Common "Bipolar Disorder" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Bipolar Disorder

Previously called manic depression, bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes severe mood changes and unusual shifts in energy, activity levels, behavior, and thinking. It is classified into four groups, namely bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic disorder, and bipolar disorder induced by any other condition or medication. The mood of the person with this disorder varies from being extremely energized to being very sad or feeling hopeless.

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All the answers published in this website are written by verified medical doctors, therapists and health experts. The Content has been moderated by iCliniq medical review team before publication. Post your medical clarifications on iCliniq by choosing the right specialty and get them answered. Your medical queries will be answered 24/7 by top doctors from iCliniq.

Are my extreme mood swings due to bipolar personality disorder?

Query: Hello doctor, I have an abusive and narcissistic father, who has also made sexual advances towards me many times. I have never been understood by my family nor had minimum space for myself. I feel anxious when left alone. I could not get on with relationships due to strict family boundaries imposed...  Read Full »

Dr. Siva Anoop Yella

Answer: Hello, Welcome to, I understand your concern and would be happy to help you. Based on your symptoms, you have a borderline personality disorder that needs both medications and counseling. However, to help you more, you might need a detailed evaluation from a psychiatrist to confirm th...  Read Full »

How can an agressive patient who speaks loud and beats be controlled?

Query: Hello doctor,My father is 69 years old. We live in a one room small house. He continuously speaks loudly the whole day long. He beats my elder sister and always argues with everyone at home. Every other day there is quarrel in my house. He is not an alcoholic but he never understands others. He alwa...  Read Full »

Dr. Aneel Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand the problem you are facing, your father has some definite problems. If this behavior is since long like from his middle age then it may be a bipolar disorder. If this behavior has occurred during old age then it is pathological means he needs to be examined...  Read Full »

Why do I get an alternate feeling of high and low sometimes?

Query: Hello doctor, I think I am bipolar. Just a couple of weeks ago, I felt and was told by my friends that I was more energetic and crazy than usual. Now, I feel like there is no hope, and nobody really cares. But there is also that little bit of me that is telling me that I am faking this and that all ...  Read Full »

Dr. Parth Nagda

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It is a little early at your age to be diagnosed with bipolar illness. Sometimes that part of normal teenage hormones and puberty, when it is mixed with some depressive symptoms. Basically, if you are depressed, you will feel irritable, low, feel like crying, sad, do...  Read Full »

My sister is pregnant. Can she continue bipolar treatment?

Query: Hello doctor, My sister is suffering from bipolar disorder for the last 10 years and is presently in stable condition with Olanzapine 2.5 mg and Dicorate 250 mg one tablet each per day during night. However, recently she came to know about her pregnancy and her doctor asked her to check with a psych...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to First of all, I would like to inform you that Dicorate (Divalproex sodium) should be avoided as far as possible during pregnancy. This is because of neural tube defects caused in offspring during pregnancy. The above statement is very important during the first trimeste...  Read Full »

Please suggest a medicine to stop vision problem from antipsychotic medicine.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 38-year-old woman with bipolar disorder. I am taking Abilify 10 mg. I am experiencing vision issues (not blindness) that come every other day and stop only when I sleep. I used to take Artane for my vision problem that was caused by psychotic medicines, but Artane interacts wi...  Read Full »

Dr. Ruhi Satija

Answer: Hello, Welcome to So I understand that you are having ocular side effects with the use of abilify. There are a few ways to go about it. As you have mentioned that you are stable on the medication and functional, I would advise you to consult an opthalmologist and get a checkup done a...  Read Full »

Why is there no relief from restlessness even after medication in bipolar disorder?

Query: Hello doctor, My father is 60 years old. He is having a psychological problem of bipolar disorder as termed by his doctor. For the last fifteen days, he is feeling restless all day long. He gets relief when he sleeps. So all the day he sleeps or just layover. He is depressed and does not talk much....  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The first thing I like to tell you that as per my knowledge there is no Dimax 250 mg and Lamex 50 mg. I am assuming that Dimax in query stands for Diamox (Acetazolamide) 250 mg and Lamex 50 mg stands for Lamex (Levofloxacin) 500 mg. The problem you described is very...  Read Full »

Is there a definitive way to know if I have a borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder?

Query: Hello doctor,Is there a definitive way to know if I have a borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder? Two years ago, I was diagnosed with BPD, but I met with a psychiatrist who says I do not sound at all like I have BPD, but I instead sound bipolar. Is there a way to test which it is? Or i...  Read Full »

Dr. Suresh Kumar G D

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You are reporting a commonly encountered situation since BPD, and bipolar disorder can present with similar symptoms. Sometimes both the conditions can be present together as well. There is no specific test or scan or investigation to distinguish these two conditions...  Read Full »

My mother has a lot of mood swings. How to treat her?

Query: Hello doctor, First of all, let me thank you for this platform. It is just wonderful that you make professional opinion available for people who have nowhere else to turn. My mother has been showing weird behavior ever since I can remember. The issue is that anytime someone (from our family or other...  Read Full »

Dr. Awadhesh P. Singh Solanki

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thanks for the query. I can understand your concern regarding your mother and your brothers. You have given a beautifully elaborated history, clearly showing your mom is suffering from bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) and needs clinical assistance. She cannot take car...  Read Full »

I need a second opinion for the medicines I take for bipolar I and ADHD.

Query: Hello doctor, I have a query about the medication prescribed to me, and I need a second opinion. My diagnoses are bipolar 1 and ADHD. I take daily, Lithium 1600 mg, Lamotrigine 300 mg, Amisulpride 400 mg, Haloperidol 4 mg, Sertraline 200 mg, Pregabalin 400 mg, Propranolol 80 mg, Lisdexamfetamine 60 ...  Read Full »

Dr. Krishan Kumar Sharma

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The rule of thumb in psychiatry is to prescribe medicine for an adequate duration and adequate dose, before considering it ineffective or plan to change. If your doctor has previously tried one medication for proper dose and duration now, he can add another drug, so ...  Read Full »

SSRI is not helping with my bipolar disorder and panic attacks. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I have bipolar disorder, panic attacks, social and generalized anxiety disorder. I have one to three panic attacks per day, constant anxiety, and fear of leaving the house. No motivation to work, no energy, apathetic, without mood. Right now I am in a depressive episode. I previousl...  Read Full »

Dr. Parth Nagda

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If your anxiety is not responsive to SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), then you should consider trying TCA (tricyclic antidepressants) class of antidepressants. They will help with your anxiety and panic attacks. Apart from Tranxene and Benzodiazepin...  Read Full »

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