Answered by Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answered by Dr. Sameer Kumar

I am wondering what are the flat and dark brown spots on my vulva. Please help

Hello doctor,

I had pain in my vagina about two nights ago, but I brushed it off. Today I had some spotting (very little light red blood), and I noticed I had two dark spots on my vulva. They are small and flat and dark brown. I also had sex last night (about 12 hours ago from now), but it was with a condom. I was wondering what this means.

18 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Do birth control pills help manage PCOS and endometriosis?

Hello doctor,

I have hirsutism, cystic acne, and painful heavy bleeding periods. I consulted a gynecologist, and she gave me birth control pills. I told her I wanted to become pregnant. I also expressed concerns about endometriosis and PCOS. I am confused because I am trying to become pregnant. I do not want to prevent pregnancy. I feel I am not releasing an egg when I ovulate, and I need to know if I need hormones. Kindly give your suggestions.

Thank you.

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Why did my partner miss periods despite using protection?

Hi doctor,

Last month on the nineteenth day, I and my girlfriend had protected sex approximately seven times on two consecutive days. A week later, we had another couple of times, and she missed her period. It has been more than a month since her last period. I am pretty sure that the protection did not leak or damage. Every time I checked that. She is panicking that it might be pregnancy. This time her period skipped two times and we did not have sex then. Is there any medication that can make her period occur so that we can be relieved from this mental trauma?

13 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Does delayed period after unprotected sex reveal pregnancy?

Hello doctor,

I am an 18-year-old girl. I recently started my sexual life (about a month ago), and I have used protection every time. I had sex four days ago. But at the beginning of the intercourse, we did not use a condom. He did not ejaculate, and my period should have started on the twelfth day of this month. So I thought it was unnecessary to take the morning-after pill since my menstruation was regulated, and my ovulation should have passed. Now I am five days late, I took two pregnancy tests, and they are negative. I consulted a doctor, and she gave me Progesterone pills to induce my period. I am still concerned about a possible pregnancy and wanted a second opinion. I have to mention that this month, I have been stressing, had trouble sleeping, lost weight and appetite, and got tender breasts. I also got a little spotting (before having sex). Please suggest.

Thank you.

11 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Is a tubo-ovarian mass cancerous?

Hello doctor,

I am a 31-year-old. I was asked by my doctor to go for a USG for irregular periods. In the report it is mentioned as, a well defined oval hypoechoic lesion with mild intralesional vascularity measuring 48×44 mm is noted in the left adnexa, could be suggestive as left tubo ovarian mass. Can you please tell me is this dangerous and can be cancerous?

11 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Dr. Sameer Kumar
Obstetrics And Gynecology




Obstetrics And Gynecology

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