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Dimples - Causes and Types

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Dimples - Causes and Types

4 min read


Dimples are naturally occurring indentations on the skin that can also be created artificially through surgery. Read the article to learn more.

Written by

Dr. Anahita Ali

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Shivpal Saini

Published At February 20, 2023
Reviewed AtMay 21, 2024


A few common features that carry aesthetic values are a perfect smile, the shape of the face, and the jawline. Having dimples, especially cheek dimples, is also one of these. It is commonly believed that dimples on the cheeks signify beauty. Therefore, someone with dimples on the cheeks is considered more beautiful and attractive than those who do not have them.

Dimples are sometimes referred to as genetic defects, birth defects, or anomalies because they are abnormal hollow depressions. Not everyone has dimples; some get it during their teenage years, some have it for a lifetime, or some get it during their childhood. Dimples can develop on one or both cheeks. These can be temporary or permanent. Nowadays, to improve their aesthetic appearance, people get dimples artificially through a surgical procedure - dimpleplasty.

What Are Dimples?

Dimples, also called gelasin, are the indentations (hollow space or depression caused by bending) on the skin.

Where Do Dimples Commonly Occur?

Dimples can occur in different parts of the body. They are commonly seen on:

  • Cheeks.

  • Chin.

  • Butt.

  • Thighs.

  • Lower back.

  • Shoulder.

  • Abdomen (stomach).


What Are the Types of Dimples?

The different types of dimples are:

  • Fovea Buccalis - Dimple on cheeks.

  • Fovea Mentalis - Dimple on the chin.

  • Fossa Supraspinous - Dimple on the shoulder.

  • Elbow dimples.

  • Fossae Lumbales Laterales - Dimple on the back.

What Are the Causes of Dimples on the Cheek?

The human face has four major muscles responsible for different basic expressions: fear, sadness, smile, anger, etc. Altogether facial muscles are a group of 20 muscles present under the skin of the human face. These muscles are unique as they surround the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth differently. For example, the muscle on the cheeks is the buccinator, a thin muscle that holds the cheeks with the teeth and is involved in chewing.

Zygomaticus major muscle located around the mouth causes a smiling expression in humans. A dermal tethering (binding) effect of the zygomaticus major muscle causes dimples on the cheek or smiling dimples. It means that the bands of the zygomaticus major muscles are inserted into the skin, because of which it is bifurcated or split into two, causing a hollow depression on the cheeks -a dimple. While smiling, the muscles contract or stretch, and the dimples become prominent on the skin. It can be unilateral or bilateral, meaning it may occur on one or both cheeks. Dimples can occur in both men and women.

Which Muscles Cause Dimples?

The zygomaticus major muscle causes dimples on the cheek.

Does Smiling Cause Dimples of the Cheek?

Yes, while smiling, the zygomaticus major muscle contracts, and the skin present above the muscle also moves to cause dimples on the cheek.

Are Dimples a Birth Defect?

The abnormal insertion of muscle bands causes dimples in the skin. This occurs during fetal development (before birth). Therefore, dimples are sometimes considered minor birth defects.

Are Dimples a Deformity or Genetic Defect?

According to some researchers, the evidence for the dimple formation associated with hereditary or gene defects is not known. However, it is believed that the dimples are caused by genetics or inheritance from the parents associated with chromosome 16 - genetic defects. This single gene causes dimple transfers from the parents to their child. If both parents have dimples, the chances of getting dimples in the child are 50 to 100%, and if one parent has dimples, the chances are 50%. If none of the parents have dimples, then the chances are very less.

When Do Dimples Appear?

Some dimples may appear in their childhood or during birth and fade with time. For others, dimples may appear transient in the later stage of life. For some, their dimples may stay for a lifetime - permanent. It is also seen that those who gain weight develop prominent dimples because of the increased fat on the face and cheeks. People can try purchasing dimple trainer can also be beneficial in getting temporary dimples.

How to Get Dimples?

There are several surgical techniques to create dimples artificially. The commonly used technique is dimpleplasty, which creates artificial dimples. The steps of dimpleplasty are mentioned below:

  • A topical anesthetic such as lignocaine adrenaline is applied on the skin superficially, where the dimple has to be created, ten minutes before the surgery.

  • The doctor marks the position of the dimple. Sometimes, the patient is asked to do a negative suction with the lips, which creates a deep depression on both cheeks. The depression site is then marked for dimple creation.

  • A small incision or cut is made with the help of a sharp blade towards the lips. The blade is inserted into the cut, and a small amount of tissue and fat is removed.

  • The depression is then sutured (stitched) to appear as a dimple after the complete healing - bolster stitch.

  • After the surgery, analgesics are prescribed to relieve pain. Mouthwash is prescribed to maintain good oral hygiene, which is most important.

  • After a week, the bolster stitch is removed. The dimple is visible after some time, depending on the depth of depression.

What Are the Complications of Dimple Surgery?

A few complications associated with dimple surgery are:

  • Postoperative swelling.

  • Excessive bleeding.

  • Facial nerve injury.

  • Scar formation.

  • Infection at the surgery site.

What Percent of People Have Dimples?

The prevalence of dimples may vary among populations living in different parts of the world. For example, a study from southwestern Nigeria reported that 100 out of 500 people had cheek dimples. Another study from Karnataka, India, reported that 73% had unilateral cheek dimples out of 121 patients.


Dimples can be present in any part of the body, such as the shoulder, back, chin, cheeks, etc., and occur naturally. Cheek dimples are common and are considered a sign of beauty and attractiveness. Those who do not have natural cheek dimples can get them artificially through a safe surgical procedure, and patients can go home on the same day.

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Dr. Shivpal Saini
Dr. Shivpal Saini

General Surgery


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