Answered by Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

Answered by Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

How to manage ill patients with antibiotic resistance?

Hello doctor,

My 82-year-old grandfather, suffering from the significant health problem. The antibiotics that have been administered so far have shown resistance, except for Linezolid which has shown sensitivity. The doctor has expressed concerns about my grandfather's condition and has indicated that he may not have much time left. Please help. Thanking you.

11 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Egg allergy, stomach pain after cake. Medicine?

Hello doctor,

I have got an egg allergy. I mistakenly ate a cake which contains egg in it. I am having severe stomach pain. What can be done in such a situation? Please suggest any medicine.

06 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

How to cure frequent bouts of respiratory infection?

Hello doctor,

This query is regarding my 4 and a half-year-old son. He was born at 36.1 weeks and progressed normally. At around 2 years of age, he used to get frequent bouts of running nose and cough. He was hospitalized for lower respiratory tract infection at 2.7 years, and had febrile convulsions at 2.9 due to stomach infection. He still continued getting bouts of cold, cough, and fever approximately every month. He began going to school, and his frequency of falling ill increased. Now, he is on a nebulizer, taking Budecort 0.5 mg respule twice a day along with Lazine M dry syrup, as suggested by his pediatrician. He weighs 33.07 lb. Pls advise if these respules are safe for him. We could not take him out if it is cold or rainy and even the AC does not suit him. He has been advised not to have milk and milk products like cheese, paneer, etc., as a result, he is not putting on weight. What is the permanent solution for his health problem? Will he improve? Is there any other treatment? Is homeopathy safe? How do I increase his immunity as he falls quickly to changing weather conditions? I would be extremely grateful to you as this is causing me a lot of worries. Thank you.

04 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What causes breathing difficulty after valve replacement?

Hello doctor,

My mother is 59 years old and had undergone a mitral valve replacement operation 15 days back. Now she is having breathing difficulty sometimes. SpO2 after exertion is 87 to 89 (without 02), and the respiratory rate is around 28 to 30. I have attached the CT contrast thorax. There is no fever or wheezing. The echo shows only mild MR, and TR. No pulmonary hypertension and pleural effusion. She cannot take Duolin nebulization because she is a patient with atrial fibrillation, which increases her heart rate. But atrial fibrillation is under control by medicine. Please suggest the treatment.

31 May 2024 - 1 min read

Fluid and lump in uncle's left lung. Biopsy needed?

Hello doctor,

My uncle is suffering from breathing problems for ten days. Now the condition is that he cannot even inhale oxygen through the nose. He is inhaling through his mouth. And he is so weak that he cannot use the restroom by himself. Doctor adviced him to do echocardiography. The report shows the presence of fluid in the left lungs. We admitted him to the hospital immediately. Doctor removed the fluid of about 0.39 gallons out of 1.32 gallons, and the fluid is reddish. Again they did a computed tomography (CT) scan, and they are telling that a lump is seen in the upper side of the left lung. They want to do a biopsy. But we do not want to do so because, if it is a malignancy, then we do not want to operate that. Please suggest what to do.

29 May 2024 - 1 min read

Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan
Allergy Specialist, Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)
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