Common "Abscess" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


A collection of pus that has formed within the body's tissue is called an abscess. The affected area will be red, swollen, warm to touch, and pain. It can affect your skin, gums, or any organ of the body. The pus has to be drained for the abscess to heal.

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I have been suffering from boils near my anus. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I have a boil near my anus for the past two years. Kindly advice.  Read Full »

Dr. Madhav Tiwari

Answer: Hello, Welcome to From what I can see, it appears to be an abscess. The fact that it is reoccurring means that it has never adequately been dealt with. I would like you to answer a few questions before we go forward. Do you suffer from a medical illness, like diabetes? Does this swell...  Read Full »

I have pain in my teeth even after putting a cap. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, About 13 years ago, I had an abscess on the right upper first and second molars. The Endodontist has done root canal treatment in these teeth and crowns were placed after the treatment. Recently, I experienced pain around the gums in the second molar and there is a pain radiating to the ...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to could be mostly due to food impaction causing infection below the crown. So, the dentist might have tried to clean it. If you have an X-ray of the teeth please attach it for examination. This pain is definitely not an allergy. Use warm salt water gargle twice a day f...  Read Full »

My abdominal pain did not reduce even after taking antibiotics. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am a 52-year-old female. Two weeks back, I had severe abdomen pain and got a sonography done. I have been diagnosed with amebic liver abscess. It was identified 13 days back and I was admitted in hospital for three days and was given saline and Metronidazole dosages, but still not rec...  Read Full »

Dr. Vasavada Bhavin Bhupendra

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If no improvement is present even after antibiotics, I would recommend a CT scan to confirm whether it is an abscess or something else. If CT scan confirms that it is liver abscess, then would just put a sonographic guided needle in the abscess and drain out all the pus...  Read Full »

What causes nodule on uvula?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a small, flesh-colored and raised lump at the top of my uvula. There is another smaller one next to it. It is 2 to 3 mm in size. I look as if it is soft and there is no issue with swallowing. It is not painful and I have been aware of it for more than a month. I am a 19 year old ma...  Read Full »

Dr. Geethanjali. S. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read through your complaint and the relevant details. One question from my side is, have you noted if the lump is growing bigger in size? If yes, then it is a serious issue to be noted. Immediately consult your nearby oral medicine specialist or oral pathologist ...  Read Full »

Why does my kid have continuous fever and a neck abscess?

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter is one-year-old. Since ten days she has a fever. From the very first day, we have consult pediatrician and he started a tablet containing Nimesulide and Acetaminophen for fever four times a day. We completed the course for five days and returned to doctor for follow up. He ...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome back to I read your query and understood your concern. I have gone through reports and history (attachment removed to protect patient identity). From the picture, it appears to be abscess only. Also, the doctor confirms it on examination. The next line of action should ...  Read Full »

Why the spot that I had injection is hard and swollen?

Query: Hi doctor,I took an injection some months ago. Four days ago, I found out that the spot I took the injection is hard and swollen and am feeling pain at the spot. What can we do about it?  Read Full »

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Abdelrahman Abouibrahim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Hello, Welcome to From what you mentioned, it is most likely an abscess. Treatment includes antibiotics plus drainage if the size is large. 1. Can you estimate the size? 2. Is it red? 3. Is there any pus oozing from it? 4. Can you provide some photos to...  Read Full »

I have extreme sensitivity and swelling in clitoris. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am experiencing extreme sensitivity in my clitoris. Just my pants/underwear touching it is bothering me right now. I would not describe this as an itch, it is just sensitive. Also, it may appear that it is swollen, and when I pinch it I feel a ball inside of it. Perhaps it was always...  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It would be better if you could send me a picture of the lesion. It could be some pelvic infection or a sign of a sexually transmitted infection or local inflammation such as abscess as you feel some ball appearance. 1. Temporarily sit in warm water to relieve pain. ...  Read Full »

Why am I getting painless abscesses in my gum?

Query: Hello doctor, For over four months now, on my upper, outer gum, I have had an abscess. It comes and goes but never completely vanishes. It does not hurt at all. My tooth or molar looks fine. I would not even know it was there if my younger did not scrape over it. Occasionally it has a small pussy ...  Read Full »

Dr. Sreekesh Menon

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have a periodontal abscess. For treating a periodontal abscess, the abscess will be drained and the periodontal pocket will be cleaned. The surfaces of the root of the tooth will then be smoothed out by scaling and planing below the gum line. This helps the toot...  Read Full »

What causes a lump in the neck?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 28 year old male. I got a lump in the right side of my neck before two weeks. I am taking capsule Cipmox 500, but it has not yet cured. Though it is not painful, I am worried. It never happened earlier. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hi, Welcome to We are here to help you. Such neck lump needs clinical examination to get an idea what it is. If it is mobile, painless and static in size, then it could be a fat deposit known as lipoma. In case it is painful, then it can be an abscess or lymph node. The best way out is...  Read Full »

What is the treatment for scrotal abscess and jock itch?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 19-year-old male. I have an abscess on my balls, it is reddish and feels pain, but not much. I have a jock itch right now. I am worried because I saw some terrible pictures on the internet. I think I got bitten by something as I mentioned there is an infection near my legs too....  Read Full »

Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I looked through the photographs. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). There is a small pustule in the scrotum and you seem to have a fungal infection in the groin. For the fungal infection take a tablet of Fluconazole 150 mg once followed by the same t...  Read Full »

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