Medical Case: What does the white shadow in the X-ray indicate?

What does the white shadow in the X-ray indicate? (General Surgery)

Dr. Udaya Nath Sahoo., MBBS


Medical Case Details:

Patient aged 43 with past injury history on neck but no clinical sign present and activity normal.Please check this image. What is this white shadow?


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    Dr. Ashish Rajan Banerji
    General Surgeon

    This is not a medical condition, it appears to be an artefact due to overlapping of Chest X-ray with X-rays of Cervical Spine.
    There is no condition with such a geometrical shape cutting across soft tissues and ribs.

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    11.Feb, 03:30am

    Dr. Sadaf
    General Practitioner

    I would also endorse Dr Ashish this cervical spine AP and lateral view long flims including chest.The image with a red button like automated machine seen on AP view but barely visible on lateral view cant be any implant halo jacket? as past histroy of neck trauma seems film artifact as xray machine switch button but how it gets visible on film on illuminator/

    12.Feb, 03:05pm

    Dr. Arvind Guru
    General Surgeon

    You have overlapped two xray films held in a single hand (left hand) and taken a picture with your cell phone against the ambient light of the room door.

    And xray is s/o muscular spasm and degenerative changes in a rotated lateral film.

    15.Feb, 02:38am

    Gayatri Kiran

    I would also agree with Dr Arvind ,Dr sadaf and Dr Ashish , its only overlapping of the x rays, its not very clear . no obiovous abnormility seen.

    15.Feb, 12:57pm

    Dr. J. Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas

    // What is this white shadow? //

    Are you talking about the white shadow in front of vertebral bodies C4 to C7

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    16.Feb, 02:23pm

    Dr. J. Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas

    //Yes //

    Possibilities are
    Pre Vertebral hematoma
    Pre Vertebral Abscess
    Ossified Anterior Longitudinal Ligament

    20.Feb, 01:07am

    Dr. Ashish Rajan Banerji
    General Surgeon

    In that case, it could be a Cold Abscess.
    But I must point out that taking a photograph with 2 overlapping X-rays tends to confuse most readers, because X-rays are never viewed in this fashion.
    You could have sent 2 photos, or made sure the films don't overlap each other.

    20.Feb, 02:11am

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