Answered by Dr. Aditi Gupta

Answered by Dr. Aditi Gupta

What could cause pain in the ear lobes on putting ear drops?

Hi doctor,

I think I have a swimmer's ear. I have been swimming in the pool a lot, and am going for five days of swimming. I brought cotton swimmer's ear alcohol drops and ear plugs. But when I put the ear drops, it hurt when touched on the outside. When I wiggled my earlobe, it felt like fire for about five minutes, even though I immediately got them out, should I continue using it?

Thank you.

11 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Is Cifran 500 good for mild throat pain and hoarse voice?

Hello doctor,

Is Cifran 500 good for mild throat pain and voice hoarseness?

28 May 2024 - 1 min read

Which doctor specializes in cheek and throat problems?

Hi doctor,

For the last one and a half month, I have been having a swelling inside the cheek and some stiffness in the right throat. Rarely, I have gotten white and red patches. Now, I have one line in my lips and some small red dots, which come on and off. When I consulted a general surgeon, he said it is due to some infection. He gave Metrogyl and Diataal. I had the medicine for 10 days and it did not work. Again, I went to another doctor and he said it as vitamin deficiency and prescribed Limcee tablet. Three days back, I went to my old general surgeon again and he said there is hardness in submucus. He advised me to take Tinidazole 500 mg and Vitamin tablets. As of now, I have a small swelling inside the cheek between upper and lower teeth. But, there is no pain. What will be the cause? Whom should I consult? Either an ENT specialist or a dentist? Do I need to get any screening test? Please explain.

27 May 2024 - 1 min read

What could cause hair loss, dysentery and loss of appetite?

Hello doctor,

I have been recently suffering from hair loss, loss of appetite, and two to three times motion (soft kind of motion) in a day. I have added my blood test report for reference. Please suggest some remedy.

09 May 2024 - 1 min read

How to treat a cough that occurs only during certain months?

Hello doctor,

I am 30 years old, female. I get cough problem during year end which never goes till next 3 to 4 months. I get a little bit of relaxation by medicine but not completely and again next year I feel the same problem. I have gone for X-ray, etc., and everything was fine.

07 May 2024 - 1 min read

Dr. Aditi Gupta
Internal Medicine




Internal Medicine

Specialized Treatments

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