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HomeAnswersGeneral Surgeryanal fissureI suffer from persistent anal fissures. Why?

What could cause recurring anal fissures, skin tags, and an invisible hard lump?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Rajesh Jain

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At May 7, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 7, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Three years ago, I experienced a fissure, prompting a doctor's visit due to the appearance of a skin tag and bleeding from the anus. Although the bleeding subsided with ointment, sitz baths, and medication, the fissure recurrently reappears, particularly after consuming constipation-inducing foods. Presently, there is an invisible hard lump slightly above the skin tag. Upon touch, the lump feels firm, and when pressed, watery blood emerges, possibly from inside the anus or a red spot near the skin tag. To address bleeding, pain, or discomfort during constipation, I use warm water baths and anorelief ointment and consume Isabgol powder with water and chia seeds. Medications previously used for this concern include Isabgol, anorelief, and pain relievers. Please help.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Rajesh Jain


Welcome to icliniq.com.

We feel glad that you reached out to us.

I suggest to remain calm and refrain from opting for surgery at this time. It is important not to depend solely on medication. I suggest you establish a routine that includes early morning walks, regular yoga, and pranayama. Make Ashwini mudra (a yogic practice involving rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the anal sphincter muscles, aiming to energize the pelvic region and enhance overall well-being) a regular part of your practice. Enhance your diet by incorporating salads, fruits, and vegetable soups while avoiding oily, spicy, and non-vegetarian foods for the next few months.

I suggest following the below-mentioned regimen for 12 weeks:

  1. Take a tablet Amroid (Mahaneem, Haritaki, Inderjav, Neem, Pippali, Priyangu, Nagkeshar, Amla, Amaltas, Kutaki, Zamikand, Durva, Chirvilva, Ashwagandha, Triphala, Saunf, Chitrak, Sunthi, and Vidang), two tablets twice a day.

  2. Apply Amroid cream (Aragwadha, Priyangu, Palasha, Karanja, Nimba, Haritaki, Lodhra, Nagakesara, Haridra, Daruharidra, Durva, Vibhitaki, Nishotha, Ashwagandha and Shilajit) before and after bowel movements, as well as twice a day.

  3. Consume Naturolax powder (psyllium husk, Kasni, Nimbukamlam, Svarjiksara, and root extract), one teaspoon in 200 ml water at night. Consult your doctor and take the medication accordingly.

After following this plan, provide a follow-up report after seven days.

I hope this helps.

Revert in case of other queries.

Thank you.

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Dr. Rajesh Jain

General Practitioner

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