Common "Chipped Tooth" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth is a dental injury caused due to injury, falling, or biting on hard food. Most cases have no pain. A dentist can easily treat it. Restorative materials such as composite or cold cure GIC (glass ionomer cement) are used in the treatment of a chipped tooth.

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How to prevent the breaking of my brittle teeth?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a problem. My teeth are brittle because if I eat something hard they sometimes break or I would feel a hole developing and this is stressing me out because I have already taken out three of them and now another one is close to being totaled. Earlier today I ate something and I ...  Read Full »

Dr. Tooba Qazi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to There must be one of a few reasons for this chipping off of teeth rapidly. You might have calcium and vitamin D deficiency. To rule out this, you can get serum vitamin D laboratory test done. If there is deficiency then I recommend you take medicines for it. Another re...  Read Full »

I have a painless broken tooth in the left back region. Help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have a broken tooth and have to see my dentist again. The dentist whom I had consulted earlier suggested extraction, but the tooth condition has gotten worse. The tooth is located in the left back region of the jaw and I am not experiencing any pain. I have been waiting for my doct...  Read Full »

Dr. Nupur Prashant Shah

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern regarding your dental health. The probable cause for your condition is a fractured tooth in the left side of the jaw. There is no pain present in the affected tooth. Therefore, you can fall asleep without being anxious. When your dentist call...  Read Full »

What is the treatment for a chipped tooth that does not have any symptoms?

Query: Hello doctor, I believe I chipped my molar, but am just making sure that it is just a small chip. The molar was already calcified and has been sealed as a result of that. There is no sensitivity, pain, or any symptoms. Wondering if I would get it sealed again or just something to be cautious about....  Read Full »

Dr. Mohammed Musa Alabed Nassar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I checked the pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The broken part seems to be a small part in the enamel layer, you do not have any pain or symptoms, so I believe this tooth is fine and it can be restored with composite filling to prevent any cavi...  Read Full »

I got hit in my mouth, and it hurts when I bite. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, Yesterday, I got hit in my mouth, and this has affected my front teeth. It hurt when I bite down or touch it. I am seeing my dentist tomorrow. Do you have any idea what this is in the meantime?  Read Full »

Dr. Honey Nandwani

Answer: Hello, Welcome back to If it hurts to bite, then there can be many causes. A few of them are listed as It can be just a minor injury that can heal in a few days. There can be a fracture in the crown or root of the teeth. If there is mobility, there can be either tooth or alveolar bone...  Read Full »

What is the treatment for sharp cracked tooth?

Query: Hello doctor,The tooth is sharp and cracked. It is leaving a space in the mouth. What is the treatment?  Read Full »

Dr. Divya Banu M

Answer: Hi, Welcome to How are you doing? I saw the image, but it is not clear (attachment removed to protect patient identity). But, based on how much ever I could appreciate, it seems you have deep caries in your first molar and to some extent nearby second premolar too. The crack or sharp...  Read Full »

What is the best way to treat my chipped front teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, I am brushing twice daily and maintaining good oral hygiene. My teeth are deteriorating and chipping. What would be an effective and cheap way to cover chipped front teeth?  Read Full »

Dr. Geethanjali. S. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The lower cost option for repairing front teeth would be composite fillings (tooth colored filling material). It can be done chair-side and in most cases, you can walk out with the tooth repaired in one appointment. But, the composite fillings cannot be one universal so...  Read Full »

What is the source of my toothache?

Query: Hello doctor, I am having tooth pain, and I am not sure what the cause is. I do have a cavity on the top row beside my front tooth, but would that affect my bottom teeth too? The pain feels like a dull pressure, so maybe it is the wisdom teeth? I am 18, so I suppose it is possible, but I do not hav...  Read Full »

Dr. Srinivas Saketh. G

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your teeth look fine in the picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity), but I suggest you get an appointment with a dentist and get to know what is causing you the pain. Is it the wisdom tooth or the broken tooth or any other tooth having a cavity or is it...  Read Full »

I have toothache after the tooth filling chipped off. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I flossed by a tooth where a filling almost came out and my tooth and gum have been hurting all night. Also have a tooth that is by this molar that fell or chipped out. I do not know if it is an abscess or an exposed nerve in my molar that is right behind it. Took Tylenol 2 every 6 ho...  Read Full »

Dr. Beryl F

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Is the pain sharp or dull? Any gum swelling? If the pain is sharp, lancinating and referring to the same side jaw, temple, ear or throat, then this could be from the tooth with the chipped out filling. Most chipped out fillings expose the underlying nerve which cause...  Read Full »

I have tooth pain due to broken teeth and cavities. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, What can I do for really bad pain from broken teeth, and cavities that need root canals. I am going to a dentist but what can I do in the meantime?  Read Full »

Dr. Soheel Hussain Zargar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your chief complaint suggests broken tooth due to a carious activity which is brought by bacteria. The pain in the tooth is due to caries.  Read Full »

How can I get rid of pain caused by broken tooth?

Query: Hello doctor, I am having acute pain in gum and tooth on the left-hand side and a few days ago the left back corner tooth broke. Kindly suggest me how can I get rid of this pain and strengthen my teeth as it broke without and proper reason. Dentist advised me to take antibiotics for five days but i...  Read Full »

Dr. Osman Adam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your case, it seems you have a cavitated carious tooth that needs to be cleaned in order to get tooth filling. Please visit your dentist near you to get rid of this carious tooth. You should not get proper work and treatment unless you visit the dent...  Read Full »

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