Medical Case: Weight Reduction

Weight Reduction (Dietician)



Medical Case Details:

Hello Doctors,

A 54 yr old female with 160 cm height and 94 kg weight wanted to reduce weight. I have been giving proper diet and she is doing regular exercise, but in two months there has not been any positive result.

What would be the reason behind this?



    Anitha Narayanamurthy

    Hi Dr.Durga,

    You could get her hormones checked and her cortisol levels and her deficiencies. Also has she already undergone menopause.

    28.Feb, 11:53am

    Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan
    Orthopedician And Traumatologist

    Get her thyroid n cortisone levels checked,
    Or she must be cheating on your diet plan

    28.Feb, 03:59pm

    Amritha Sankar

    Totally agree with Dr Anitha and Dr Lokesh, Firstly and most importantly the patient has to be checked for thyrpoid,pp insulin and pcos.
    And also as the age of the patient you have mentioned as 54 year old lady- post/pre menopausal issues can also be there

    18.May, 12:42pm

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