti-inflammatory products.

  • Refrain from exfoliating the face too often.

How Should Individuals Choose the Right Products?

Countless over-the-counter (OTC) options, including scrubs for the face, body, and feet, and products tailored to different skin types. When selecting a product, keep these tips in mind:

  • Check the Scope: Never use a body scrub on the face, as body scrubs are typically harsher and can damage delicate facial skin.

  • Use One Product at a Time: While buying a full set of products may be tempting, avoid using more than one exfoliant on the same area to prevent skin damage and unwanted side effects.

  • Switch Products as Needed: The skincare needs can change, so be prepared to switch products accordingly. For instance, if the skin becomes oily, they might try a product with charcoal.


People are more conscious of skincare, but failing to exfoliate the skin before using any product is an utter failure. Thus, exfoliation is an essential skincare routine to maintain a delicate balance of the skin. However, do it only once it is enough for the skin; instead, do it.

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Exfoliate the Skin?

Exfoliation is a process of removing dead cells from the skin. Skin exfoliation can be done by applying any natural skin exfoliants, scrubs, or chemical exfoliators on its surface and gently massaging them in circular motions for about 25 to 30 seconds, then rinsing them off with lukewarm or normal water. Exfoliation helps improve the appearance of the skin. However, one should first find their skin type before exfoliation since each person's skin type will react differently to various exfoliation methods.


What Are the Three Forms of Exfoliation?

There are three primary forms of exfoliation for your skin, which are:
- Physical Exfoliation - It is the process of removing the dead cells from the surface of the skin by physically using exfoliator objects like sponges, granular scrubs, washcloths, and facial brushes or using natural exfoliators like grounded sugar, coffee, oatmeals, or almonds by gently massaging or rubbing in a circular motion and then rinsing off with lukewarm or normal water. Which physically abrades the skin surface and removes the dead cells.
- Chemical Exfoliation - It is the process of removing dead cells from the skin by using some chemicals that have exfoliating effects and dissolve in the skin to remove the dead cells. Some commonly used chemical exfoliants are alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids.
- Mechanical Exfoliation -  It is the process of removing dead cells by using a device or machine to exfoliate your skin. Some commonly used mechanical exfoliators include microdermabrasion and some laser treatments for exfoliation.


Is Exfoliating Beneficial for the Skin?

Yes, it is beneficial for the skin since it increases blood circulation in the skin, helps in brightening the skin's appearance, and improves the skin tone by giving a fresh glow and radiance to the skin by exfoliating dry and dull skin and by removing all the dead cells and debris from the skin.


How Often Should One Exfoliate Their Skin?

Exfoliation is an easy and simple way to improve your skin's appearance. The number of times one should exfoliate their skin depends on their skin type and the type of exfoliant used. Chemical exfoliants are very fine and can be used regularly. Whereas physical exfoliators are mostly too abrasive, they can be used twice or thrice weekly. Generally, humans shed around 500 million dead skin cells daily, so many people think weekly exfoliation is enough to maintain a proper skin appearance. Still, it is advisable to exfoliate at least two to three times per week as long as your skin can withstand it.


Which Substance Exfoliates Skin the Best?

Depending on each person's skin type, the best exfoliating ingredients vary. For example, salicylic acid is best for oily and acne-prone skin, lactic acid is best for sensitive and dry skin, and glycolic acid is best for all skin types and gives an overall glow. The exfoliator, which has a gentle and soft ingredient, is best for the skin since it does not disrupt or damage it. Some of the best exfoliating ingredients are:
- Salicylic acid (BHA).
- Glycolic acid (AHA).
- Lactic acid (AHA).
- Fruit enzymes.
- Jojoba seeds.


What Are the Advantages of Skin Exfoliation?

The benefits of skin exfoliation are:
- It helps open up the pores, removes all the dead and dry skin, and prevents the skin from forming black and white heads.
- It helps in preventing and reduce acne and other blemishes.
- It helps to even the overall skin tone.
- It helps in boosting blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
- It helps in stimulating collagen synthesis.
- It helps in increasing cell turnover.
- It helps other skin products to penetrate deeper into the skin.


Why Is It Vital to Exfoliate the Skin?

Exfoliating helps you maintain the skin's health by giving it radiance and a smooth, silky texture as age reduces by dry skin buildup and removing these pigmented cells. Depending on the skin type, a change in your complexion will be seen from dry and dull to soft and bright with a daily exfoliation and moisturizing routine.


What Takes Place During Exfoliation?

Exfoliating involves utilizing a chemical, granular substance, or exfoliation tool to remove dead skin cells from the skin's surface. Every 30 days, your skin naturally sheds old, dead cells to make a place for new ones.


How Should One Exfoliate Their Face for Good Results?

Apply gentle, tiny, circular strokes to any scrubs or chemical exfoliators you use. Use lukewarm water to rinse after 30 seconds of this. Make quick, light strokes with a brush or sponge if you use one. Never exfoliate if you have open sores, cuts, or burned skin. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid, and lactic acid are exfoliating substances that are frequently used.


Which Is Better, Morning or Night Time Exfoliation?

You will get the best and finest results from exfoliating in the morning while choosing between morning and night exfoliation. This is because your skin creates oils when you sleep, so when you exfoliate in the morning compared to the evening or night, you can eliminate almost all the pollutants, dead skin, and oils more efficiently.


What Does a Natural Exfoliator Do for the Face?

The natural exfoliator used for the face should be grounded, fine, and gentle since facial skin is very soft and more delicate than other areas of skin in the body. Unfortunately, natural exfoliators are sometimes very coarse and abrasive, causing over-exfoliation and leading to breakouts. So exfoliating your face once or twice a week is advisable when using natural exfoliators. Some natural exfoliators include baking soda, ground sugar, coffee, oatmeal, or almonds.


What Changes Your Face Undergoes With Microdermabrasion?

It is one of the mechanical ways of exfoliating the skin, where a minimally abrasive tool is used in microdermabrasion treatments to sand the skin softly, removing the thicker stretch marks, minor discoloration, uneven outer layer, sun damage, and light scarring which gives a kind of skin rejuvenation.


What Is the Duration of Microdermabrasion?

The in-office procedure of microdermabrasion typically lasts for an hour. It is usually carried out by a certified skin care specialist, who may or may not be working under the direction of a medical expert, depending on the state in which you reside. For microdermabrasion, neither an anesthetic nor a numbing agent is required.


Is Microdermabrasion Better Than Chemical Peels?

A chemical peel employs a chemical solution to dissolve the skin, whereas microdermabrasion uses suction to remove dead cells from the epidermis delicately. Chemical peels are a better option if you have active acne, where microdermabrasion can aggravate or worsen the condition. Salicylic acid is used in chemical peels to exfoliate skin cells and prevent new outbreaks. Microdermabrasion or gentle chemical peels can work if you have minor wrinkles. Chemical peels treat fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and other topical skin problems, like microdermabrasion.
Dr. Nidhin Varghese
Dr. Nidhin Varghese



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