Answered by Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Answered by Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

What factors lead to tooth sensitivity in a 65-year-old woman?

Hello doctor,

My mother, aged 65, began experiencing sensitivity and pain in her teeth about a week ago, particularly exacerbated by hot food items such as tea. She visited a dentist five days ago and was prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. While the pain has significantly reduced, she still experiences some sensitivity issues along with weakness and sleepiness. We suspect these symptoms might be side effects of the medications.

Here are her current medications:

  1. Eltroxin 50mcg.
  2. Olmezest 40mg.
  3. Socril capsule (alternate days).
  4. Neurokind fast (once every two weeks).
  5. Cipcal 500.
  6. Collaflex Pro Plus (two months of medication followed by one month off).
  7. Providac capsule (twice a week).
  8. Cilacar 10mg.
  9. Fibator LS.
  10. Lumia 60k (once a month).

I have attached the dentist's prescription and her latest blood reports from three months back for your review. Could you please advise on whether the weakness could be a side effect of the medications, and what our next steps should be?

Thank you.

15 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What could cause a patch left behind by an ulcer on the gums?

Hello doctor,

I am 28 years old, and I used to smoke three years ago and I quit. Then I started pan masala (no tobacco) for about one year. I drink a few times a month as well. But it is not frequent. Around 23 days ago I witnessed a sore behind my partially erupted wisdom tooth which was on the swollen part right behind the wisdom tooth. The pain went away in four days but the patch is still there without any pain or reduction. It exactly looks like a canker sore and no different. It is not paining but the mark is not going, it is more than 15 days. Should I be worried?

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What is the treatment for infection that is caused due to wisdom teeth poking the cheeks?

Hello doctor,

One of my wisdom teeth on top started cutting into my cheek over the weekend. It had poked through over a year ago and I have not had any pain until now. The pain was not that bad on the first day I noticed, but yesterday it started to hurt badly even if I ate or moved my mouth too much. Today when I woke up, my cheek felt swollen and still does. My throat is also hurting on the side where my cheek is cut especially when I swallow.

Please help.

Thank you.

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What could cause sharp pain in a root canal-treated tooth?

Hello doctor,

I am a 53-year-old male. I have an irregular bite where contact occurs primarily on the back teeth. The last two molars on both sides have gold crowns. I also wear a mouthguard. About a week ago, I started having pain in the left last lower molar. When I went to the dentist, an X-ray showed the tooth to be in good condition. It already had a root canal, and the crown was 13 years old. The dentist referred me to a periodontist as he still had concerns about a cracked tooth and bone loss. I experienced extremely sharp throbbing pain in that tooth area during the weekend. I had taken 8 Advil and 6 Tylenol on that day. An abscess was observed on the gum area above that last molar. Fortunately, 48 hours later, the throbbing pain had significantly gone down, and I only took two Advil. I want your opinion on this.

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Is gum cut necessary for providing support to a bridge?

Hello doctor,

I had tooth pain and consulted a dentist near me and had two of my premolar teeth on my left downside removed and a root canal done for two more teeth planning a bridge. Now, the doctor says I need a gum cut because the teeth are deep in the gum so that the bridge can stand strong. Is it fine to have a gumcut? I need a second opinion on whether I can have this gum cut.

Thank you.

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read





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