Medical Case: Need an interpretation of the ultrasound.

Need an interpretation of the ultrasound. (Sonologist)

Dr. Honey Nandwani., BDS


Medical Case Details:

A patient had a pelvic ultrasound and I was wondering if you can tell me what this picture means and refers to. She is a 40 year old female. She had a hysterectomy five years ago. They took everything but the ovaries. She has been suffering from lethargy and nausea. She also has abdominal/pelvic bloating and a feeling of wanting to urinate often as well as a deep low pelvic pain. Medications: none.


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    Dr. Nilange Umamaheshwari Mrutyunjaya
    Obstetrician And Gynecologist

    Hi ...patient is hysterectomised but ovary were left. I think sonography is showing a structure very similar like an enlarged ovary. actually pathologic ovary ..according to her symptoms which are suggestive of cancerous symptoms of ca ovary. so think you should go for an CT scan/ MRI plain or contrast. ....

    12.Dec, 12:29pm

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