Medical Case: Are there any side effects of repeated MRI brain scanning?

Are there any side effects of repeated MRI brain scanning? (Radiology)

Dr. Sheetal Kamble., BHMS


Medical Case Details:

I came across a patient, who went through repeated MRI brain scanning approximately 5 to 6 times in three months. This scanning was for research purpose. He is a healthy young man. My question is, does such frequent scanning of the brain have any side effects on our body? Your advice is much appreciated.




    Dr. Sujata Mittal
    Obstetrician And Gynecologist

    MRI does not involve any radiation. If contrast is used, then side effects of contrast can occur but Repeated MRI has not effect on body. CT involve radiation exposure. Only Patient having metallic implants cannot have MRI.
    Claustrophobia is not side effect.

    26.Jul, 10:15pm

    Dr. Rajput Ganesh Harishchandra

    No side effects untill Gadolium contrast is used......But relative contraindication in Pregnant womenS

    28.Jul, 11:45pm

    Dr. Sheetal Kamble
    Homeopathic Physician

    Thanks for the clarification.

    29.Jul, 07:00pm

    Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar
    Homeopathic Physician

    There are no known harmful effects from the strong magnetic field used for MRI. But the magnet is very powerful. The magnet may affect pacemakers, artificial limbs, and other medical devices that contain iron. The magnet will stop a watch that is close to the magnet.

    02.Aug, 10:39am

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