Common "Bodybuilding" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Bodybuilding uses increasing endurance training to build the muscles of the body for esthetic goals. In bodybuilding, the muscles are put through bodily stress and stimuli, which initiates an adaptation process of the central nervous system and the muscle. With routine workouts, adaptation occurs in 21 days, to which the central nervous system responds by making the muscle more efficient, and the muscle reacts by increasing in size. It also relies on the macronutrients available.

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Please provide me with detailed information on anabolic steroids.

Query: Hello doctor,I am a 20-year-old male interested in improving my muscle mass and bodybuilding. Can using anabolic steroids help with this? What is the use of taking anabolic steroids? Will I need a doctor’s prescription for taking them? Are they good or bad for health? Please provide me with detail...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances related to the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone. They are often used by bodybuilders and athletes to increase muscle mass, improve performance, and enhance physical appearance. The primary use of anabolic steroids ...  Read Full »

Can intake of SARM supplement cause back pain?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 60-year-old male in good condition. I am not taking any medication. There are ongoing painful back muscle aches apparently for months. I used SARM for workouts. I had poor hydration habits, with too much caffeine and not taking enough water. I stopped taking the SARM supplement one...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It may or may not be directly related to SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) use. Backache is a prevalent problem in this age group, and your BMI (body mass index) is 39 (attachment removed to protect patient identity), which predisposes you to spine problems l...  Read Full »

My body is not growing proportionately. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I am 23 years old. My diet is normal, but my body is not growing proportionately. Only my stomach is growing. My BMI is 28.14. What should I do for it?  Read Full »

Dr. Mohammad Aamir

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You have mentioned your body mass index (BMI) which is 28.14 and is normal in this age group. To remain healthy, you should start doing morning walk and join a gym if you want to build your muscles. Also, you should start eating more protein in your diet like egg, chicke...  Read Full »

Is it safe for bodybuilders to consume alcohol?

Query: Hello doctor, This is for an international publication. Please provide as much detail as possible in your response. We will include your name there. We are presenting this inquiry with the consent of iClinique. Alcohol consumption in bodybuilders and Athletes. Good, Bad, Right, Wrong. Alcohol, do...  Read Full »

Dr. Sandeep Singh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Alcohol has a negative influence on professional bodybuilders and athletes. It causes social issues, disrupts routines, toxic metabolites damage the liver and muscles, acetyl CoA produces fat deposition, and alcohol in...  Read Full »

My body is very lean and I want to develop a muscular body. Please help me.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 23-year-old male. I have a very lean body. Since my childhood, no changes have happened. My height is approximately 5 feet and 6.9 inches. In between, I suffered from pneumonia and asthma a few years ago. But now I am fine. I want to develop my body. What should I do? Please hel...  Read Full »

Dr. Suneetha B S

Answer: Hello, Welcome to To gain weight healthily, you need to build muscle. I advise you to do regular physical activity and have a healthy diet. 1. Healthy diet: Do not start eating oily or junk food to gain weight, because that would only lead to a gain in fat and health problems, like h...  Read Full »

Can I train hard despite my high creatine kinase levels?

Query: Hi doctor,I am a sportsperson. I like to train hard, and I have prepared for many years in weight-lifting and bodybuilding. I took a blood test a few days ago, and I have had a too high CK level of 13000 IU/L, and the doctor told me to take it easy, but I cannot. Again, I tested my blood, and the CK...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zubayer Alam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern. According to your statement, you are a weight lifter and a bodybuilder, and you had a history of high CK (creatine kinase) levels, but that was normal on a repeat test. Serum CK levels may increase for many reasons: after a heart attack, ske...  Read Full »

Will lifting weights at 18 stop me from growing taller?

Query: Hi doctor, Can I start bodybuilding at the age of 18? Will this stop me from growing tall?  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I advise you to start sports first and after a year or so, you can start going to the gym. This is because men grow in height till 20 years and after that, the growth stops. Until then, be inclined towards sports like basketball, jogging, running, bar pull-ups ti...  Read Full »

Kindly suggest a solution to improve my physique.

Query: Hello doctor, I am looking very thin by body, face, etc. My physique is not getting improved even after taking sufficient and proper meals, fruits, milk, egg, etc. Please suggest.  Read Full »

Dr. Divakara. P

Answer: Hello, Welcome to First I want to know whats your height before determining whether your weight is less or normal. Also how old are you? Many people up to the age of 25-26 will not gain weight and look slim and later they start gaining weight without doing anything. The simple princi...  Read Full »

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