Medical Case: Full term pregnancy with Pyrexia

Full term pregnancy with Pyrexia (Critical care physician)



Medical Case Details:

I have seen a full term pregnant patient with pyrexia. She had CBC, TC was 11000 and N 70%. Her urine test showed RBC and pus cells 5 to 7. She had labour pain with one finger dilation along with vomiting. Symptomatic treatment was given with inj Rantac and Perinorm. Then, started inj Monocef 1 g twice a day and there was no progress for 36 hours. As the head was high up, LSCS done. Fever continues for five days and today it is 102. MP urine negative. Today we repeated CBC, TC 10,800 and Neutrophils remain 70%. The temperature is 102 degrees.



    Dr. Sunita Kothari
    Obstetrician And Gynecologist

    Her Hb is 10.8gm%on 8/9/17

    ▲ 1
    08.Sep, 06:17pm

    Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey

    Hello Doctor.
    You haven't mentioned on which day of hospital admission she developed fever, it looks like a hospital acquired infection and that is the reason why patient isn't improving with ceftraxone.
    Blood and urine culture needs to be taken and patient should be started on pipricillin tazobactum and Levofloxacin an x ray chest, ultrasonogram abdomen, will help in identifying the source of sepsis.

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    08.Sep, 10:13pm

    Dr. Aurangzebl Afzal

    Following are needed
    Blood culture
    URINE culture
    Typhidot Ig M
    Malarial parasite film during fever

    If patient is not breast feeding
    Give artemether/lumfentrine bd for 3 days

    15.Oct, 10:45am

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