Answered by Dr. Ashwini. V. Swamy

Answered by Dr. Ashwini. V. Swamy

How to get rid of the acne on cheeks, chin and neck?

Hello doctor,

I have been dealing with acne on my cheeks, chin, jawline, and neck for the past four years. I have recently graduated my bachelors and got accepted to medical school. I previously thought the acne was due to stress, but since graduating I have still been having breakouts and tried Benzoyl peroxide, Retin A products, and salicylic acid treatments. All of which clear up temporarily but then get worse.

I am not on any medications (no birth control either) but currently started taking a few supplements to see if it would help. I take fish oil, probiotics, and turmeric for the past week and now it seems to be helping a little, but I also just got off my period and had some flare-ups on my cheeks. I am in the military, and out of all honesty I have tried getting appointments with my doctor, but she always recommends the same treatment with Benzoyl peroxide and Retin-A.

She even had me on Spironolactone a few years ago, but I have a low natural BP, and that just made me dizzy from lowering my BP more. I wish to see a dermatologist, but the military makes that difficult to do unless I wanted to pay out of pocket to see one. My skincare routine consists of using Glowbiotic MD face wash, diluted apple cider vinegar toner, and plain Aloe vera for moisturizer. I try to keep it simple to not irritate my skin more than it is. Please advise.

31 May 2024 - 1 min read

Should Tretinoin cream be applied before or after using a moisturizer?

Hi doctor,

My dermatologist recently prescribed me Retin A cream for acne, and her instructions state that I should apply it after my moisturizer. However, it is stated online that you must apply before. So, should I apply Retin A after or before moisturizing?

31 May 2024 - 1 min read

What causes skin rashes with swollen lips and eyes?

Hello doctor,

I am a 20-year-old man. For the past three months, I have been suffering from rashes on my skin. It is usually occurring at night. I have seen two dermatologists. Both of them have not been able to identify the cause. Now I am in big trouble that I am getting irritated. Sometimes my lips and eyes also swell. It occurs as red bubbles, which are big. The bubbles are like ant bites. I have been tested for allergies and thyroid. But, the results were good. So, the doctors were unable to identify the cause. Now should I conduct any further tests? Is this any serious skin problem like skin cancer? I am very tensed. I am not able to concentrate fully on my studies due to this. Please help me. I have attached pictures for your reference.

30 May 2024 - 1 min read

Is it true that self-tanning creams lead to cancer?

Hello doctor,

I am 32 years old. I have been using self-tanning creams for around seven years all year long. I have stopped for the last two years. I am worried because I have read that self-tanning creams are causing cancer and tumors. Is it true? Are they out of my system, or will it take years to appear if they caused me cancer?

29 May 2024 - 1 min read

Kissed my partner with cold sore. What is risk of outbreak?

Hello doctor,

My partner has a cold sore. I kissed him before it actually looked like one. I already carry Herpes simplex virus (HSV)1, but I have never had a cold sore. Did I put myself at risk?

28 May 2024 - 1 min read





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