Common "Canker Sore" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Canker Sore

A canker sore is otherwise known as aphthous ulcers. There are three types, such as minor, major, and herpetiform canker sores. It occurs mostly due to stress. It appears as small lesions with a white area in the center and a red border on the mouth. Sometimes, it is painful and causes difficulty in speaking and heals within a week.

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Can the mouth ulcers or canker sores on the side of the tongue be due to herpes virus?

Query: Hello doctor, Can the mouth ulcers or canker sores on the side of the tongue be herpes virus? I also had a couple of mouth ulcers on the inside of my lips, but they appeared and vanished in a couple of days. I never had a cold sore on the outside of my lips but did not know if mouth ulcers could sti...  Read Full »

Dr. Sushil Kakkar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Herpes usually causes sores on the hard mucosa in the oral cavity like palate and gums whereas ulcers on tongue, lips, etc., are often canker sores. I could not see any ulcers in the image (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Kindly upload more images.  Read Full »

Does canker sore make lymph node swollen?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 30 year old male. I have a canker sore. I was wondering if it is common to have a swollen right lymph node with tenderness, body pain, and tiredness along with the sore. Please explain.  Read Full »

Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Cankersore also referred as aphthous ulcer, is a non-specific ulceration of non-keratinous mucous membrane of the mouth. The exact cause why these occur is not clear. Irritation of mucous membrane due to acidic foods and citrous foods could be a possibility. Pain is quit...  Read Full »

I have white patches on my cheeks and gums. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am seeing white stuff in my mouth. I see more in quantity in inner cheeks and gums when I wake up in the morning. It has been four weeks. It can be scraped off using the finger. I consulted a dentist nearby and she told me it might be leukoplakia and it goes away by itself in a few d...  Read Full »

Dr. Sreekesh Menon

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As I can see you can scrape off your lesions, then it will not be leukoplakia because it is thickened, white patches that form on your gums, the insides of your cheeks, the bottom of your mouth and, sometimes, your tongue. These patches cannot be scraped off. So, I ...  Read Full »

The ulcer on my tongue persists despite using Vitamin B and gels for mouth ulcers. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am currently having a mouth ulcer (canker sore) on my tongue for the past four days. How can I cure it? I have been taking vitamin B tablets and applying a mouth ulcer gel. It had appeared two months ago. Please help.Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Sugreev Singh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. Mouth ulcers are caused by indigestion and bacterial infections. So, if the Vitamin B complex does not help, then antibiotics are required. I suggest you share a picture of the sore so that I can help you better. How old are you? Do you have ...  Read Full »

How is mouth ulcer treated?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a sore in the mouth. I have attached the photos. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to In the photos (attachment removed to protect patient identity), the sore looks just like a simple mouth ulcer. This will take at least 8 to 10 days to heal. Do you get frequent sores? Since how long are you having this? Is it very painful when eating hot or spicy food? ...  Read Full »

I have sores that started appearing in my oral cavity five years back. What should I do?

Query: Hello doctor, I have these sores that appear in my mouth (inside my lips, my tongue, my cheeks, etc.). They started appearing five years back. They come and go. There is a week's gap between two erupting sores. Please advise.   Read Full »

Dr. Beryl F

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your query and understand your concern. From your complaint, this looks a lot more like recurrent aphthous stomatitis (multiple canker sores). There is no specific treatment for it. They will be mostly treated with pain relief gel, antiseptic mout...  Read Full »

I have had a recurring canker sore for three weeks, and it becomes irritated and swollen whenever it comes into contact with something. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I have a canker sore that has been there for over three weeks. It gets irritated and swollen when I accidentally bite it or if something comes in contact with it, and it has seemed to be almost gone several times but keeps coming back. When not irritated, it turns white and shrinks. Som...  Read Full »

Dr. Shamaz Mohamed

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. I have seen the picture (attachments removed to protect patient’s identity) you sent me. First of all, it is called a mucocele and not a canker sore. It is caused by the habit of lip biting or trauma from your front teeth, which inflames ...  Read Full »

Can you please suggest a cure for my mouth sores and ulcers?

Query: Hi doctor,I am suffering from mouth sores, tongue sores, and ulcers. Please help.Thank you.   Read Full »

Dr. Basuki Nath Bhagat

Answer: Hello doctor, Welcome to There is a whitish-yellow spot on the left corner of the upper and generalized redness of the inner aspect of the lip. Your suspicion could be an oral thrush due to a fungal infection. I do not think it is due to a fungal infection. The most likely diagnosis i...  Read Full »

How do oral herpes sore look?

Query: Hi doctor, Last week, I had a sore on the outside of my lower gum. My girlfriend, who is a dental assistant, told me that it is just a canker sore and it will go away. Now, I have one on the inside of the upper gum towards the roof of my mouth. If the second one is also a canker sore or is this som...  Read Full »

Dr. Prerna Jain

Answer: Hi, Welcome to These are called aphthous ulcers and commonly known as canker sores (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The reason why they occur is unknown. It could be a good allergy or vitamin B12 deficiency or stress ulcers. They occur as often as every two to three m...  Read Full »

Is developing a canker sore on my lips after engaging in oral sex with an undetectable and medicated person a risk?

Query: Hello doctor, I recently had a massage with an unknown man. He gave me a massage that turned sexual. He masturbated me. I touched his penis and testicles. Then played with his nipples after that, I do not remember him pre-cumming. After playing with his penis and testicles, I played with his nipples...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bahunuthula

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your query. The situation that you described does not come under high risk, even though the person is known as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) positive. Oral sex itself has negligible risk when compared to normal sex while licking alone is not class...  Read Full »

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