Answered by Dr. Khant Shahil Ramesh Bhai

Answered by Dr. Khant Shahil Ramesh Bhai

Can I have a biological child if my husband has azoospermia?

Hi doctor,

I am trying to conceive for one and a half years, but we got a huge shock when we did the tests. All my reports were normal, but my husband has azoospermia. We just do not know what to do. He does not smoke or drink and leads a healthy life. Then, why did he get this? Can I conceive naturally and have a biological child with my husband at all? Are any treatments available for this? I want a biological child with my husband alone.

31 May 2024 - 1 min read

Does low motility grade A sperm analysis mean infertility?

Hi doctor,

I have done my sperm analysis. The gynecologist suggested low motility grade A, and I have been taking Fertisure M for the past month but, was a bit irregular in medicine but now following the strict timeline. She suggested consulting a urologist for agglutination or pus cells, etc. Kindly suggest some line of treatment. I do not smoke and drink once a month (even if that is not regular). I used to drink cold drinks but have given up now. I have reduced junk food and consume fruits, vegetables, and non-vegetarian food. I sleep for seven hours and do exercise, and walk regularly. Kindly suggest a remedy for agglutination based on your analysis of the report.

29 May 2024 - 1 min read

Continuous pain and sensation on right side of body. Why?

Hello doctor,

I am suffering from continuous pain, a sensation in the whole right half of my body with an epicenter of this chronic pain somewhat near my last rib, backside, right side near the corner end of my lung, or near to liver. This chronic pain started with a fever eight and a half years back. Since then, it has been with me. Sometimes it sores for 10 to 15 days once in six months. Symptoms are chronic pain, cough and sore throat, pain in the jaw, pain in the eye (burning sensation) like some inflammation starts in the right half of my body, fever due to this cough, sore throat (not high but 99 to 100), the repetitive urge of micturition in worse days. The situation worsens when micturition gets delayed due to sleep, travel, class, meeting, etc.

I consulted with a urologist three years back, and he suggested to go for a cystoscopy, in which I got confirmed as having IC (PBS) (please see reports in the images attached). I had Elmiron 100 mg for two months after getting diagnosed three years back. The reports and previous consultations I am attaching herewith. Nowadays, it gives me the same pain, but my concern is that it is limited to only the right side of the body. Is there anything we have not diagnosed so far?

29 May 2024 - 1 min read

What is the second line of treatment for urine infection?

Hi doctor,

My father has a urine infection since last 15 days. His creatinine is 4.8. The ultrasound report showed enlarged prostate and intact kidney size. He lost appetite since last one month. He is only taking a half glass of milk daily only. His fasting sugar was 113. He is a diabetes patient and taking Insulin 5 units during the day and night. Now, this has been stopped by his doctor due to low intact. Kindly suggest a further line of treatment.

28 May 2024 - 1 min read

What causes urinary incontinence and groin lymph node pain?

Hello doctor,

I am 34 years old male. I started having incontinence problems about four to six months ago (cause unknown). It began with issues only happening at night while sleeping. A month ago it had progressed to occasionally not even being able to make it to the bathroom before I began to pee. Then, about four weeks or so ago, while having sex with my girlfriend, I ended up with a fairly large cut or tear right underneath the head of the penis. It has happened before. About two to three weeks ago I somehow ended up with a UTI and yeast infection. For whatever reason, I have not taken it seriously (major depression) and two nights ago I started having pain (then ended up realizing these were little white ulcers that have since begun to spread rapidly). They are under the head of the penis, on my scrotum, and also on the shaft of my penis. Along with that, last night I realized the lymph node in my right groin was significantly swollen and painful as well. Today that became my lymph node in both my right and now my left groin as well.)

Finally, when I woke up today I had a huge swollen ring of skin, underneath the head of my penis, along with everything else. I have had this same swollen ring one time before in my life. It is seriously swollen and more ulcers are on that skin as well. I did a bit of looking at pictures online and I found a condition that is very similar looking (as far as the swollen ring goes,) called paraphimosis. However, I have been circumcised since I was a baby. So I am not thinking that is it. Anyway, I am in fairly severe pain and I am worried about the lymph nodes in my groin (left and right) being swollen, that there is some bad infection spreading in my blood throughout my body. I guess I could be simply paranoid but I went from ignoring this to now freaking out. So I do not believe that this is the case. Please help. Any ideas or thoughts or suggestions? Currently, I am on Xanax, Adderall, Prozac, Abilify, Cymbalta, Suboxone, and Atenolol.

28 May 2024 - 1 min read





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