Answered by Dr. Karthik Rajan

Answered by Dr. Karthik Rajan

What are the non-invasive ways to detect prostate cancer?

Hello doctor,

I am a 79 year old male. Excellent health, take no medications with the exception of an occasional Viagra. In a recent DRE, my urologist discovered two small nodules on my prostate. A PSA at the time was 6.3. Over the years, I have ranged in 2's and 3's. He suggested a biopsy of the prostate. I have read many negative things about this process. I have also read about non-evasive procedures to detect for cancer.

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Does inadequate water intake cause urine discoloration?

Hello doctor,

I am having a discoloration in the urine. Whenever I am not drinking enough water my urine is turning white in color. There is no associated abdominal pain. Is there any problem with this condition?

Please advise.

12 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Swollen left kidney, kidney stone. Surgery needed?

Hello doctor,

I am a 51-year-old female. I got sick about a month ago and I went to urgent care. My left kidney was swollen and I had an infection. I have a 0.7 inch kidney stone and they put a stent in. I do not want to have surgery. I am scared that the use of natural remedies can hurt the stent or move the stone to block where I go to pee. I had a CAT scan at urgent care. Will they use local anesthesia for this instead of general or something else? Can the kidney stones come out from behind? I have diabetes. Can lemons and olive oil help treat this? Currently, I am on Metformin, Aspirin, Simvastatin, and Lisinopril.

07 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Can Vigantol and Tavanik cause drug reaction in prostatitis?

Hello doctor,

I am being treated for chronic prostatitis rebounce. It is now the third day I am taking Tavanik (Levofloxacin) 500 mg a day. I am taking it the same time each day among other medications. One of them is Vigantol 1000 I.E. My doctor told me to take Tavanik at least one hour after and before other medications. I think I have errored and might have taken Vigantol soon after Tavanik. Any problem with that?

04 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What could be causing bladder outlet obstruction and delayed or slow urine stream?

Hello doctor,

After I got delayed urinating and had mild pain in the lower back, I got many discussions with many doctors, and the last doctor did a CT scan and urethra X-ray. He did a cystoscopy on me, but during the urethral X-ray, I got so much pain (before that, he gave me local anaesthesia), and he also tried it twice. I masturbate, and my sexual activity frequency is two to three times daily. I also have a bad lifestyle (eating junk food, do not have any sports activities, and staying up late). However, I do not have STD, and I still get erections and ejaculate normally without any pain. I have a delayed and slow stream when urinating (more than 30 seconds), but I do not feel any pain or burning sensation when peeing. I also have sore pain in the lower back, a feeling of fullness in my lower tummy, constipation (but I still can defecate), dripping before stopping urinating and a split of the stream when urinating (when very slow stream).

My test result are; PSA Test: 0.7, full urinary check two times: All good, no bacteria, no blood, USG: All good, urine flowmetry: Obstruction Outlet Bladder, CT scan abdomen: All good, and rectal examination: Feel a bit of pain and feel something coming out. I have been taking Flomax capsules for almost 17 days, but there has been no significant improvement. Please help.

31 May 2024 - 1 min read





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