Common "Alzheimer's Disease" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological condition having brain shrinkage and death of brain cells by themselves. It affects memory and other mental functions. It is caused due to abnormal accumulation of proteins in and around brain cells. The common symptoms are memory loss and confusion. The other early signs are forgetfulness, withdrawal from social activities, and changes in behavior. It is managed by taking medications management strategies to have improvement.

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I am a 68-year-old man experiencing forgetfulness. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am a 68-year-old man who has been experiencing worrying episodes of forgetfulness lately. It is not just the occasional misplaced keys or forgotten appointment – I am talking about significant lapses in memory that leave me feeling confused and frustrated. Simple tasks that I used t...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your problem and situation. Forgetfulness can be a common part of aging, but significant lapses in memory could indicate a more serious concern like Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Alzheimer's typically involves progressive memory loss, confusion, and dif...  Read Full »

I have been feeling freaked out and forgetful. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, I have been feeling freaked out lately because I forget things more than usual. I was wondering if it is just regular forgetfulness or something more severe like dementia or Alzheimer's. Can you shed some light on the difference and what signs I should look for? I am trying to make sense ...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. It is good that you are paying attention to your memory lapses and seeking clarity. While forgetfulness can be a normal part of aging or due to stress, vitamin deficiency, dementia, and Alzheimer's are more serious conditions. Dementia is a g...  Read Full »

Could my dad's forgetfulness be a sign of Alzheimer's?

Query: Hello doctor, I am worried about my dad's health. Lately, I have noticed some forgetfulness and confusion in him, and I wonder if it could be Alzheimer's disease or something related to dementia. He is 76 years old and already dealing with a pacemaker and taking medications for blood pressure and c...  Read Full »

Dr. Seyedaidin Sajedi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. According to your description and the questionnaire result, it is evident that there is a problem with his cognitive ability. So, your concern is logic. Dementia is a state of cognitive decline that causes significa...  Read Full »

I am trying to learn more about Alzheimer's disease. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I am trying to learn more about Alzheimer's disease so that I may better support my grandfather, who has been diagnosed with it. He forgets his usual routine and even fails to recognize our kin. We are a little worried about it. Could you tell me how Alzheimer's disease progresses and whe...  Read Full »

Dr. Seyedaidin Sajedi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. I am so sorry for what your grandfather is going through. According to your description, your grandfather is in the mild to moderate stage of dementia. Each person’s experience with Alzheimer’s is unique, and the progression may vary. Howeve...  Read Full »

Why do I have ALS and Alzheimer-like symptoms upon intake of foods with free D-Glutamate?

Query: Hi doctor, For years I have suffered from ALS and Alzheimer-like symptoms until I was able to figure out that eating anything with D-Glutamate was the cause (the natural version L-Glutamate does not bring on the symptoms). My symptoms include muscle weakness, muscle spasms, increased heart rate, loc...  Read Full »

Dr. Hitesh Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. It is very difficult to give you a diagnosis by reading your description. But as you say that you are suffering from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and Alzheimer-like symptoms, these are neurodegenerative disorders...  Read Full »

Could the nose-picking habit indicate Alzheimer's in my relative?

Query: Hi doctor,I have noticed that my elderly relative with Alzheimer's disease has started picking their nose frequently. Could this behavior be related to their condition? Can you explain how Alzheimer's disease might affect someone's sense of smell and behavior, and what measures can be taken to addre...  Read Full »

Dr. Seyedaidin Sajedi

Answer: Hi, I am glad you chose icliniq for your medical-related queries. I can understand your concern. Alzheimer's disease (AD) can significantly affect smell, and it is a known phenomenon in this disease. Even years before memory problems occur, the ability to smell shows dysfunction. This is because t...  Read Full »

What are the reasons for my grandmother's forgetfulness?

Query: Hello doctor.My grandma has shown signs of forgetfulness, which has worried me about her well-being and cognitive health. Could these signs be related to Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia? Could you elaborate on the differences between dementia symptoms and age-related forgetfulness? I...  Read Full »

Dr. Seyedaidin Sajedi

Answer: Hi, Welcome I am happy to provide expert opinion to your and your family's healthcare needs. I completely understand your concern about your grandma. As you mentioned, we expect some degree of forgetfulness in elderly people. Such a state is called mild cognitive impairment (MCI)(los...  Read Full »

Does Alzheimer's disease cause sudden jerking of hands and legs?

Query: Hello doctor, My mother aged 85 years is taking drugs for Alzheimer's for over six months. She suffered sudden jerks of hands and legs. She was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and is now shifted to a room. She was treated with antibiotics and given sedation drugs. Will the jerks come back?...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concerns. Although it is not clear whether she suffered myoclonic jerks or seizure episodes (jerks along with a loss of consciousness, frothing at the mouth, unrolling of eyes) as both of them can present in late Alzheimer's disea...  Read Full »

I have fast memory loss. Is it Alzheimer's or vascular dementia?

Query: Hello doctor, My father is experiencing rapidly declining memory and cognitive function. He was taken to the hospital a year back due to confusion and memory loss and was treated for diabetic ketoacidosis and had a quadruple bypass performed. They also did various scans and magnetic resonance imagin...  Read Full »

Dr. Aida Abaz Quka

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your father's symptoms are indicative of dementia. I would like to review his brain MRI report, to give a more professional opinion if it is Alzheimer disease or vascular dementia. As he is diabetic, vascular dementia cannot be excluded. Anyway, you should know that v...  Read Full »

Can Alzheimer's be cured?

Query: Hi doctor, My dad is 82 and has a loss in his memory. Our doctor reported him as an Alzheimer patient (G1). Is that curable?   Read Full »

Dr. Ambekar Sudheer

Answer: Hi, Welcome back to Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease as yet. All one can do is to take adequate precautions to prevent worsening of quality of life due to the memory loss and disorientation.   Read Full »

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