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Skincare Tips For Men

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Skincare Tips For Men

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Here is the most awaited topic. How to make men's skin fair? This article contains a few essential tips which every man should follow.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At April 15, 2016
Reviewed AtApril 24, 2023

Many patients and friends constantly ask me what to do to make their skin fair. A healthy skincare routine can help you fight different skin-related issues. There are some differences between the skin of a man and a woman. First, one-third of the men's face is covered with coarse facial hair, and second, there is more outdoor activity in the case of men. Men's skin is a bit thicker due to high androgen hormones, but the fundamental structure of the skin is the same.

Just like women, men also face several skin problems. These can be acne, blackheads, dry skin, or extra oil production. But not many are aware of the proper skincare routine to follow for healthy and glowing skin. It would be best if they have a nutritious diet, lifestyle, skincare routine, and environmental factors to get clear and glowing skin. In addition, men usually experience shaving irritation. If they want to fight these effectively, here are some simple steps for men to get clear skin. Along with these, they should make sure that they consume a healthy diet so that their skin receives the required nourishment.

My first suggestion is, do not be fooled by advertisements on television. There is nothing extra in creams made for men. So now, let us see the skincare tips that men should follow.

  • Know Your Skin Type: Like women, men also need to know their skin type for better care. Men's skin can be dry, oily, or in combination. It will help them choose the right skin care product according to their skin type. Choosing the right product will give them an effective result.

  • Sunscreen: As all of us know, men are involved in outdoor activity more than women, exposure to the sun is also more than women. So, every man should use sunscreen regularly.

  • Face Wash or Skin Cleanser: Too much outdoor activity causes exposure to dirt and pollution particles. These particles close the pores of the skin and cause acne and pimples. So, once they come home, they should immediately wash their face with good face wash. It will certainly help them. It would be helpful if they clean their face at least twice a day. For toning, they can choose a toner according to their skin type or use rose water. Moisturising is essential.

  • Shaving: I would suggest avoiding shaving as much as possible because the continuous rubbing of the skin with the blade causes darkening and hardening of that area. So, in my view, trimming the beard and mustache is a better option than shaving. If any men often experience razor bumps, razor burns, or ingrown hairs, they can use a double-blade or single-blade razor instead and should not stretch their skin taut while shaving. Before shaving, they should wet their skin and hair to soften it. Then, use moisturizing shaving cream and shave in the direction of hair growth.

  • After-Shave Lotion: Soon after shaving, they should always use after-shave lotion or liquid to smoothen the skin and make it soft. Please try to avoid alcohol-containing after-shave because alcohol causes dehydration of the skin.

  • Hair Oil or Hair Creams: Many people have different opinions, but in my opinion, hair oil can cause acne. So, use it minimally. Being a dermatologist, I would suggest that any beauty and skincare tips which are helpful for women are also beneficial and effective for men.

  • CTM: CTM stands for cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. It would be helpful if they clean their face at least twice a day. For toning, they can choose a toner according to their skin type or use rose water. Moisturising is essential. If their skin is oily, they can use a water-based moisturizer, and for dry skin, an oil-based thick moisturizer is appropriate.

  • Scrubbing: Scrubbing should be an essential part of their skincare routine. It helps in unclogging skin pores and removing dirt and pollution from their skin. It also enables them to remove black and whiteheads. They can scrub on alternate days. But if they have sensitive skin, exfoliation once or twice a week is adequate.

  • Drinking Enough Water: Water plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. It is also essential for their skin health. It helps them to get rid of toxins and purifies their skin. In addition, drinking enough water can help them receive a natural glow.

Problems Faced by Men and Its Remedies:

  • To Reduce Excess Oil: Oily skin is a common problem that is faced by many men all across the globe. Add 200ml of rose water with two tablespoons of powdered camphor. Mix all well and store it in an air-tight bottle and keep it in the fridge. This can be helpful to wipe the skin 3-4 times a day. It reduces oiliness and bacterial build-up on the skin, and it also helps reduce chances of skin infections, itchiness, and skin tone, making the skin less prone to pimples.

  • Acne Pack for Men: Young men who have an irritating habit of pinching and squeezing pimples can keep their fingers away and make the following mask instead. Take 4 tablespoons of fuller's earth, 1/2 tablespoon of camphor, 2 tablespoons of mint paste, 2 cloves, and ground rosewater to mix with 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder. Next, they can combine all the ingredients to make a smooth consistency and apply it in the required amount onto the skin. Finally, they can let it dry completely and wash it off with water and pat dry. This pack should be used daily and kept in an air-tight jar in the fridge for up to 10 days.

  • Exfoliator for Oily Skin: Many of us will not clean our skin properly, and as a result, it can give rise to blackheads and whiteheads. This can lead to acne and pimples and can be an absolute disaster for all the good-looking men who dreamed of clean and clear skin. The key point is to keep the skin clean. Take 4 tablespoons of orange peel powder, 4 tablespoons of lemon peel powder, 50 g China clay, a handful of dried neem leaf powder, and 5 tablespoons of rice powder.Mix all the ingredients and store them in a jar. Take a teaspoon at a time, mix with mint water, and apply it all over the skin. When it is semi-dry, dab with water and scrub. This exfoliator pack can help to dislodge blackheads and whiteheads and make your skin super clean and oil-free.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Does a Male Skincare Routine Look Like?

The daily skincare routine of men looks like this:
- Daily cleansing.
- Weekly or bi-weekly exfoliation.
- Using skin toners.
- Regular moisturization.


What Is the Rationale Behind Men’s Skincare Routine?

A skincare routine is essential to maintain healthy skin, irrespective of gender. The social norms that have been conditioned to women's skincare are slowly shifting toward recognizing the need for products that cater to men’s skin problems.


What Does a Man Need to Do to Maintain the Skin Glow?

Some methods to maintain the skin glow in men are:
- Cleansing.
- Moisturizing.
- Exfoliating.
- Using sunscreen.
- Using sheet masks.
- Optimal hydration.
- Smoking cessation.
- Reducing alcohol intake.
- Regular exercising.
- Healthy diet.
- Optimal sleeping pattern.


What Can Be Done to Get Perfect Skin?

To get perfect skin, one must follow some steps:
- Avoid pimple popping.
- Using face wash twice daily.
- Prevent touching the face.
- Moisturize sufficiently.
- Mandatory sunscreen usage.
- Use gentle skin products.
- Avoid hot water on the skin.
- Use topical medications.
- Stay hydrated.
- Healthy diet.
- Making healthy lifestyle choices.


What Do Men Do to Cleanse Their Faces?

Men can follow some steps to cleanse their faces:
- Use gentle, non-abrasive cleaners.
- Wet the face with lukewarm water and use the fingertips to apply cleansers.
- Do not scrub the skin.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.
- Use moisturizers.
- Wash the face after sweating, not more than twice daily.


How to Get Naturally Clear Skin?

To get naturally clear skin, a person can use the following:
- Tea tree oil.
- Jojoba oil.
- Aloe vera.
- Honey.
- Zinc supplementation.
- Drinking green tea.
- Echinacea flower.
- Rosemary.
- Purified bee venom.
- Coconut oil.
- Healthy diet.


What Can Men Do to Look Fresh?

To look fresh, men can take care of their faces by moisturizing, regular cleansing, exfoliating, and using a face wash. It is also important to have a google sleep cycle to look fresh.


What Can Men Do to Get an Even Skin Tone?

To get an even skin tone, men must remove the superficial dead skin regularly by using an exfoliator. In addition, preventing acne by using products like tea tree oil or neem oil can also help give an even skin tone.


What Is the Effect of Drinking Water on the Skin?

Staying sufficiently hydrated keeps the skin hydrated and refreshed and aids in maintaining the skin’s elasticity. Also, sufficiently hydrated individuals are less likely to develop scars, wrinkles, and fine lines.


How to Make a Male Face Attractive?

Attractiveness is a subjective context. People consider a man attractive by certain traits:
- Soft solid jaw-line.
- Strong brow.
- Clean shaven.
- Fuller lips.
- Clear skin.


Which Is the Best Oil for the Face?

Certain oils are best for the face
- Tea-tree oil.
- Jojoba oil.
- Argan oil.
- Black currant oil.
- Grapeseed oil.
- Chamomile oil.
- Rosehip seed oil.
- Olive oil.


What Can a Man Do to Improve Skin Quality?

To improve skin quality, men can:
- Use oil-free moisturizers.
- Daily face wash.
- Watch the shaving technique.
- Daily moisturizing.
- Get dermatological checkups.
- Wear sunscreens.


What to Do to Get Clear Skin Quickly?

To quickly get clear skin, men can:
- Use a clay mask.
- Use aloe vera gel.
- Using OTC (over-the-counter) acne products.
- Cucumber face mask.
- Use of honey.
- Overnight lemon juice.
- High-quality sleep.
- Healthy lifestyle choices and diet.
- Moisturizing and sunscreen.


Which Home Remedy Is Best for the Face?

The best home remedies for the face are:
- Use virgin coconut oil.
- Use aloe vera.
- Face moisturizers.
- Mandatory sunscreen.
- Skin cleansing routine.
- Smoking cessation and avoiding secondhand smoke.
- Optimal hydration.
- Follow a healthy diet.
- Take probiotics.
- Shorten steam showers.
- Home-made natural face packs.
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Dr. Gaurang Gupta
Dr. Gaurang Gupta



after shave lotionhair careskin care
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