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Using a Face Serum - All One Needs to Know

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Face serum treats certain skincare issues, including dark spots, fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and dullness. Read to know more.

Written by

Dr. Aysha Anwar

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Published At April 22, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 3, 2024


Face serums are specialized skincare solutions made to address particular skin issues. They contain potent compounds that help enhance the look and health of the skin and complexion and may be used in several ways. There are various face serums: some are creamy or watery, while others are thick. Face serums frequently contain retinol or peptides to help decrease wrinkles and fine lines and plant-derived extracts to soothe, moisturize, and nourish the skin.

How Can One Use a Face Serum?

While face serums are essential to any skincare routine, using them correctly can be the difference between getting results and wasting money. Here is how to do it right!

  • Begin by Washing the Face: Cleansing helps to remove dirt, oil, sweat, and other impurities from the skin's surface, which can clog pores and produce blemishes. It also prepares the skin for other skincare products, allowing them to absorb more easily.

  • Do Not Forget to Use a Toner: Toners help restore the skin's natural pH balance after cleansing, which is especially beneficial for people with sensitive or mixed skin. They also assist in reducing the appearance of pores and remove any remaining debris or oil from the skin's surface.

  • Apply the Serum to Fingertips: Apply a few drops (three to four) of serum on the fingertips and gently massage it into the face and neck in upward, circular motions. The amount of serum required varies according to the product and skin type, so begin with a tiny amount and gradually increase as needed.

  • Gently Dab the Serum into the Skin Before Massaging Lightly: Face serums include powerful active ingredients that penetrate deep into the skin's layers, providing intensive hydration where needed.

  • It Is Easier Said Than Done, so Please Give It a Few Minutes: The serum must be fully absorbed into the skin before applying other skincare products. Face serums are best used as the first step in a routine to allow them to perform their magic before anything else is added.

  • Apply a Thick Serum to the Face After Warming Up Three to Five Drops in Hands: Denser serums must be warmed up before application. Drip a few drops into the palm and rub the palms together. This distributes the product evenly on both hands as well. Then, using gently pressing movements, spread the serum throughout the face. Cover the cheekbones, forehead, nose, and chin.

  • Remember to Use a Proper Face Cream: Face serums are intended to enhance the efficiency of the skincare routine. Thus, following up with a high-quality face moisturizer, day cream, or night cream, depending on the time of day, is critical. Face creams help seal moisture, keep skin hydrated for longer, and protect it from environmental toxins. To get the greatest results, choose one appropriate for the skin type; those with dry or mature skin may want something richer and more nourishing than those with oily or acne-prone skin.

  • Wait One Minute Before Applying Moisturizer Over the Entire Face: After about a minute, most of the serum will be absorbed into the skin. Squeeze a dime-sized moisturizer into the hand and apply it to the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. The moisturizer locks in all the serum's nourishing benefits, leaving skin looking fresh and glowing in no time.

How to Choose the Correct Serum According to Skin Type?

  • For an All-Purpose Serum: If someone has "normal" skin or wants a serum to maintain skin beauty, try one with these ingredients. Aloe vera decreases redness and increases skin moisture. Glycolic acid eliminates dead skin cells, keeping them from clogging pores. Hydration is essential for healthy skin. This is an excellent choice if one has no "problem areas" but wants to nurture the skin thoroughly. It is also an effective way to reduce UV damage and acne scars.

  • To Treat Acne: Vitamin C contains antioxidants that help renew the skin. Retinol and benzoyl peroxide are effective acne treatments, and salicylic acid can help repair existing acne. This combination effectively reduces inflammation or redness, manages oil, and treats or prevents acne.

  • If One Has Dry Skin: Both glycolic and hyaluronic acids assist the skin in retaining moisture. These ingredients create a powerful, hydrating serum ideal for dry skin. The serum will not feel like a thick moisturizer and will deeply hydrate the face in seconds.

  • To Decrease Wrinkles: Retinol improves fine lines and wrinkles, while peptides promote healthy skin. Combine these ingredients to create an amazing wrinkle-reducing serum. For the best results, apply these serums at night so that the skin can absorb the serum, which is beneficial when repairing wrinkles.

  • To Brighten the Complexion: Sun exposure, smoking, heredity, and a lack of sleep can all cause skin tone to appear uneven or dull. Vitamin C and ferulic acid are strong antioxidants that help rejuvenate skin. They neutralize free radicals in the skin, making it look more even and vibrant.

  • For Treating Uneven Skin Tones: Licorice root extract reduces the appearance of discoloration and aging spots. Kojic acid repairs scars, UV damage, and uneven skin tone. After a few weeks of using serums containing these substances, the skin may appear even and glowing. Look for serums containing Vitamin C, which is believed to brighten skin. When it comes to balancing out skin tone, consider using an arbutin-containing serum. Arbutin is often used to prevent the formation of black patches. It also illuminates the entire complexion. When selecting a vitamin C serum, search for alternatives containing L-ascorbic acid, the most active component. This helps while rejuvenating.

  • To Decrease Dark Circles, Use an Under-the-Eye Serum: There are serums expressly designed to address dark circles beneath the eyes. If one wants to lessen the appearance of under-eye circles, try one of these. They frequently contain substances such as licorice root extract or arbutin. Apply these straight to the under-eye area. This can be used with both daytime and nocturnal serums.

  • To Achieve the Best Effects, Use Both a Daytime And Overnight Serum: Daytime serums are usually less concentrated, so one will not have to worry about sun exposure. Nighttime serums are highly concentrated, with the chemicals taking effect as sleep. Use both to keep skin as healthy and radiant as possible. Start carefully with serums to allow the skin to adjust to new ingredients. Begin by applying nightly serum once every other day, gradually increasing to nightly treatment for several weeks. Next, add daily serum. In the morning, apply an antioxidant serum to preserve skin. To maintain a youthful appearance, use a nightly serum containing retinol.


One may target particular skin issues and maximize the benefits of each product, which is currently a part of the skincare routine, by adding a face serum to the regimen. Applying face serum correctly will help get better results sooner, and with regular application, one will see obvious improvements in the texture and tone of the skin. So, remember to wash, apply toner, distribute the serum into one’s hands, gently massage it into the skin, and allow it to absorb before moving on to the rest of the skincare routine.

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Dr. Suvash Sahu
Dr. Suvash Sahu



vitamin c serum
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