Common "Arthroscopy" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Arthroscopy is a diagnostic and surgical treatment method. It is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes the use of small incisions over the affected area that results in minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissue and faster wound healing and recovery.

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Why Am I Experiencing Ankle Pain After Two Years Of Arthroscopic Surgery?

Query: Hello doctor,About two years back, I had an arthroscopic surgery (OCD MTD) for my ankle because of a previous injury. At first, my ankle got better, but now it is starting to get worse. As I am experiencing a lot of pain and difficulty walking, I got an MRI done. Please see the results. Can you tell...  Read Full »

Dr. Akshay Kumar Saxena

Answer: Hi,Welcome to you have only mentioned about the arthroscopic ankle surgery and have not provided the details, it is difficult to comment on your problem. I do not have the details of what surgery was done in your case was there an attempt to fill the defect? So, it will be better if y...  Read Full »

I have attached my 18-year-old son’s MRI report. Please review.

Query: Hi doctor,I have attached my 18-year-old son’s MRI report here. I got different opinions from doctors. Is it necessary for surgery? Please give me advice on what to do. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. Yes, surgery is necessary as the patient is young, and ligaments are necessary for knee stability. So, arthroscopic surgery is required. You need to take the following tablets: 1. Tablet Ibuprofen 400 mg twice in the morning ...  Read Full »

What the cause of my ankle pain?

Query: Hi doctor, I am suffering from left ankle pain. I have soreness and it is bruised. Sometimes, it is difficult to walk too. I am also suffering from lower back pain. I feel the pain from my ankle joint to my hip. I have a history of ankle pain, but it was on the right. Two years ago, I had an arthro...  Read Full »

Dr. Sumit Chawla

Answer: Hi, Welcome to From your MRI (attachment removed to protect patient identity), there are arthritic changes seen in the jointbetween two small bones of the foot, that is, talus and navicular as well as in the posterior part of the tibia. This is the cause for ankle pain and swelling a...  Read Full »

Does my son require surgery for the snapping sound from his left knee without pain?

Query: Hi doctor, My son aged 7 has had a snapping sound from the left knee lately without complaining of any pain. He had an MRI done on his left knee. The MRI opinion is as follows: There is a discoid lateral meniscus, significant swelling of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus, and intrameniscal...  Read Full »

Dr. Sumit Chawla

Answer: Hello,Welcome to understand your concern regarding surgical management and also, because of the fact there is no pain. Surgical management is indicated in case of symptomatic discoid meniscus and a popping or snapping sound is an indication for surgery. It can be managed by arthroscopi...  Read Full »

I had arthroscopy surgery. How long will the pain last?

Query: Hello doctor,I had arthroscopy surgery on my right shoulder approximately five weeks ago. The surgeon repaired a rotator cuff tear, and a labrum tear released one bicep tendon and did not reattach it, and subacromial decompression. The pain is still intense, and I am taking Oxycodone. I just started...  Read Full »

Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, arthroscopic shoulder rotator cuff repairs can be quite a difficult task post-operatively especially, after the physiotherapy is started. The pain and stiffness usually get better after a month of starting physiotherapy. So, rest after surgery combined with physiothe...  Read Full »

I do not have much flexibility in my hamstrings and calf muscles. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I require further clarification on my MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) report, specifically regarding the mention of ‘chondral fibrillation medial trochlear groove.’ I am seeking to understand the extent of damage to that particular cartilage area. Is it possible for it to recover to i...  Read Full »

Dr. Varun Chaudhry

Answer: Hi. Welcome to icliniq. I am glad you chose icliniq for your medical-related queries. I understand your concern and will try to help you with it. After reviewing the reports (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity), it appears to be an essentially normal scan. The mention of chondral...  Read Full »

Why do I hear a clicking sound when I twist my knee only?

Query: Hello doctor,I am a 25-year-old and a triathlete. three months ago, I suffered from knee pain. The doctor checked the McMurray test, and the Apley grind test result was negative. Only when I twist (rotate) my knee I hear some clicking or popping sound. I took MRI and the result was shown an anterior...  Read Full »

Dr. Berry Chirag Ashok

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Thank you for giving me an opportunity to assist you. It looks like you injured your knee three months ago during an athletic activity, and have been having some mechanical symptoms of clicking and popping since then. Since the knee pain has come down, it is likely that...  Read Full »

My wife has a labrum tear. Is surgery needed?

Query: Hello doctor, My wife has been diagnosed with a labrum tear. She is 37 years old. She wants to get a second opinion on the treatment options. Is surgery the only option available? Will not the labrum heal on its own? Currently, she is on ayurvedic treatment. I have attached a few files for your refe...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through the copies of the investigations you posted (attachment removed to protect patient identity). My interpretations are as follows: 1. She has arthritis of the hip joint with features of sacroiliitis (inflammation of one or both of the sacroiliac joints)...  Read Full »

My husband is on Aspirin. Can he undergo surgery? Need help.

Query: Hi doctor, My husband is having arthroscopic surgery soon. We did not realize until we went to see the nurse in the hospital for a pre-operation interview that he was still taking an Aspirin regimen. They called the doctor and said it was still good for him to get the surgery. However, I am not so s...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Patients on Aspirin are at risk of bleeding during surgical procedures. Arthroscopy is a low-risk procedure, but various arthroscopic procedures are fairly invasive, and bleeding can occur. The same holds true for blocks as large volumes of fluids are injected close to ...  Read Full »

My mother is 47 years old, suffering from osteoarthritis and knee pain. The doctor advised arthroscopy. Please suggest the best option.

Query: Hello doctor,My mother is 47 years old, height 5 feet 2 inches weight 174 Ibs, suffering from osteoarthritis and knee pain. After consultation doctor advised for MRI the report shows:1. Oblique tear of the posterior horn of medial meniscus extending to the inferior articular surface (Type III signal...  Read Full »

Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. The decision of arthroscopy or joint replacement all depends upon her x-rays. If the x-ray does not show a lot of degenerative changes then arthroscopy is a good option, If x-rays show degenerative changes then arthroscopy ...  Read Full »

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