Common "Calamine" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Calamine is used to treat minor skin conditions like hives, mosquito bites, and itchiness. As Calamine has a drying property, it is used on blisters and rashes caused by poison ivy. It dries such rashes and pimples, which eventually fall off.

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Severe poison ivy rash spread last week. Can Calamine help?

Query: Hello doctor,I am a medical student. I have severe poison ivy contact dermatitis. The rash started on my left arm and has spread over the last week. I have small papules that are all over my body but not on my face or genitals. Through the investigation I have done, I have been able to gather that I...  Read Full »

Dr. Shanza Ikram

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If the reaction is in the spreading phase, you need a course of steroids orally. But taking a short course of steroids for only six days does not require tapering. Also, there will not be any rebound effect. I suggest you apply Betamethasone twice daily for 14 days. In ...  Read Full »

What is the treatment for burn injury pain?

Query: Hello doctor, The patient is a 50 years old female. She had a burn injury on the inner side of the hand three days back. I have attached the picture. Now, the skin over the area is darkened. The thin skin over it has started peeling this morning. She has pain, burning sensation and not able to sleep...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bahunuthula

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The clinical image (attachment removed to protect patient identity) is suggestive of a superficial scald, which is a minor burn injury. It seems pretty clean and uninfected. As it heals, there can be a bit of a burning and itching sensation. She can use the medicines t...  Read Full »

After taking antibiotic pills, I developed itch, hives, and red marks that have caused me anxiety. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, After taking 30 pills of antibiotics Lamisil (Terbinafine), I started getting itch and hives. I stopped taking it, and now the itch has gone away, but I m getting these red marks and bumps intermittently in my body. Especially when I have anxiety or panic attacks, it freaks me out mo...  Read Full »

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read the query, and I can understand your concern. You are suffering from acute urticaria. The causes of acute urticaria are Bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infection. Painkillers or antibiotic drugs. Certain foods and food additives or preservativ...  Read Full »

What to do for scrotal bumps that occur after walking a lot?

Query: Hi doctor, I have these white bumps on my scrotum. They are pretty much like pimples with pus in them. They only show up on warm days and when I walk a lot throughout the day. I am using Calamine lotion at night and in a day they completely go away. They do not hurt, but it just feels like a rash. I...  Read Full »

Dr. Atishay Bukharia

Answer: Hi, Welcome to is a case of friction blister with superimposed fungal infection especially candidal. Sweating andfriction lead to maceration, which is responsible for this disease. Instead of Calamine, I suggest Clotrimazole powder two to three times daily. It will not only acts agai...  Read Full »

Why do I have sudden itchy skin rash with no pus?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 22 year old female. I got a sudden skin allergy and there is lot of itching. Small red rashes have appeared on limbs, back and face. But, there is no puss in the rash. I took Cetirizine.  Read Full »

Dr. Atishay Bukharia

Answer: Hi, Welcome to How long it has been there? What is the complaint in it? What are the areas affected and spread?   Read Full »

How to identify the cause behind skin allergy in my child?

Query: Hi doctor, My daughter was born six months ago with a weight of six pounds. Her current weight is approximately ten pounds now. From 3rd month of her age, she has got skin problem. We started formula feeding along with breastfeeding at that time. She got skin redness and some sort of problem in her ...  Read Full »

Dr. Nagasirisha Naredla

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the images (attachment removed to protect patient identity). By what you are telling it is looking like allergic skin disorder. This can be due to anything being applied on her skin, sometimes due to cow's milk allergy, etc. Does your child have fever or ...  Read Full »

I have itching and rashes on my arms and legs. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have itching and rash on my arms and legs for one week now. There was no itching before. I went to a dermatologist and got some medicines. However, the rash keeps spreading and since the last Thursday, I have fever constantly of 101 degrees. The rash has spread all over my arms and l...  Read Full »

Dr. Sushil Kakkar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through the attachments (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You seem to have acute urticaria or acute dermatitis. I suggest you continue with tablet Mod Pan (Pantoprazole Sodium Sesquihydrate) 40 mg empty stomach. However, I would like to add t...  Read Full »

I got bitten by a caterpillar. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I was itching all of a sudden today while eating dinner. I thought it would be a normal itch, so resisted itching. After around 70 minutes, when I itched on my groin and thigh area, it started itching too much and when I saw under my shorts, it was full of mosquito bite like appearance...  Read Full »

Dr. Chaitra. P

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the photograph (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The insect could possibly be a kind of caterpillar commonly called as blanket worms. One may get reactions to its sting with rashes and urticaria. Apply Calosoft AF (Calamine, Aloe vera, and l...  Read Full »

I have anal itching. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I feel very itchy around the anus. It feels like I need to press around the periphery for it to stop. There is no pain, just irritation. I have had hemorrhoids once before, but this is not the same. I do not feel any pimples or problems in opening bowel. I tried Glyvenol cream for a fe...  Read Full »

Dr. Mohammad Aamir

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You should apply Calamine lotion at the place where it is itching thrice a day for a week and take tablet Loratadine 10 mg once a day for a week. I would like to review after a week and please send me the picture of it.   Read Full »

My baby got severe burns. What medications can I apply?

Query: Hello doctor, My 4-year-old baby spilled extremely hot water on his right foot. The skin became red immediately. I put aloe vera gel and silver nitrate ointment. It is better now. But, he is suffering from burning and pain. Kindly let me know what other medications and other precautions I should use...  Read Full »

Dr. G. S. S. Sandeep

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You need to start applying Linical (Calamine) lotion every hourly until the burning settles down. You also need to apply T-Bact (Mupirocin Topical) or Mupi (Mupirocin) or Nadibact Cream (Nadifloxacin Topical) thrice daily after applying the Linical lotion. You can appl...  Read Full »

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