Common "Cervical Spondylosis" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that results from age-related wear and tear of the spinal joints and discs in the neck. The common causes include dehydration of the discs, disc herniation, neck injury, repetitive movements, and ligament stiffness. It commonly affects older adults, and the symptoms worsen with age.

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Are my various neurological symptoms related to cervical myelopathy?

Query: Hello doctor, I have chronic right leg spasticity, migraines, muscle pain, ataxia, nausea, vertigo, and pins and needles in hands and feet. Please, could you review my scans to see what is the cause of my various neurological symptoms? Is it cervical myelopathy or MS?  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your scans (attachment removed to protect patient identity). There are cervical disc problems at many levels and mild cervical spondylosis. There is a neural foraminal compromise and nerve root compression in C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7 cervical disc ...  Read Full »

I am suffering from cervical spondylosis. Please advise.

Query: Hi doctor, I am 55 years old. I have been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis due to wear and tear on my dehydrated spinal discs. My pain is in my neck and arm. I have occasional fevers and night sweats. I am already using a cervical collar for a week now. I am using a hard collar during the day and...  Read Full »

Dr. Chandan Mohanty

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Sorry to hear about your condition. Your symptoms match the diagnosis of cervical spondylosis. Unfortunately, along with neck pain and arm pain, you also seem to have developed weakness in your left arm due to pressure on your nerves in the neck. A physiotherapy is a ...  Read Full »

I had breathlessness and suffered from left arm and neck pain. Why so?

Query: Hello doctor,I have been suffering from bronchiectasis for the past many years. I also have an undoubtful history of cervical spondylosis. I suffer from breathlessness on exertion. I had neck pain and was not able to move my neck along with left arm pain a month ago. Why so?Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Yash Kathuria

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understood your concern. Breathlessness can be explained by the history of bronchiectasis. But cardiac cause should always be ruled out. Have you ever felt chest pain? I suggest doing a stress echo test. Hope this helps Thanks and regards.   Read Full »

I have sinus and cervical spine issues. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I have mucosal thickening with aerated secretions in the sphenoid sinuses with surrounding hyperostosis. The mucosal thickening in left maxillary sinus is greater than right maxillary sinus, with trace aerated secretions. Also, opacification of right mastoid air cells and right middle ear...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have sent me the verbatim report of the MRI of the cervical spine and the mastoids. This, however, is very little to help me as I do not know the exact symptoms you have. Do you have more problems with your mastoids or the neck? Do you have pain in the neck or does...  Read Full »

What can cause shooting pain all over the body?

Query: Hi doctor, My problem started with pain in my lower back and buttock, and then it moved to my lateral thigh on both sides. So, it is difficult to sleep on either side. I also started experiencing neck and shoulder pain. Now, I feel pain in my arms, back, neck, shoulder, etc. I do not know what could...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It appears that your condition resembles spondylosis, affecting both the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine. This condition involves pain and other symptoms stemming from nerve compression within the spine. The resulting symptoms are typically felt along the path o...  Read Full »

My arms are burning while typing. What to do?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a writer, so I use my computer a lot. Pretty sure I have a repetitive stress injury. My father has Carpal tunnel, so it would not be a surprise at all if I have something similar. The pain is triggered when I type, and more so when I use my trackball. More than anything, my arm bu...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Sorry to see that you have persistent symptoms. It is not clear from your description that you have any hand symptoms with crampy pain on typing with the index thumb and middle fingers most affected as that would fit into a carpal tunnel-like picture. If it is your arms...  Read Full »

I have chest pain with discomfort in my jaws for a few days. What is the cause?

Query: Hi doctor, I have chest pain for quite a few days and have discomfort on jaws and back. I also have neck pain and arm pain. I have gone through lipid test, ECG twice, echo and TMT. All are normal. My BP remains 115/75 mmHg, my cholesterol is 163, HDL 47 and LDL 98. In TMT, I achieved 13.8 METs maxim...  Read Full »

Dr. Rishu Sharma

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have noted all your details. As your echo and treadmill test are normal with excellent exercise tolerance, the chances of it being a cardiac pain are highly unlikely. Please mention your age and smoking habits. TMT (treadmill test) and 2D echo are more than 85% sensitiv...  Read Full »

Why do I have lymph node pain under my neck?

Query: Hi doctor, What could be causing the extreme pains in my lymph nodes under my neck and tingling the in head? Should I see a doctor in person? I had a sinus infection a month ago when the neck pains suddenly appeared. I was given antibiotics. It got rid of my other sinus symptoms, but not the lymph ...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The first possibility of meningitis is unlikely. It would cause fever, severe headache and patient will be very sick. I do not think this to be a lymph node pain because lymph nodes will hurt only when they enlarge in a short duration of maximum one or two wee...  Read Full »

I have a burning sensation on my arm. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, Since yesterday I have had this burning sensation in a patch on the side of my left arm. It is not warm to touch but an internal warm sensation that feels like you put a warm cup of coffee against a patch of skin for a second or two and then it goes away. It appears in a wave-like patt...  Read Full »

Dr. Shivam Om Mittal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The intermittent burning sensation in your left arm could be due to several reasons. Most commonly, we see this if there is any cervical spondylosis with the nerve being pushed. This can lead to a certain area in the arm to be painful. Again, the pain can be intermitt...  Read Full »

What does my CT report suggest in the short and long term?

Query: Hello doctor, My computed tomography (CT) scan report says serial axial computed tomography (CT) scan image of the brain shows normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space, the lateral verticles are symmetrical. There is no midline shift or bleed images. However, it shows a faint area of lacunar infarctio...  Read Full »

Dr. Nene Devavrat Harihar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It just says that there is a small area in the lower part of your brain which is not getting enough blood supply. However, I need a little more details regarding your arm weakness whether it was of acute onset, which parts are weak, any tingling sensations in the arm,...  Read Full »

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