Common "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated condition characterized by extreme fatigue that does not improve with rest and is unexplained by an underlying medical condition. The actual cause of the chronic fatigue syndrome is still unknown, but it may be associated with viral infections or psychological stress. The characteristic symptoms include sleep that is not refreshing, difficulties with memory, focus, and concentration, and dizziness. Treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome consists of anti-depressants and over-the-counter medications and therapies, including exercise and counseling.

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My concentration, swallowing, and sleep are all impaired. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, My symptoms include difficulty concentrating, brain fog, difficulty swallowing and sleeping, fatigue, and irritability. The doctor suspected thyroid disease since my grandfather had thyroid issues. I have reviewed my laboratory results with his. My TSH is 0.325 mIU/mL, T4 Free is 1.47 ng/...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. It appears that you have chronic fatigue syndrome. Yes, your TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormones) is slightly low, but because your T4 (thyroxine) is within normal limits. Therefore, you likely do not have hyperthyroidism currently. You can,...  Read Full »

I have IBS-D with chronic fatigue and anxiety. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have been suffering from IBS-D along with chronic fatigue and anxiety for the last 8 years. Almost everything that I eat comes out of my body. Please help me out.  Read Full »

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand what you are going through. Since I do not have much history of whether you have received any treatment before or not, I will advise a few things you should remember when you have IBS-D (Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea). 1) Avoid foods like bread...  Read Full »

Why am I experiencing recurrent attacks of low-grade fever and fatigue for 17 years?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 49-year-old man with a weight of 85 kilograms and a height of 1.84 meters. I have recurrent attacks of low-grade fever, muscle pain, fatigue, and insomnia, which have remained long-standing since seventeen years. The following laboratory tests including HIV, malarial parasite, comp...  Read Full »

Dr. Basuki Nath Bhagat

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your query. I am sorry for such discomfort you are having. You mention that the symptoms are very low-grade fever, muscle pain, fatigue, and insomnia. These symptoms present in remission and relapsing manner for seventeen years. Obviously, it is a...  Read Full »

Do thyroid disorders cause extreme fatigue?

Query: Hi doctor, Can you please give a second opinion of what you see with these thyroid test readings in a patient with extreme fatigue for 30 years? TSH - 0.170 mIU/mL, T3 - 48.9 ng/dL, reverse T3 - 29.5 ng/dL, T4 - 1.49 mcg/dL, TPO - 68 IU/mL.  Read Full »

Dr. Pawar Satyajit Jalinder

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through the values you have provided. And I have some queries. 1. Values you have provided are incomplete. I would like to see an entire report with reference ranges to give an accurate opinion. 2. Is the value of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) 0.170 or...  Read Full »

Why am I suffering from worsening fatigue despite taking treatment for Vitamin D deficiency?

Query: Hello doctor, I have been suffering from worsening fatigue for the past many years. I have been diagnosed with hEDS, POTS, and MCAS and have had many laboratory tests. My vitamin D deficiency is being worked on and has been treated in the past with no change in fatigue. I am attaching my blood repor...  Read Full »

Dr. Shubadeep Debabrata Sinha

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thanks for your query. You seem to have disconnected syndromes including hypermobility type Ehlrers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS), Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). hEDS has a normal life expectancy. However, th...  Read Full »

I have been suffering from severe fatigue since childhood. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I have been suffering from severe fatigue since childhood. I feel tired even without doing anything, feel like I did too much work or studied too much. I cannot study even for three hours with proper dedication and concentration, as a result, my student life is not successful. If I try ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ramesh Kumar S

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease characterised by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain and other symptoms that are made worse by exertion. Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs more commonly in women. The cause of this condition is u...  Read Full »

I am concerned about varying blood cell counts and feeling tired very easily. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I get done complete blood count every two months, and it has been noticed that levels of B12 and neutrophils are low, and lymphoctyes are high. I feel tired all the time and have been diagnosed with chronic sinus infections and muscle tension. I am taking cyclobenzaprine for muscle cra...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to the I can understand your concern. Three issues are present in your case. Abnormal neutrophils and lymphocyte count. Vitamin B12 deficiency. Chronic fatigue. Your lymphocytes count is high, but absolute lymphocytosis should be ruled out by calculating it...  Read Full »

How to treat chronic fatigue and weakness due to positive EBV?

Query: Hello doctor, I have had problems with chronic fatigue for the past 10 years. I was reading about EBV and the test came back positive. Can you review the attached report and give me analysis and next steps as far as testing and treatment?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The positive IgG report can be due to past infection as well. To rule out recent infection, you need to investigate with IgM antibody estimation against EBV (Epstein-Barr virus). ...  Read Full »

Does chronic fatigue syndrome cause debilitating fatigue with dizziness?

Query: Hi doctor,I am a 34-year-old female with a weight of 72 kilograms and a height of five feet. I have had a complaint of unexplained debilitating fatigue for fifteen years. During the episodes of fatigue, I feel dizzy and become clumsy. I have difficulty focusing or thinking clearly. I studied ballet,...  Read Full »

Dr. Naval Mendiratta

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through the query. Your symptoms point towards chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic pain syndrome. We need to rule out other causes. Since it has been for ten years, you can have a close diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome. You have a low level of complement ...  Read Full »

Why are there positive ANA, chronic fatigue with lightheadedness?

Query: Hi doctor,I am a 23-year-old female. I have a positive ANA, chronic fatigue, and lightheadedness. Also, inflammation markers are elevated. I currently take Adderall 20 mg twice a day, and Prozac 40 mg once a day. And I also performed laboratory tests like CBC, LDH, and CMP.  Read Full »

Dr. Naval Mendiratta

Answer: Hi,Welcome to you for writing. I have gone through your query. There seem to be some doubts about the reports, and I would like to know the history in some more detail. As per the history:1. For how long have you been experiencing fatigue? Is it worse during the day or at night? Di...  Read Full »

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