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The Injuries and Prevention in eSports

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eSports comes up with its own challenges and risks, which become necessary to tackle. This article gives us insight into the challenges and their prevention.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Published At March 28, 2024
Reviewed AtMarch 28, 2024


eSports is a form of competitive video gaming where professional players or teams compete against each other in various video game titles. Esports has evolved into a professional industry with dedicated players, coaches, and organizations. These are organized into various events, tournaments, and leagues, often with significant prize pools. These can be regional, national, or even international in scope and attract large audiences both in person and online. Esports events are broadcasted through online streaming platforms via the internet and web as well as traditional television networks. These broadcasts include commentary, analysis, and expert insights. With growing popularity, esports has gained a global following around the world. Major tournaments and leagues often feature international teams. Esports have become an important part of popular culture, with exports, celebrities, fan communities, and even dedicated esports arenas. It has also gained recognition as a legitimate career path and subject of academic study. Esports has emerged as a major factor in the entertainment and sports industries with a passionate fan base. It continues to evolve and grow with an ever-expanding roster of games, all along with global reach.

What Are the Risks of Injuries in Esports and How Can Those Be Prevented or Treated?

Players can experience a range of injuries often referred to as "gamer's injuries" or "esports injuries."

1. Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) - Games are at risk of RBIs due to repetitive and precise movements involved in using keyboards, mouse, or joystick controllers. Some common RBIs are:

  • Carole Tunnel Syndrome- Pressure on the median nerve in the wrist, leading to numbness, tingling, and weakness of the hand, which arises due to extensive motion of the wrist in a particular pattern.

  • Tennis Elbow(Lateral Epicondylitis)- This is inflammation of the tensions in the outside of the elbow, causing pain and weakness in the forearm.

2. Eyestain- Staring at screens for extended periods can result in eyestrain, which may lead to

  • Dry Eyes- Reduced blinking while gaming can cause dryness and discomfort.

  • Computer Vision Syndrome- A combination of eyestrain, headaches, and other symptoms due to long hours of screen use.

3. Back And Neck Pain- Poor posture during gaming, especially when sitting for long hours, can cause:

  • Back Pain- Muscular and spinal issues often due to sitting in one place and in one particular posture.

  • Neck Pain- Strain on the neck muscles and spine from tilting the head forward for extended periods.

4. Wrist And Hand Pain- Using controllers, mouse, and keyboards can lead to -

  • De Quervain's Tenosynovitis- Inflammation of Redmond in the thumb resulting in pain and restricted thumb movement.

  • Gamer's Thumb(Digital Flexor Tenosynovitis)- Inflammation of the tendons in the fingers causing pain and reduced range of motion.

Apart from the above-mentioned injuries, esports can have a considerable effect on overall health and way of living too. Following are some of them

1. Obesity- Esports players often have a sedentary lifestyle, which can lessen obesity and related health problems, including heart diseases, diabetes, and eating disorders.

2. Mental Health Issues- The high-pressure, competitive nature of sports can contribute to mental health challenges like

  • Stress and Anxiety- The stress of competition and the demands of a professional gaming career can lead to anxiety.

  • Depression- The isolation and intense focus on gaming can result in depressive symptoms.

3. Sleep Disturbances- Irregular gaming schedules and late-night tournaments can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to:

  • Insomnia- Difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep comes with professional esports.

  • Fatigue- Fatigue is the result of constant sleep deprivation during the night.

How Can Injuries And Overall Health Effects Of Esports Manage?

Injuries in esports can be managed and prevented through a combination of proper practices and healthy lifestyle choices. Here are some strategies-

  1. Ergonomics- Ensuring an ergonomic gaming setup with an adjustable chair, desk, and monitor to maintain proper posture is important.Use of an ergonomic keyboard and mouse to reduce strain on wrists and hands. Position the screen at eye level to decrease neck strain.

  2. Regular Breaks- Take short breaks every hour to stretch, walk around, and rest your eyes. Perform hand and wrist exercises to prevent repetitive strain injuries.

  3. Physical Conditioning- Including regular physical activity into your routine against the sedentary nature of gaming. Strength and flexibility training can help prevent muscle and joint issues.

  4. Eye Care- Follow the 20-20-20 rule, which says every 20 minutes, stare at something that is 20 feet away, done for at least 20 seconds. This rule helps to reduce eye stress very significantly. Using artificial tear drops to keep eyes moist is also recommended.

  5. Healthy Lifestyle- Maintain a balanced diet to prevent weight gain and related health issues. Stay hydrated to prevent dehydration, which can affect your concentration and focus.

  6. Mental Health- Seek professional help for stress, anxiety, or depression if needed. Maintain a balanced lifestyle with time for social interaction and relaxation.

  7. Sleep Hygiene- Maintaining and strictly following a regular sleep schedule to ensure adequate rest is very important. Avoiding games right before bedtime can be beneficial to improve sleep quality.

  8. Equipment Maintenance- Ensure the gaming equipment is in good condition and comfortable to use. It is mandatory to replace any worn-out or uncomfortable peripherals.

  9. Injury Management- In case of experiencing any discomfort or pain, it is crucial to seek medical help. Seeking medical attention and following recommendations for treatment is quite important. Physical therapy and rehabilitation can be essential in recovering from gaming-related injuries.

  10. Education And Awareness- Esports organizations and teams should educate players about the risk of gaming-related injuries and provide resources for prevention. Regular health checkups can help to identify potential risk issues before they become severe.


With growing trends and challenges in eSports, the risks of overall health problems are also emerging. Hence, it becomes obligatory to follow the strategies in which ergonomics plays a very crucial role. Keeping in mind all those risks, the player should regularly check on the signs or symptoms, which will result in better play without hindering the player's focus or concentration.

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Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)


the injuries and prevention in esports
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