Common "Amylase" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Amylase, an enzyme, helps in the digestion of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate and starch are broken into sugar with the help of amylase. This enzyme is produced in the pancreas and salivary glands. Blood amylase test helps to diagnose acute pancreatitis.

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Why do I have severe stomach pain after eating fatty foods?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 24 year old female. What could be the cause of a severe stomach pain that happens after eating nuts, seeds, and things with oil in them? By oil, I mean even olive oil and not just greasy foods. This reaction has been happening for a year or so, and I have avoided these foods as ...  Read Full »

Dr. Babu Lal Meena

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Severe stomach pain and cramps can be caused by pancreatitis and food allergy. In your case, both are equally probable. Pancreatitis is a common cause of pain that occurs after the intake of oil-rich foods. Food allergy is a diagnosis of exclusion. I suggest the fol...  Read Full »

Will quitting alcohol bring amylase and lipase levels back to normal?

Query: Hello doctor, I am having pancreas enzymes such as amylase and lipase at high levels. I am an alcoholic. I do not have abdomen pain, but I have little high cholesterol. Doctor advised me to stop the drink and maintain low fat diet. Will it reverse to normal if I stop drinking? I have stopped drinkin...  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hi, Welcome to We are here to help you. I have gone through the report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You are suffering from subacute pancreatitis. The people who consume alcohol have many attacks of subacute pancreatitis that goes unnoticed as there is no ...  Read Full »

Can Glycerin suppository be used twice a week for a 2-month-old baby?

Query: Hello doctor, My two month old daughter started passing stool irregularly, from the past eight days. She was passing a lot of gas, but it did not smell. Seeing no improvement, we took her to the pediatrician, who said she had gas in her stomach. So, he gave her Decolic, Neopeptine, and Glycerin supp...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi, Welcome to This must probably be your first child, that is why this query. Please note that children under the age of six months may pass stools either 10 to 15 times a month or once in 2 to 3 days. And it is absolutely normal. You should be worried only if the child has not pa...  Read Full »

Can you please interpret the results of my reports?

Query: Hello doctor, I recently got my health checkup done. I had got the same workup done one year ago too. I have attached both the reports for your reference. I went through a course of Nexito 10 mg for five months last year. My current BP is 80/130 mmHg. I am not able to exercise now. However, as a ro...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the reports and they are fine (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Calcium is on the lower side for which you should increase the milk consumption. As such, there is no need for any medicines. The vitamin D is just normal this year. H...  Read Full »

Please check my reports and tell me what to do.

Query: Hello doctor, Please access my report to provide me a proper diagnosis. I have similar laboratory values from the past two years, but no stomach complaints or any discomfort. I am not taking any medication. I just want to bring down my cholesterol, creatinine and amylase levels.  Read Full »

Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your post and investigations (attachments removed to protect patient identity). I would try to address each significant point separately. Your serum amylase is 140 and lipase is normal. It is of no significance in your case as you do not have pain in...  Read Full »

I have elevated lipase and amylase levels. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, I have got my routine body check up done in which my lipase has come elevated at 71 and amylase at 146. There is no nausea or fever, just upset stomach. Though I am not an alcoholic, before the test I was abroad for two weeks and was drinking two beers every day. Since childhood, I have h...  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have studied your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). They signify that your lipase and amylase are raised due to alcohol consumption. Since there is no problem in the liver echotexture, this can be well controlled by stopping alcohol. I ne...  Read Full »

My mother's blood reports show a high amylase level. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, My 50 years old mother's blood report showed the amylase levels to be high. The amylase level is 126, rheumatoid factor is 16, and TSH is 6.275. What do these values indicate? What are the causes for this? What is the treatment?  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I just read your query. From what you have described, it appears that your mother has slightly high serum amylase levels, which could be mild pancreatitis due to high-fat diet or alcohol. You must see an internal medicine specialist for this condition. She also has a ...  Read Full »

When will amylase, and lipase normalize after heavy drinking?

Query: Hello doctor, I drank for five days heavily and was admitted to a hospital with hangover and heartburn. They took the test and my amylase and lipase were little high. Then they gave me medicines. Past one week, I am taking Panblock morning and night and Encremin. My health is alright now but my amyl...  Read Full »

Dr. Noushif. M

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You had a mild attack of acute pancreatitis. The amylase level shoots first and slowly decreases over two to three weeks. Lipase shoots slowly. No point in checking it very often as it usually...  Read Full »

My blood test for excess gas release shows some changes. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, Yesterday, I took the blood test because of excess gas release and in that, my red blood cells showed some impressions. Please help. I have attached my report. I am afraid and shivering. Is there any problem with my blood test?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your CBC report is normal and does not suggest a specific abnormality. The red blood cell count is within the limit, so do not worry about that. In the attached report, serum amylase and lipase are elevated (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So pancrea...  Read Full »

Do high amylase and lipase in SLE cause stomach discomfort?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 25-year-old suffering from SLE. The abdominal pain started three months ago. First, MRCP was done, and it revealed a stricture at the ampulla. Then, ERCP was done due to severe obstruction. At that time, the lipase level was 350 U/L, and amylase was 120 U/L. After three months, on...  Read Full »

Dr. Ghulam Fareed

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for your query. I reviewed your query. Your lipase level is normal now, but checking your liver function tests, especially alkaline phosphatase levels and blood tests, is essential. I have a few questions. Did they dilate that stricture or place a plastic ...  Read Full »

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