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Common Challenges in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

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Cosmetic surgery is associated with numerous issues or complications that can become life-threatening. Read this article to learn more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Published At June 7, 2023
Reviewed AtApril 30, 2024

What Is Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is a unique branch of medicine that primarily focuses on improving or altering the appearance of a person through medical or surgical techniques. These surgeries can be performed in all parts of the body. However, cosmetic surgery is elective and entirely dependent on the patient's choice. Furthermore, cosmetic surgery must not be considered similar to plastic surgery because the latter aims to reconstruct the body parts that have become damaged due to congenital disabilities, trauma, or injuries. Hence, the primary aim of the surgery is to reconstruct and restore the functionality of the damaged body parts. Hence, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery must not be used interchangeably. This is because the two terms often lead to misconceptions among people, and they tend to undergo plastic surgery instead of cosmetic surgery.

What Are the Different Types of Cosmetic Surgeries?

Numerous cosmetic surgery procedures can be done to improve the body's appearance. Some of them are listed below:

1. Breast Surgeries - Several types of surgeries can be done to improve the shape, size, and appearance of the breast. For example, females who feel their breasts are too small can undergo breast augmentation or enlargement surgeries. Sometimes elderly females opt for breast enlargement surgeries to get rid of sagging breasts. In addition, breast reduction surgeries or breast lift surgeries can be done in females with too large breasts. These surgeries help remove the excess breast tissue so that they appear lifted.

2. Liposuction - This procedure is a boon for the ones looking for fat loss from the body. In this procedure, excess fat from the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks is vacuumed using metal tubes.

3. Cosmetic Surgeries for the Face -The following cosmetic surgeries can be done to improve the facial features of a person:

  • Blepharoplasty - This surgery aims to reshape the drooping eyelids. In this procedure, the excess fat or skin above the eyelids is removed to change the shape of the face or tighten the skin.

  • Rhinoplasty - During this procedure, the doctor reshapes the patient's nose to improve its appearance or breathing.

  • Rhytidectomy - It is a procedure wherein the doctor removes the wrinkles from the face and tightens the skin so that the face looks young.

  • Chemical Peels - Chemical peeling is a procedure done to treat acne, wrinkles, and marks. Glycolic acids or fruit acids are used to treat acne scars on the superficial skin layers.

  • Hair Transplantation - It is a cosmetic surgery procedure that helps renew hair growth. The hair follicles taken from the back of the scalp are implanted in the areas of hair loss. The procedure is completed in several sessions, and new hair regrows after three months.

Who Are the Suitable Candidates for Cosmetic Surgeries?

Cosmetic surgery can bring drastic and long-lasting changes in a person's life. However, it is crucial to know the implications of these changes on the internal organs. Furthermore, some flaws can be corrected using cosmetic surgeries, whereas some cannot. Hence, the suitable candidates for plastic surgery are the ones who:

1. Are aware of the fact that cosmetic surgery cannot change everything and have realistic expectations.

2. Understand the risks, changes during the healing period, and the effects of surgery on a person's life. In addition, they must know about the lifestyle changes associated with the surgery.

3. Are free from long-standing medical conditions.

4. Do not have a smoking history or are willing to refrain from the same a few weeks before the surgery.

5. Can maintain a healthy body weight for 12 weeks.

What Are the Common Issues Associated With Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery can make a person happy because it changes the entire appearance. However, it must always be approached with caution. The surgery can be done in almost every body part, but the risk-benefit ratio must always be calculated before the procedure. Though the results are permanent, it is vital for one to discuss the procedure and outcomes with a plastic surgeon. The most common complications associated with plastic or cosmetic surgeries are listed below:

  • Hematoma - It is one of the most common complications associated with breast augmentation and facelift procedures. It is characterized by the formation of a pocket due to the accumulation of large amounts of blood outside the blood vessels. Hematoma is more commonly observed in males than females. It is one of the most significant risk factors associated with other surgeries. Hematoma treatment mainly involves draining the blood if the growth is rapid.

  • Loss of Blood - Loss of a small amount of blood can be expected with other surgeries. However, the problem arises when the patient has profuse bleeding or tends to lose a large amount of blood. Unabated blood loss can lower a person's blood pressure resulting in extreme complications. Blood loss can occur both during and after the surgery.

  • Seroma - It is characterized by the pooling of serum (sterile body fluid) beneath the skin. As a result, the patient develops swelling and pain after the surgery. It is one of the common complications of belly fat removal surgeries and is known to affect 15 to 30 percent of patients. Seromas must be drained immediately because they can become infected and recur if left untreated for prolonged periods.

  • Infections - Infections remain the common complications of cosmetic surgeries and several other surgeries. Though several steps are taken to reduce the risk of postoperative infections, one to two percent of the patients who undergo breast augmentation develop post-surgical infections. Some patients might develop cellulitis immediately after the surgery, which requires immediate attention, while others tend to develop internal infections that can be treated with antibiotics.

  • Damage to the Nerves - Patients with nerve damage during the surgery often complain of numbness and tingling sensations. In some cases, the damage can be temporary, whereas, in others, it can become permanent. Females who undergo breast augmentation surgery tend to feel a change in their sensations due to nerve damage.

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis - This condition is characterized by the formation of thrombus or blood clots in the leg veins. When these clots travel to the lungs, the condition is known as pulmonary embolism. Though deep vein thrombosis is a rare complication, it can have fatal outcomes.

  • Scarring - Cosmetic surgeries can sometimes cause hypertrophic scarring and affect the person's appearance.

  • Complications Due to Anesthesia - Anesthesia is used in almost all surgical procedures to make the surgery painless. However, the patients can develop the following complications due to anesthesia:

    • Strokes.

    • Heart attacks.

    • Lung infections.

    • Death.

    • Nausea.

    • Confusion or disorientation.


Cosmetic surgeries have become a popular trend among adults and teenagers. First, one needs to understand the issues or complications associated with these procedures. Hence, people willing to undergo cosmetic surgery must consult their plastic surgeon to know more about the long-term benefits and risks.

Dr. Suvash Sahu
Dr. Suvash Sahu



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